The Oslad Federation Oslograde, Feburary 3rd, 1836
Upon word arriving in the capital of the massacre of the Jarelians in Murelia the Osladian Federation had to take a side. After many hours of furious debate from both the nobles supporting the status quo and the more liberal oriented calling for denunciation of the Murelians the King took a side...
"Gentlemen, in the early days of our Federation we too saw the ailments that now affect Murelia's southern landscape. We too fought revolts against Holsidanian nationalists that others in foreign lands would call genocide. Yet, our Federation was made stronger in those days of fire and sword. However, we did not burn cities or hunt down ethnic Holsidanians. Therefore, I must say that the actions committed in southern Murelia were barbaric and equal to the crimes the nationalists have committed in their road to this revolution.
Holy Saint Glavidius preached of the right to rule and of keeping the lands in their most natural state, but he also preached of mercy and aiding the oppressed and less privileged. Therefore, as my right as ruler of our fair Federation, I call for fellow Glavidians to cease their aid to the Murelian monarchy and call for a peaceful settlement to this crisis. There has been enough bloodshed and death on both sides within only a single month, if this continues any longer a civil war would tear Murelia apart and cause suffering to both native Murelians and the Jarelian people."
Many said that King Ulgrin had taken a cowardly route, not directly calling for support to either side but calling instead for a peaceful ending. However at the end of the debating the King's words gave relief to both the Jarelian and Murelian supporters within the Federation and kept both ends of the political arena from further anger. There was concern that the King's religious pleading, without support or counsel from any of the Patriarchs in Sarahek, would cause a rift within the Glavidian faith. This was especially true with the issue of many Glavidians following Saint Glavidius's words about divine right and the power of Kings.