Since time immemorable the city of Atlantica, or AC as it was known before the fall, has been run by men of enterprise. Records show that in ancient times Atlantica was ruled by a mighty man only known as
"Commodore", who utilized suavey business sense and ruthless political tact to turn the small village into a mighty city-state in the old world. After his passing Atlantica fell into the hands of
his heirs, and Atlantica prospered as a beacon of commerce and luxury. However, with the fall of the old guard the city would begin to decline, and fall into relative obscurity as the grand cities of New York, Chicago, Boston, and the fabled western "City of Angels" became dominant centers of trade and industry. However, with the great sickness and the fall came opportunity.
In the aftermath of the great collapse, local city constables moved to establish order regionally around Atlantica, utilizing support from what modern scholars can only assume was once a grand "air port" to centralize their regional control. However, no amount of military organization or martial law could prepare the new military government for what would come after the collapse. The Sickness as it is now known spread like wildfire among the poor of Atlantica, and soon not even the richest of merchants or highest ranking constable was safe from the dreaded death. However time heals all wounds, and within the decade the population of sick began to die, and with their bodies burned Atlantica would fall into a silent mourning for the world now lost.
In the region's darkest moment came the Commodores Guild. The few surviving 'old guard' of Atlantica's past came forward to the ailing populace with a plan. The solution to the presents problem was a return to the old, and with their help the grandeur of the past could be gained once more, with only a small fee of course. With little hope remaining, those left from the decades of chaos and sickness put their last prayers in the Guild, and the newly 'elected' Martin van Alden established himself as Atlantica's first 'Grand Commodore'.
A modern interpretation of Grand Commodore van Alden 'The Builder'Commodore van Alden envisioned an Atlantica restored to the greatness of the old world. A city of lights that shone like a grand lighthouse, a city for all sailors to come to port. Under the Guild's, and thus van Alden's, guidance the city's famous boardwalk was converted into a grand harbor, and small coastal vessels constructed from wooden rubble began short voyages up and down the Jersey coast looking for survivors beyond Atlantica. Over time the small city began to repair itself and, as more surviving communities were found south on the Delmarva peninsula, Atlantica became a peninsular trade hub where necessities could be traded between communities as needed. With no standardized currency like in the old world, Atlantica became home to a new form of barter economy with merchants taking sometimes vessels as small as rowboats to port in order to barter with local producers.
As the years past, and the Grand Commodore was succeeded by a series of less notable merchant lords and upstart diplomats, Atlantica plateaued as a middling merchant town with a larger than average port. However, this all changed with the rise of the Empire State.