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Name: Carson Anthony Graye.

Age: Seventeen (Senior).

Gender: Male.

Power: Duplication (temporal) - Ability to bring past and future versions of oneself back to the present.

Personality: Carson is full of wasted potential, a kid who grew up being told that he was smart and that he had a chance to go very far. He was imaginative and creative, often writing silly stories or drawing strange monsters. Though he is smart, incredibly clever and prone to thinking of complex plans and ideas, he's also very lazy. The extent of this laziness is almost horrifying, he has a tendency to never complete assignments, sometimes to never start them at all, it's nearly ridiculous the levels that he's willing to go to avoid doing them in general. Prone to trying to avoid tests and to trying to skip school, Carson is almost always ready to jump at a moment's notice. Too preoccupied in his own self to care about the grades that he's let drastically fall. Though he tends to look on the bright side and keeps an almost amused air about everything that he faces.

Likes: Parties, smoking, meeting people, beaches, rain, animals, video games, drawing.

Dislikes: Arguments that involve screaming or loud noises, math, dreams that end on cliff hangers.

History: He was born here with his mother and father, a pair who were often on the fritz of divorcing and that kept him almost always on the edge, made him sort of act out. He became very good at story telling, found a penchant for weaving tales to all who would listen to him but as he got older, his parents started to find that the tales had become clever lies and that the boy was no longer making his gentle stories but instead finding new ways to trick them into letting him do just about everything he wanted to do. This often got him in trouble, leaving him to his own devices, the boy started to rely on his story telling to guide him forth, found ways to weasel out windows and he ended up constantly getting in trouble. This new habit of sneaking out at night and becoming somewhat lazy with his school work lead him to dropping in his grades and the stories gave way to his new hobbies, bumming cigarettes and disappointing his dear parents.


School, it was Carson's bane and an utmost pain in his ass. If he wasn't such a lazy individual then there might be the slightest chance of him excelling and maybe even give him a chance at honor roll but since he was, the hope of that was null and void. Carson hadn't always been like this but it had started with a vengeance that his parents probably cursed every waking moment. It wasn't that he particularly hated everything about school, it was that it was particularly boring and he didn't have the mental capability of focusing on things that bored him. Carson wasn't even sure he had the mental capability of finishing the test they'd made him stay back to complete but now that he was escaping the brick building, he felt much better. It was just a lot nicer to be free and he could nearly breathe now, the day had possibilities but he had nothing scheduled so they just weren't really his possibilities.

Weighing his options hopefully, he decided that he couldn't really go wrong with the cafe. It wasn't a place he frequented much but it was a place he was familiar with and with his parents arguing avidly at home, it was a place he could hide in for a few hours. Maybe pester a few frequenters that he knew, maybe find a party to spend the rest of the night at. That was the initial plan anyway and far be it from him to stop himself from being an innovator and an idealist. Honestly, he could have gone anywhere to escape his parental figures and they're penchant for breathless yelling but his scattered friends all seemed to be doing something, as if he cared for their company anyhow. Every now a then he could handle the half-hearted banter between them and himself but a good lot of the time, they seemed to be out of it, so he supposed that he was better off trying to grab a coffee-shop friend.

The mall was always teeming with activity and that was what he liked, people, activity, noise. There was something about it that made him excited, brought out the best in him. It was a side of him that never showed itself in school, social and warm, ready to make quips at a moment's notice and eager to impress. He came off as kind of a lost soul in school, kind of just following the more popular brand of teens around and not really invested into anything. He was bored, irritated and kind of a killjoy until he was surrounded in positive activity, ample amounts of people and various social endeavors, it gave his wings room to stretch and it made him happy. That was all he'd ever really wanted, an escape to something pleasant. Walking to the cafe was easy, kept his mind from wandering to the things he was pushing backwards in it. Things like the party and the smiling child. Things he couldn't clear out.

Pulling the worn pack of mix-matched cigarettes from his pocket, he counted them over again and made a face. He was definitely getting low and trying to get cigarettes off of other people got ridiculous sometimes, but it kept him from having to ask his poor old mother to buy him anything. Shoving the crumpled pack back into his pocket, he headed towards the cafe and drew in a deep breath of the air, it calmed his nerves as he approached, already recognizing a face or two when he opened the door. People from the school were always worth it, they were familiar and familiar was good. Relaxing his shoulders, he made his way to one of the tables nearer to the door and sucked in a breath. The second breath wasn't as easy but it got a roguish grin out of him and that was enough, a game face could make him appear to be anyone. It made him feel calm.

He could see another boy in the cafe, one he definitely went to school with, one of those um twins, right? He'd seen this guy around like once or twice. Something with a C, like Curt, was it Curt? He furrowed his eyebrows when he realized he was grinning at some random guy in a cafe and glanced up at the ceiling instead, it took all he had not to start whistling in a very unassuming way. His peripheral vision caught fog seeping from beneath the door and nervousness settled over him but again, he was choosing to ignore the strange and swallowed thickly before glancing at the wall.

"What is going on with me?" a desperate mutter to himself at best, he drug his hand down his face and shook his head.
Thank you, I'm glad to be a part!
Is any time a good time to write an introduction post?

