• Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Cerianis
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 58 (0.01 / day)
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    1. Cerianis 11 yrs ago


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Superfly said
Hearts. I can see it now, her going to sleep on a full stomach of Lizard, then cradling a few hearts in jars as she sleeps.

Shhh! don't ruin all of my plans! Damnit Super
HOLY CRAP! Excellent idea

*gets to plotting*

Maybe tongues... tongues would make an excellent sweetened dish that she can save for later :3
Superfly said

*grins, eyes glinting*
Superfly said
Yeah, I'm no longer the most twisted person in the RP anymore.

*blinks innocently holding up a kitten*
Snafeliz stood in the shadows of a house with J’ffer on her shoulder, however not for much longer as the fire came closer and showed her in stark contrast against the house. The glittering light of the fire put the wounds that she had sustained on bright display. Her shirt was caked in blood, still moist and sticky, lines beading in her fur matting it. She had one set of claw marks down one cheek bone, the blood still steadily dripping from it. Her shirt was torn, another set of claw marks had ripped the stiff material, just barely nicking the skin underneath. She had one small nick on her upper arm.

She bared her teeth in a growl, her canines glinting in the fires dancing light as she pounced on an Argonian that had sighted her, J’ffer jumping off at the last second. She had transferred her sword to her left hand and reached with the right one towards her enemy’s neck. Her sharp claws dug deep and she ripped her hand away, taking voice box, esophagus and windpipe alike. The Argonian clawed at the air for several moments before collapsing. Snafeliz threw away the throat and it’s parts as she turned around to face the other Argonians that had charged her. She transferred the sword back to her dominant hand and swung it up as she knelt down, the blade getting stuck somewhere in the middle of her foes body and she sustained another claw to the side for her efforts as the Argonian filth struggled in its death throes. She tugged the sword out and pulled her knife into her other hand as she became surrounded.

A growl came low from her diaphragm, her lips vibrating with the low sound as she twirled, sword flashing and knife darting. J’ffer helped in the way he could, but against the hist sap, he could only help make them bleed. Once or twice he was able to leap up and take a chunk or two from their throats, helping weaken them more.
Snafeliz got hit with the pummel of some weapon or other, probably a sword and went sprawling to the ground. She felt the split in her cheek and the loose tooth, but rolled as her back hit the ground spitting the tooth out in a spray of blood and cracked her neck before pouncing back into the action. She flipped the knife in her hand so that the blade lay to the outside of her hand and she bought the gauntleted hand up to smash into the face of one of two remaining Argonians. His head snapped back as she said “Renrij scum, this one will show you what it means to fight.” With that, she ran her sword through him, her blood flying everywhere from her exertions.

Running on adrenaline and stubbornness she turned to the last Argonian that was distracted trying to skewer J’ffer as he attacked, clawing where he could, and biting likewise. She stalked towards her prey, her sword back in her left hand. By the time the distracted Argonian looked up to see the threat she had pulled off any protection he had been wearing and she kicked him powerfully, sending him back a step. A sound escaped her lips, escalating into another growl, her face contorted into pleasure at the fight. As the Argonian recovered from his surprise and came at her swinging his great ax, she ducked and came in close, her fist punching the filth in the chin, his head snapping to the side, the momentum sending him to the ground.

She grinned, the feral sight would have made any citizen of Bravil retreat quickly, but the Argonian simply made as if to get up. Instead, she bent over the slightly dizzied male and unsheathed her claws. “This one will enjoy that you feel no pain, and this one will laugh,” and let her claws rip the soft stomach scales, the sound making her laugh joyously as the Argonian struggled under her, bucking as much as he could. As her hand wrapped around his heart, she tugged it out and muttered “Jekosiit filth.” As she stood up and walked away still grinning, she took a bite out of the heart before throwing it away. The taste turned her face sour and she spat it out and wiped her hand down the back of her skirt in a futile attempt to clear the blood.

She noticed a few more scratches that she must have obtained from that last Argonian, but she shrugged it off. There would be time for that later. For now, she headed towards the docks, following the direction of the fire and the shouts she could hear nearby.
^.^ I shall have to watch closely then
Fatal Error 1337 said
Gah! I've got to stop doing this to myself. That was 6k characters and it's 2a.m. now.

