Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.
how to be dynamo frokane: a guide. step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them step 3; never stop repeating this observation step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers. step 5; rinse and repeat daily bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.
My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To: - I can see the bonds that connect souls to one another. - I can manipulate the soul, or a portion of it to go down a particular path of fate. - I can create new paths within moments based on a singular solitary action. - I can see all that was, is, or will be, in a manner of speaking.
My Name Is: Whyspe, The Weaver
I was the Creator's: I was once his spouse.
I Gain My Strength From: Human Knowledge. As Humans grow, so too do I.
I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of: My Realm's name is Akisivan
My Realm is a Place of: Akisivan is almost a purely white void. It is empty, and yet somehow full. To my eyes the walls are filled with the various strands and streams of time and choices, that all culminate into me.
To Mortals, My Face Is: My appearance changes from mortal to mortal. To my knowledge I have been seen as a child, a fair maiden, a crone, and even an angel.
To My Kin, My Face Is:
I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power: With me at all times, I carry a tome as well as a spindle.
This is what I've got so far, let me know if I need to change anything!
I Am the Goddess Of: The Soul, and Fate
My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To: - I can see the bonds that connect souls to one another. - I can manipulate the soul, or a portion of it to go down a particular path of fate. - I can create new paths within moments based on a singular solitary action. - I can see all that was, is, or will be, in a manner of speaking.
My Name Is: Whyspe, The Weaver
I was the Creator's: I was once his spouse.
I Gain My Strength From: Human Knowledge. As Humans grow, so too do I.
I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of: My Realm's name is Akisivan
My Realm is a Place of: Akisivan is almost a purely white void. It is empty, and yet somehow full. To my eyes the walls are filled with the various strands and streams of time and choices, that all culminate into me.
To Mortals, My Face Is: My appearance changes from mortal to mortal. To my knowledge I have been seen as a child, a fair maiden, a crone, and even an angel.
To My Kin, My Face Is:
I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power: With me at all times, I carry a tome as well as a spindle.
I was tempted to play a Goddess of Arachnids, for example, and then the God of Vermin, before deciding that Death needed a Ying to its Yang.
You could be the God of Vanity, or the God of Courage - literally ANYTHING. Christ, what about the God of Insanity? Imagine what that bastard could do.
Maybe see if some of the other Gods would like a cousin or a child? The God of Courage and the God of War would make for an excellent pairing.
The world is your oyster, in this respect. Just none of that "My God is better than your God, tee-hee!" stuff :)
And also, whoever decides to the play the Goddess of Seduction instantly wins the RP if they get us banned by using too many graphic themes in their posts :P
So imma just quote you to say that I love you. <3
This was literally the most entertaining GM commentary I've ever seen, it was great.
Three realms. Vampire, Fae, Humans, Therianthropes, Reapers (Not Playable at start). Haeline // The Underworld, Soviari’itia-calaeum // Fae Realm, and Gaia // Earth are all converging on one another, by the point that the RP starts only one modern city left. Vampires started from a parasite. Separated into “Pure,” or Parasitic, and tainted. -will define how this works in rough draft- Therianthropes started from shamanic rituals. Humans are separated into: Mundane, Psychics, Gheists. Fae are separated into Seelie and Unseelie.
So, this is just the rough draft of the premise of the RP that I've had in my head for a couple of days. I'm in the process of writing all of the races and their respective information, but I wanted to see if there was any interest in the very base of the RP.
Gone are the years of prosperity for mankind…
Gone are the years of willful ignorance…
Since the dawn of time itself three realms have been in a congruous relationship. Gaia, Haeline, and Soviari’itia-calaeum all functioned with the help of one another, but they were also separated by a veil of sorts. This veil kept the realms from mingling too much. It kept them from altering one another. However, this veil was not meant to be a permanent measure, as inevitably all things will become one. As such, over time, the veil will thin to allow the realms to mingle more closely.
This wasn’t supposed to happen so soon, however.
It was supposed to take millenia for this to occur. Instead, it has been steadily, yet quickly happening over the last ten thousand years, and all three realms have been affected. Gaia has the most to lose, however, as this once little blue planet has started to take on characteristics of its celestial kin, and many of the creatures that live there have taken notice.