Middleton Erik Carter.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Nickname(s): Mid, Mids. ( Anything along that line tbh )

Fear(s): Wax figurines, dolls, most paintings of people, heights, airplanes, elevators and escalators.
He's just generally afraid of things that stare blankly, it kind of just freaks him out, it started when his parents got one of those paintings of Christ with the crown of thorns, it ended up scaring him so much that he made them get rid of it. He once watched a "I Survived" about an escalator that killed a bunch of people and now he's horrified of them, elevators have a possibility of crashing and that scares him. Heights was kind of influenced by him getting trapped in a treehouse once and now it makes him sort of panicky.

Personality: Middleton is an extremely kind individual with a charisma that influences everything he does, there's just something about him that's almost eccentric. Though at times he can come off as a bit quiet, he recovers with sharp humor and a quick wit. Easy to get along with and generally warm, he's got an air about him that seems nearly too friendly. He's the type of guy that holds doors even when he's already halfway into the store and the type of guy who tries to help the elderly cross the street. Some may think his kindness is forced but it's a genuine, sweet quality. He seems excited about most things, intrigued by the possibility of adventure and ready to jump into the unknown, even if that has a possibility of biting him. His kindness is only matched by his eagerness to achieve, he's got a penchant for trying to win things which can come off as a bit standoffish but all in all, he's just a good guy.

History: He grew up with a great imagination and his childhood was filled with Summers full of honeysuckle and playing games with the neighborhood kids. He was always kind of an odd kid, collecting bugs and trying to keep them alive in little plastic containers and setting frogs loose in the house which his mother never appreciated but he grew up generally normal. There wasn't much complaint from his small home, a mother who cared for her kids and a father who worked harder than anything at a job for the electric company. Middleton became interested in writing around the time he was fifteen and from there on, he launched his career as a journalist, his side career as a barista in a cafe. That's kind of where he is now.


+ He has a general knowledge electronics and wiring from his father.
+ He's good at coaxing animals.
+ He has a knowledge of insects and some small mammals.
+ He's kind of good at riddles.
+ He could probably hold his own in a fight but he'd not be the best.
+ He's good at first aid.

Other: He still lives with dear old mom and dad, he's been plotting out a novel for awhile but he can never seem to gather the right ideas for it and it's frustrating him beyond belief. He has a girlfriend named Mandy and he's been on the fritz about engaging her.
My comment decided to double post, I'm so sorry.
I'll do that, thank you!
The Roadtrip one sounds kind of cool to me, if you'd have me!
It sounds cool to me!

Middleton Erik Carter.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Nickname(s): Mid, Mids. ( Anything along that line tbh )

Fear(s): Wax figurines, dolls, most paintings of people, heights, airplanes, elevators and escalators.
He's just generally afraid of things that stare blankly, it kind of just freaks him out, it started when his parents got one of those paintings of Christ with the crown of thorns, it ended up scaring him so much that he made them get rid of it. He once watched a "I Survived" about an escalator that killed a bunch of people and now he's horrified of them, elevators have a possibility of crashing and that scares him. Heights was kind of influenced by him getting trapped in a treehouse once and now it makes him sort of panicky.

Personality: Middleton is an extremely kind individual with a charisma that influences everything he does, there's just something about him that's almost eccentric. Though at times he can come off as a bit quiet, he recovers with sharp humor and a quick wit. Easy to get along with and generally warm, he's got an air about him that seems nearly too friendly. He's the type of guy that holds doors even when he's already halfway into the store and the type of guy who tries to help the elderly cross the street. Some may think his kindness is forced but it's a genuine, sweet quality. He seems excited about most things, intrigued by the possibility of adventure and ready to jump into the unknown, even if that has a possibility of biting him. His kindness is only matched by his eagerness to achieve, he's got a penchant for trying to win things which can come off as a bit standoffish but all in all, he's just a good guy.

History: He grew up with a great imagination and his childhood was filled with Summers full of honeysuckle and playing games with the neighborhood kids. He was always kind of an odd kid, collecting bugs and trying to keep them alive in little plastic containers and setting frogs loose in the house which his mother never appreciated but he grew up generally normal. There wasn't much complaint from his small home, a mother who cared for her kids and a father who worked harder than anything at a job for the electric company. Middleton became interested in writing around the time he was fifteen and from there on, he launched his career as a journalist, his side career as a barista in a cafe. That's kind of where he is now.


+ He has a general knowledge electronics and wiring from his father.
+ He's good at coaxing animals.
+ He has a knowledge of insects and some small mammals.
+ He's kind of good at riddles.
+ He could probably hold his own in a fight but he'd not be the best.
+ He's good at first aid.

Other: He still lives with dear old mom and dad, he's been plotting out a novel for awhile but he can never seem to gather the right ideas for it and it's frustrating him beyond belief. He has a girlfriend named Mandy and he's been on the fritz about engaging her.
Alrighty, I can definitely try to do that!
Honestly, I was just trying to find something that called to me so I went with the one that seems the most promising in coincidence with this particular character. I'm assuming that they're from alternate dimensions and they probably don't stay very long because he's only ever had it happen at random, assuming the younger version of him probably sort of zapped away before he had much time to get acquainted with him. I'm into a more fluid view of time so there's that edge of leeway room there, plucking from certain timelines and assuming those timelines sort of crumple each time he takes a version of himself from them.
I think that at a time, he can only bring about three forward but they'll vary heavily in age and depending on if he learns to control it in a fixed way, they'll stick around awhile but for now, they appear kind of at random, depending on his thought process and they generally last a few minutes, maybe an hour.
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