In an unidentified corner of the massive world lies a city dominantly known as Loris City. In the city, all activity is quiet and uninterrupted. Creativity is a rare concept, as not a trace of it is to be found in the city.
Creativity, you say?
In the city of Loris, creativity does not even exist. The unexpecting citizens do not believe there to be more to their daily lives, as they perform their daily tasks robotically. Art, music, and sports are unheard of, as if they are meaningless words from a foreign language from a land never to be heard of. The very concept of these artistic pursuits does not make sense to the Lorisian citizen. During the very founding days of Loris City, citizens were conditioned into thinking that there would be nothing beyond the city itself. Soon, as Loris' population rose, the Ruse produced by such a way of thinking became more and more powerful. Soon enough, the Lorisian citizen would not be able to grasp the very concept of such outlandish concepts, should a wayward traveler attempt to introduce them. Curiosity is considered as the deadliest of vices to ever be possessed by a Lorisian Citizen.
Unfortunately, no such traveler would be able to enter. Loris City is protected by its ever expanding boundaries. At the edge of the boundary sits the Gatekeepers. These individuals possess immense power. It was said that one of them could wipe out the entire Lorisian civilization. The Gatekeepers guarded the boundaries with ease, and it was not in the mindset of the Lorisian citizen to trespass the boundaries. In fact, none of them even thought of doing it.
However, the Lorisian people did have mythology. They believed in the Reaper, one who would bring death to those who did not fulfill their daily duties. The very thought of the Reaper struck fear into the heart of every citizen.
Fear was the only emotion that a Lorisian citizen would ever get to feel. Fear from the authorities. Fear from the reaper. Such fear and lack of curiosity gave power to the Ruse that made artistic pursuits nonexistent for the Lorisian citizen. Progress, as the authorities dubbed it, was uncapped. The population grew, and the boundaries expanded.
Welcome to Loris City.
A businessman sit behind his table. He wore a tuxedo on top of his white polo shirt, along with a pair of black pants and black shoes; His office uniform. Everyday, he wake up, have breakfast, and walk up to his office. In his room, beside his desk, there was a large window. From there, he would see several people working in the production of bread. Sandwiches were the common staple for a citizen, and they tasted the same always.
Just then, the man heard a knock on the door. No, not a knock, but a series of knocks. The knock was monotonous and repetitive, somehow resembling the man's daily life. The man walked up to the door and opened it, revealing the guise of a fine gentleman. His clothes were identical to that of the businessman's, except that he wore a hat and was carrying a suitcase. The gentleman began to speak.
"Good evening, Bob Meyer."
"Good evening sir. Have you come to check on our daily quota?"
"I do not care for such trivial things, my friend. Such a statistic only plays a small part in the request of my client, who holds me with great esteem. I have much more important business to accomplish here, Bob Meyer."
"That is reassuring to me, sir. May I please request your name?"
The gentleman smiled, revealing an assortment of wrinkles that defined a deftly-crafted disguise. Indeed, the gentleman had much more to do, for his duty was more important than Bob Meyer's was.
"They call me The Reaper "
The following day, the name Bob Meyer would be found on a large list placed on a wall located in the City Hall. It read:
Similarly, another man who went by the name of Counselor Mark Awanson would be in the middle of a phone call.
"Excellent work. Soon, we will be working hand in hand in order to terraform the very world as we see it."
"Indeed. I used to believe that such a mutual pact to be painstaking to make, but seeing that we both reap the rewards from our work, I choose to believe that we are receiving the rewards of our work accordingly."
"You've been very productive over the past few weeks, sir. I accolade you."
"My pleasure."
Counselor Mark Awanson hung up. A slight smile spread across his face. He was very pleased by the current flow of events.
Meanwhile, a young girl lay asleep in bed.
Far, far away, a hooded traveler walked the hills. A necklace dangled from her neck, as it glowed a vibrant blue. The traveler was surrounded by a vibrant palette of colors, although she did not give them much notice. She then turned towards her companion, who happened to be a towering stone golem.
"I've sure missed out on a lot, haven't I?"