Where there were once sprawling cities, there now reside jungles with beasts so much worse than simple “wildlife.” This isn’t the only change, however, but it is the most… noticeable. The other changes to Gaia are small, subtle things, like an influx of spirits, or an increase in the Gheist population.
Since the alterations started slowly across Gaia’s surface, the Fae that call Soviari’itia-calaeum home, as well as other creatures that had been living on Gaia in secret came to light in an attempt to protect it. At least, that was what was first thought to be the case. In the case of the Fae, however, it was soon discovered that they were trying to bring Gaia under their sphere of influence because, as they put it, “They were the precursors to Humanity,” and deserved to take their would-be home back from the walking apes.
As was to be expected this put a strain on the budding relationship between the Fae the denizens of Gaia. One thing that the two groups can agree on, however, is that they do not know what’s causing this process to so quickly occur. The Fae seem to blame Humanity for it, while Humans and their supernatural counterparts which live on the surface of Gaia have taken to blaming the Fae presence.
Humanity will not have an origin story as their origins are still the same as our current Earth.
Long ago, when times were much simpler, and history had just begun to be recorded, several small meteors fell to Earth’s surface in various locations. Many aboriginal peoples that discovered these meteors thought them signs from the gods of their coming. However, what it truly meant, was something far more sinister. Within the pieces of rock that the tribes would bring home to worship there were small, almost granular sized eggs. After a time those eggs hatched, releasing small spider-like creatures. These creatures were few in number, and many did not survive long after hatching, dying in the sun, or in extreme cold within a few hours to a day. Those that did survive, however, did so through attaching themselves to a Human body, almost like a tick. Once they were attached, they were nearly impossible to remove unless the part of the body they were on was severed.
Over time these “spiders” would slowly begin to move from their starting position on the Human’s body until they were able to get to the base of the neck. This process would take months, or even years due to how slow the creatures moved. Once they had reached the base of the neck they would root themselves to it, burying their bodies beneath the skin, and into the bone, until they finally reached the brainstem. Once they were within the brainstem they would release both eggs as well as a toxin that, while it didn’t affect the host, degraded their bodies and caused their DNA to fuse with the host’s. What this produces were Humans who shared similar traits to that of the parasites that infected them. They needed the blood of another being to survive, and they spread their infection through a bite.
Once the parasite was completely fused with their host’s DNA it also gave the host enhanced senses, speed, and strength. This process did not take as long as getting to the brainstem, usually lasting over a period of a month before it was complete. However, with their newfound strength came weaknesses as well. These… “enhanced” Humans were unable to stand in the sun for long periods of time, their skin being more sensitive to its heat. If they stood in it for too long their skin would begin to blister as if they had third degree burns. For a period of time after their transformation they could not ingest Human food without getting sick in some manner, usually throwing up.
Not only did the host’s capabilities increase, so too did its lifespan. Most of these creatures were able to live nearly quadruple (or more) the span that a normal Human could. The aging process for completely transitioned hosts is nearly two thousand times slower than that of a Human’s. However, after the length of an average Human lifespan had passed their body’s processes would slow down, until they finally came to a complete stop. The only thing that would function in them at this point would be the brain, for as long as they were capable of feeding. At a certain point, this would be impossible, however, causing an almost natural death.
Before their processes shut down they would be able to have children. These children would have no need of a living parasite as their DNA would already be altered. The one thing they would need the parasite for, would be to lay the eggs within them, once that job is done, the parasite would die off. Children born this way would quickly grow to the age of eighteen before their aging process would slow as their parents’ did.
Vampire society operates on an aristocratic spectrum. They have a King and a Queen who are supposedly a part of the very first family that was turned. However, since they resurfaced to humanity, their society has changed somewhat. Where there were once several houses that were dictated to be next in line for the throne in the event the current royal house was wiped out, there now resides a council instead.
Now, instead of all decisions going through the royal family alone, everything is voted on by this council before it is implemented on to the general populace. This is, in part, to appease the humans, who saw their society as archaic. It is also an attempt by the king and queen to unite their kin so that if anything were to happen, vampires would survive.