It was an excellent post though, I enjoyed reading it immensely
Snafeliz had since been kept busy with the influx of refugees from Leyawiin. She had opened her doors to the young and the elderly to help keep them off the streets. Mostly just a few refugee Khajiit that had managed to escape. During the night she ushered them upstairs so that she could still keep her business running, and in this time of distress many had turned to the bottle. She’d bought on extra guards to help maintain civility and to ensure that the children and elderly upstairs were left alone by her clients, but didn’t go pocketing any of her valuables either. After all, she still had to keep up her livelihood while she could. She had to eat like everyone else, and now she had more mouths that she had to feed.

She finished wiping over the bench and went to see the cook in the kitchen. “A peaceful greeting to you. This one is most weary. There is much to be done and this one fears there is more yet to come.” She straightened her skirt as the chef gave a similar greeting and handed over a bowl of broth. With the bowl in hand she left the kitchen and sat down at one of the now empty tables. Later she’d put one of the youngsters to work while she took a nap before the night crowd came in to drink their sorrows away. Since the town had welcomed the refugees, and she had welcomed some to her house and establishment, she had decreed that the younger ones could work the bar with her to help with the upkeep, what with all the new patronage. The youngsters felt better being able to do something and it usually meant that Snafeliz could get some sleep during the daytime. Chef had an easier time of it as well as she did not have to tend to the kitchen and the bar during the day should they get customers.
Snafeliz took a bite of meat off of her spoon and chewed slowly as she thought. She let the taste of the sweetened meat roll over her as she felt herself unwinding after the long day and even longer week. One of the younger children spoke up from her elbow. “A peaceful greeting to you, bar mistress Snafeliz.” She looked down at the child and her smile was less bright than one of her lamps. “A peaceful greeting to you, Ma.”

“This Khajiit will help the bar mistress Snafeliz this evening.”

“Snafeliz thanks you. Help in the kitchen until this one calls for you.” With that the child scurried off to help Chef in the kitchen and J’ffer slunk over to her and jumped into her lap, purring for some of the sweet meat still in her bowl. “Speak. Khajiit will listen until all of the sugars of the world turn sour,” she said fondly to her brother, handing him a large piece of meat from her spoon. He returned the greeting, purring loudly before taking the meat delicately from her fingers. She let him lick her fingertips clean of all the juices and returned the bowl to the kitchen. The child took the bowl from her hands and dashed away to get it clean before hurrying on with the other chores to be done.
She slipped out the back to check on her supplies, sighing heavily. She had not been able to procure supplies since Bravil had shut down and she was getting low. She’d have to start turning away customers soon if this kept up much longer. That’s when she heard the commotion. Her ears pricked at the sound and she tensed. She ran for her gauntlets and had shouted for the guards whom had arrived only a few short hours ago as the door flew open. An Argonian flew through the door as she picked up her sword, slinging the sheath over her shoulder, grinning and scattering the few customers that had come in early, mostly Khajiit eager to disappear into the bottoms of their cups for the night.

A hulking male came up beside her claws on one hand at the ready, a knife as long as her forearm ready in the other. They moved toward the Argonian together, she swiped down at him, her sword catching his forearm, slicing it open. When he didn’t even so much as flinch at the damage, she knew he was deep into Hist Sap. A sliver of fear darted into her mind, but she pushed it aside as she wondered at her options. Together she and the guard struggled against the Argonian until she backed out and let him do the job himself. “This one’s eyes surely deceive her,” she said as she saw more Argonians come towards them, eager to join in the fight. By now the other two guards had come, eager to fight after relatively quiet week despite the refugees. They grabbed various weapons and stepped over the body as it spewed a puddle of blood from its opened neck. As the three males fought the small band of Argonians, Snafeliz quickly ran back inside snatching her other gauntlet as she did so and ran upstairs to fetch the refugees. At the top of the stairs she came face to face with her Chef and a knife pointed directly at her throat.

After a quick withdrawal Chef said sheepishly, “This Khajiit did not mean to harm you.” However Snafeliz waved off the apology and informed the group that they would be moving and that those who could wield a knife were to take what they could from kitchen. After they had all left for the kitchen, she picked up a small bag that she could hang over her shoulder and placed her spare gauntlet in it and picked up the small stash of treasure she’d been keeping hidden. She made sure so as to not let it clink and attached it to the leather thong that she tied her dagger to against her thigh. Chef gave her a knowing look and turned back to keep guard while her boss shifted her skirts to hide the pouch. They descended the stairs together to the accompaniment of shouts and clangs of swords. In the kitchen she said, “Follow this Khajiit,” and led the way out the back and into a surprised group of Argonians that had seemingly been preparing to enter from the back while their comrades fought at the front.

