Thank you to whoever sent me a candy cane <3
4 yrs ago
That moment when you realize one of your friends changed their username. Hello, again!
4 yrs ago
pls we don't need more lolis
4 yrs ago
While I'm thinking about it, I just want to openly apologize to anyone I've ghosted in the past if you're still active on the site. I know some people don't care, but I am sorry, fam.
4 yrs ago
Advanced RPs are usually way slower than casual ones, if that's a concern for you, casual regardless of post length is a good spot for you for sure! That's what I've noticed anyway.
how to be dynamo frokane: a guide. step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them step 3; never stop repeating this observation step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers. step 5; rinse and repeat daily bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.
CS Reused the layout I made when I made Caerina with several edits to suit this RP. Right now all that's filled out is the top part of the "General" tab.
how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.
step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing
step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them
step 3; never stop repeating this observation
step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.
step 5; rinse and repeat daily
bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.
- by Grim
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><br>how to be dynamo frokane: a guide.<br>step 1; randomly tag people and bait them into arguing<br>step 2; once someone takes the bait, make a poorly made observation about them<br>step 3; never stop repeating this observation<br>step 4; ignore any valid points they make, because losing against people who have more brain cells than you have chromosomes is for losers.<br>step 5; rinse and repeat daily<br>bonus step; if they start to ignore you, constantly tag them in the hopes they'll give your attention whoring ass some more of that loving attention.<br><br>- by Grim</div>