The council is made up of twenty-four members, two of which include the king and queen. Each member is a representative of the strongest families. They are hand-picked by either the head of their house, or someone already on the council who is willing to vouch for them.
Since the enactment of the council, several new laws have been imposed on vampires as a whole.
1. Killing Humans should be reserved for self-defense alone. If you do kill a Human, you are required to report it to the council at once. 2. When venturing into the beastlands, it is necessary that you have at least one other of your kin with you. Tread with the utmost caution. 3. Use the utmost caution around Therianthropes. Though they are under the guise of protecting Humanity, they still hold our kind in contempt.
Enhanced Physiology: A Vampire’s physiology is different. Stronger. They are faster, stronger, and have heightened senses.
Compulsion: The ability to convince a being to do something that they otherwise might not. This ability is triggered by locking eyes with a vampire, though it is easily controlled. It doesn’t work on everyone, or even every being.
During a period of particularly strong vampiric presence a few aboriginal tribes turned to magic to combat the threat of extinction. Many of them believed in shamanic practices, and turned to their resident shamans to help them. The Shamans conversed with their ancestors and came to create both an elixir and a spell. These two things combined with techniques that were lost over the centuries allowed for the creation of men and women who could transform into beasts.
This spell, and elixir gifted the believer with not only the ability to transform, but also gave them enhanced speed, strength, and senses in their Human form. Originally, the partakers in this ritual were able to transform between their Human form, a humanoid beast form, and a complete beast form. However, over the centuries the knowledge of how they achieved this was lost, leaving descendants with only the ability to transform between Human and Humanoid forms. Not only was that knowledge lost, so too was the knowledge of how to change the type of animal one could turn into. Now, the most common form of a therianthrope, is a werewolf.
Descendants of the tribes which participated in these rituals no longer have to do a ritual to access this power. The magic that was used has infused itself into their life force, making them something more than Human from birth.
Unbeknownst to most of the current descendants, they can change their animal/beast from a wolf to something else, but once this process has been achieved they will never be able to change into a wolf-type therianthrope again. They can also still change between all three of their forms as well, but both of these abilities are very rare, and only make up about .01% of the therianthrope population.
Therianthrope society could be described as nothing less than tribal, or nomadic. There are clusters of them spread throughout many different countries. Rather than having one ruling body, each group has their own leader, an alpha, if you will.
Enhanced Physiology: Therianthrope physiology is different. Stronger. They are faster, stronger, and have heightened senses.
Shapeshifting: The ability to change their shape at will. Unlike lore would suggest, they do not lose control on the full moon, it most cases they lose control because of emotions.
The Fae, or Faerie as they’re sometimes known are an extraterrestrial race. Their original planet was a beautiful place, practically covered in lush forests. They had lived there since the dawn of their race, however, as time went on more and more it appeared as if their planet was rejecting them. The lush forests had begun to die, and many of the Fae were becoming ill for inexplicable reasons. What had they done to deserve this?
After a few years passed for the beings, they finally decided that it was time to leave their home. If they didn’t, their entire race would be wiped out. And so, they set out in search of a planet that could sustain them.
When they finally found one, it was practically empty. The planet had just begun to be able to sustain life. One of the Fae elders took it upon themselves to talk with the newly formed planet’s soul, and learned that its name was Gaia. Earth. They begged the planet to let them live on its surface, and it agreed on one condition.
The Fae would have to live on the version of the planet that was higher up dimensionally so that they did not affect the creatures that were beginning to bud on its current surface. The Fae readily agreed to this, and thus Soviari’itia-calaeum was born. As time went on, the Fae watched over the lower-level Gaia, finding the races that she managed to bear interesting little play things. Occasionally they would lower themselves dimensionally to mess with the creatures, or sometimes, even help them grow.
They were like the ever vigilant big brother who wanted to be the only one to pick on their little sibling.
After a few thousand years an inner turmoil between the Fae began to surface. Originally of one court, their King and Queen began to fight between each other. Apparently, the King had grown jealous of the fact that only the Queen was able to create children. Because of this, the king began to study things in secret. The things he studied allowed him to create living creatures, yes, but they were far from what the natural Fae were. They were abominations, but they were his.
