After a bit of a wait, three more students came to the gate. The first one had mentioned about being a mage in divination. Eisen didnt know what to think. He had been raised to see those gifted with the magical arts as weak and untrust worthy. It was not his fault he held such a strong disdain for magic weilders, it was the way he was brought up. Maybe one day he would change. Maybe the experience at the academy my open his eyes to his narrow veiw. But until then...
She had mentioned something about someone being hungery. Eisen knew she was talking about him.
"Yes, that would be me" He said. He couldnt help to feel disdain for her sorceress ways.
@MagnatoThe second girl seemed nice. She bore a weapon that he had never seen before and mentioned something about combat expertise. Eisen liked what he was hearing in his ally.
@FrettzoAnother boy, James came down. Eisen was glad to see another male in the group. He didnt feel comfortable around all these girls. He nodded his direction, but something seemed off about him. Another mage maybe? Something more?
@VocabEventual the other students came and it was time to start the mission. After debreifing, Eisen felt a little more at ease. He didnt have experience fighting zombies, but if they were anything like he heard in the media and movies, they were slow and stupid. This may be an easy mission after all. Eisen waited for further instructions from the appinted leader. He heard good words from the Helsing family, and thought it an honor to follow one.