J’ffer whom had been at Snafeliz’s feet had weaved out from the group without a sound, avoiding the confrontation completely as he jumped onto a ledge. Overcoming her surprise, Snafeliz jumped forward taking a head clean off for her efforts. The rest of the Argonians surged forward overcoming the party easily, killing most of the elderly almost effortlessly, although sustained serious but not mortal wounds for their efforts. The oldest of the young seemed little better, but not by much and the youngest were slaughtered easily, their last cries melting Snafeliz and Y’ffers hearts more than a little, however they ignored it as best they could and slowly the Argonian party was whittled down to two, but so was theirs. Chef had sustained serious, and more than likely mortal wounds, but was still holding her ground. Snafeliz dodged a swipe at her midsection and came to stand at a forty-five degree angle to the Argonian and bought her sword up and around, lodging it deeply into the males side.

He collapsed to one knee. As she bought the sword down, she said “This one avenges her fallen companions,” and let the blade slide through to the Argonians spine. She came up behind the last Argonian who was distracted pilfering through Chefs clothes looking for anything of worth when he looked down to see a sword tip sticking out through his chest. Snafeliz placed a foot on his back and pushed him off of her blade. She knelt down, keeping her skirt from sitting in blood and quickly cleaned her sword before sheathing it. When she stood up, J’ffer was by her side and together they made their way to the castle, hiding in the deepest of shadows avoiding notice where possible, fighting where it wasn’t.
Name: Snafeliz
Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: Khajiit

Appearance: Snafeliz
Amendments to the clothing: She wears a long flowing skirt instead of the pants, but the pattern and colouring is identical. While working she wears a typical barmaid shirt that fits snugly around her frame and the sword is kept behind the bar in case she needs it. For minor emergencies, she can reach into a hidden pocket in her skirt and pull out a short 6 inch dagger. Mostly though if there is a bar brawl she can rough it with just her claws and skills. She also doesn’t have the chest plating, but she have the arm guards, worn when she is not using her sword, or the left one is donned when she is using her sword. The gauntlets have openings at the fingertips to allow her razor sharp claws to extend out and slice.

Job: Barmaid and owner

Skills: Like all Khajiit, she is stealthy and good at thieving, however unlike most Khajiit she can resist the urge to travel, and to experience change. This has allowed her to start a business that keeps her in contact with most khajiit traveling through. Because of this, she can more often than not be able to tell any customer where they would most likely be able to find what it is they’re looking for. Not only this but her smooth yet strong alcohol and her skill of speech keeps her clients spending until they’re far beyond what they intended on spending, or drinking for that matter. She is proficient enough at illusion spells to pacify her customers if they get into a brawl for long enough to haul them out and dump them.

Personality: Because she has a reputation to uphold she runs a clean business and does not tolerate any kind of thieving in her bar. Not to say she won’t send a rude customer to one of her more sneaky tradesmen cousins, but in the bar if she catches anyone thieving they’ll be leaving with a more than a few scars. She’s polite and friendly to all of her clients which makes new comers suspect her of sneaky tactics, however the locals know of her well. However as soon as a brawl gets underway she’ll be in the thick of it hauling the upstarts out of her establishment with a snarl and thrown to the dirt with threats to go elsewhere for the night.
She has a companion, an Alfiq, mainly black with leopard yellow stripes, that prowls around the bar, quiet often surveying the events or pandering to the clients to get pats. S’Nafeliz will not tolerate anyone disrespecting her companion J'ffer.

History: Snafeliz was born into a wondering caravan that sold various wares and often performed, though mostly for other Khajiit. She had several older siblings, and several younger. However the one that she was most connected with was J'ffer, an older brother whom protected her from the rest of her siblings. As S’Nafeliz grew older her father taught her the Rawlith Khaj to defend herself should they be attacked. As she got older however she became tired of being taunted by her siblings, most of them much stronger than herself and decided that she would take to living in a small town or city. At the next city, just after she had turned 16, she left her family, her mother upset to see her go, her father eager to see how well she did by herself and her siblings smug to see the back of her. Her father had gifted her with her sword and the gauntlets and she used them to defend against those that would take her against her will.

She used her thieving skills to get her a small room for a while as she did her rounds in the city, but she soon moved on to the next city or town. She kept this up for several years eventually changing thieving for bartending jobs, until she was 22 years old, and had amassed herself enough to start a small business. She settled down in Bravil, and began her business. At first she mainly attracted other Khajiit, but her low prices attracted those who could only afford the cheap stuff, and her penchant for keeping a (relatively) honest establishment attracted others.

Starting Point: Bravil
It was an epic fight scene though ^^
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