When he had finished creating a few “new” Fae, he came upon a Fae woman who fancied him, and discovered that she could breed unlike many of the other females of their race. With her permission, the King studied this woman, and before long he had actually reared children from her womb.
Shortly after the birth of these children, the King and his new mistress were found out by the Queen and were sent to the far reaches of Soviari’itia. It was in this location that the king formed a new court, thus dividing the Fae in half. Those who followed the King and his new Queen, and those that stayed with the “true” Queen.
SOCIETY & HIERARCHY In general Fae are separated into two Groups. Seelie and Unseelie, both having separate royalty.
Seelie: Thought to be synonymous with light and life, the Seelie Fae are most often portrayed as having bright shimmering bodies, and the ability to create life. More often than not, these Fae are seen as bringers of Hope and prosperity. The Seelie Fae court is broken up into a singular Matriarchal ruling body, followed by a parliament of sorts. The parliament is broken up into four princesses, and four princes.
Unseelie: Thought to be synonymous with darkness and death, the Unseelie Fae are most often portrayed as having darker, more shadow oriented bodies, and the ability to affect emotions, and choices. More often than not these Fae are seen as Harbingers of Chaos and destruction. The Unseelie court is a monarchy in its entirety. Everything is decided by the King, and/or the queen.
As stated above each faction of Fae is broken up into a perspective role. However, this is not usually how it works. A Fae’s body usually represents the season in which they were born. So, a Seelie Fae could very well be winter-based, while an Unseelie Fae could be Summer-based.
Glamour: A Glamour is the ability to mask your true form. All Fae have this ability because they believe that their true forms are too pure to be seen by any other save for their own race. However, there are some that can see through this ability.
Crux: In most cases a Fae from either group is based entirely on a core concept. Something that is ingrained in their personality, their abilities, and even their glamours. This concept is their driving force behind everything that they do, and anything that they wish to become, and it is something that, while it can’t be changed, can evolve as required to suit the individual’s needs. This concept could be anything from “entanglement” to “The perpetuation of bias,”
Born long before many other races were even beginning to exist, these creatures lived silently within their own realm, Haeline. As their name suggests they hold dominion over life and death. For each living thing there is a Reaper, and almost vice versa. Whenever a species’ numbers exceed that of Reapers, more are created, but from what, no one really knows. In this universe, even the planets are alive.
Reapers don’t have much of a society, or a hierarchy to speak of. In most cases they are left to their own devices when it comes to choices that they can make. One thing that all Reapers can agree on, however, is that they must write within the Tome of Caevine. This tome is in essence what governs the Reapers as a whole. As each Reaper is “born” they are shown their own future. Whatever they see in that vision is required to go inside the Tome. In most cases it is the names, times, and events of their charge’s death.
HUMANS It should be noted that Humans are separated in three categories: Mundane, Psychic, and Gheist. Mundane Humans will have no description listed here as they are pretty much completely normal; they are also the most abundant type of Human.
Psychic: These are Humans who have psionic abilities (telepathy, or telekinesis). In general, they are no different than your average human. The main differences between these genetic offshoots of Humans is that they can live up to fifty years longer, and manipulate things with their minds.
It should be noted that, being of one of the minorities of their race, Psychics are less accepted than a mundane. There is an aspect of racism towards Psychics, as well as Gheists, one that most people will try to hide, or ignore.
Gheist: The child between a Psychic and a Reaper, these hybrid Humans have abilities beyond the scope of imagination, though a majority of the population don’t have access to them. Gheists are biologically immortal, meaning that they could potentially live forever, but they can die via normal means that any other Human can.
Gheist abilities range from seeing and interacting with spirits to precognitience. In some very rare cases they even have the ability to manipulate the soul of other beings.
So, instead of describing locations, I'm going to allow you as players to do that yourselves! Below you will find examples of places that could exist in the different realms you'll be playing in.
Sorry to interrupt the OOC, but I saw this and felt the need to correct it. There were only 70 years of peace, meaning that the attack that almost wiped out the Xeinae happened within that last year. ^^; Sorry again!
how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.
- by Grim
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><br>how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.<br>step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing<br>step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them<br>step 3; never stop repeating this observation<br>step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.<br>step 5; rinse and repeat daily<br>bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.<br><br>- by Grim</div>