Seeing as the Bible was written 2000+ years ago by some guys with various revisions and interpretations since then, I treat it much like Wikipedia; not a credible source. It's nothing more than a belief. No physical entity exists. I can understand why we have religion as people need a place to turn to, however I often feel bad for some of them. Go to an emergency room and look at the various people there, whether it was from a car accident or cancer that spread to the brain, and pray for them. Remove the doctors, the science and technology, and tell me how that belief works out for them.
Anyway, I digress. The folks at Westboro are like the trolls in Spam, they crave attention and enjoy causing controversy. I don't think you should clump those in with people that are serious about their religion and aren't missing a few screws in their head. The nice thing is, many people use larger signs, vehicles, etc to physically block these parasites and can go about their funerals or what not, in relative peace, as they should. Unfortunately it's their freedom of speech to be there with signs, as long as they aren't violating other laws in the process.