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@BuriedComic7 It's OK, my name is Michael but I make ppl call me Mick so I sound cool and hardcore. I can't wait to see what's in store though! 8)
@ViolentViolet When will the IC be starting? :o Just a tad curious, I'm totally stoked to be staring this sometime soon. 8)

I'm resisting the urge to put the Avery's together tbh.
Richard and your Avery can room.
And Lucas and my Avery can room.
If that's cool 8)
@ViolentViolet Done and done. 8)

@Arista We seem to be the only boys rn, so I'm down w whatever two would make a good pair for each room.

Name: Avery Jacob Myers.
Age: Eighteen.
Sex: Male.
Sexual/Romantic Preference: Asexual Gray-Aromantic.

Diagnosis: Avoidant Personality Disorder.
Circumstance of Break: A catastrophic meltdown in the midst of a school dance.
Supernatural Identity: Seer - Ability to see past and future events upon the touch of another being.
Stay Length: Two months.

Personality: Eccentric and excitable, the boy is known for his exuberance to become very interested in just about anything. The type of person that you could tell any small accomplishment to and receive heavy praise from. Dripping with natural kindness, it's hard to expect that anything could be different about this boy from any other highschooler.
Though he's plagued with a kind of hesitance in social settings, often not going out of his way to try to introduce himself, though it can be seen as a shyness of some sort. Quiet and observant, he is extremely friendly when approached but reluctant for emotional or physical endeavors.

Biography: Born with a natural drive to explore the unknown, Avery became aware of his powers at a very early age and learned that the only way to keep himself sane was to refrain from engaging himself in social structure and he became very good at it. His family wasn't much of a large family, a single mother and a pair of younger siblings who often liked to get on his nerves but he was a good older brother to them.

He went through his life with a withdrawn approach and nobody ever seemed to bother him until the day of the school dance. His mother was excited to introduce him to a girl that she practically begged him to take and he went along with it, trying to keep his thoughts drawn and it went fine until she asked him to dance.

The first touch of her hands was fine, just a jolting memory of her childhood in tones of gold and green but when his arms found her waist, he was bowled over. It was a future event, a trauma and a knife, screaming and stumbling, choking on blood. He was trying to see through the scene but the colors were too bright and suddenly everything around him was full of the agony coursing through his stomach and he was crumpling to the ground.

The screaming and the tears were coming from him and the dance seemed to halt around him, a thousand eyes and dim lighting was the only thing in his sight now. There was no knife and there was no blood on the stomach he was clutching, he couldn't stop screaming and sobbing when the finally wheeled him off.

Reluctantly, his mother agreed to send him to Lyle's.

Name: Richard Erik O'Reilly.
Age: Nineteen.
Sex: Male.
Sexual/Romantic Preference: Bisexual Biromantic.

Diagnosis: Antisocial Personality Disorder/Explosive Anger Disorder.
Circumstance of Break: History of violence when unprovoked, the last straw being a skirmish with a teacher in which he tried to pry their eyeball out with a tool he stole from his science class.
Supernatural Identity: Half demon.
Stay Length: Four months.


Intelligent and charming, the boy has always proven to be incredibly engaging when approached and often had a knack for holding conversation with all who would offer it to him. It wasn't hard for him to get the conversation that he avidly craved and he often seemed to shine wherever he was in life. The kind of kid that teachers praised for his intelligence but were inherently weary of for his seemingly troubled behavior.
Though he's warm and friendly to those he tries to earn the trust of, he seems ready to snap on a dime, and when he does snap, there's often no stopping him. He becomes very cold very quickly and his entire mannerism changes so sharply and so suddenly that it could be deemed disturbing. It only lasts in short bursts and gets replaced by morbid humor. Often making light of his bad behavior, he's definitely not a friend that anyone has the patience for.


Born to a fairly normal family, he lived what most would consider a normal life and he was a very bright child who was teeming with ideas and imagination. A love for story books and learning, the child was cherished by his mother and father and there was no reason to believe that there was ever anything off about him. It wasn't until he started school that he started acting out, childish acts of bullying which often ended in skinned knees and tearful tattling. He learned to love sitting out during recess because it became kind of a theme.

The theme continued though his actions grew bolder and more violent, he became the bully that shoved students into lockers and started physical altercations rather than verbal. Usually found trailing after a more vocal bully, he was the added force to any scary team and he was scary.

His actions were brushed off like most bullying and he went through school being one person to the teachers and a completely different person to the students who irked him. Until one day, he had been lurking around the science room and found himself compelled to hide the sharp scalpel from the dissections into the pocket of his jeans as he made his way to the next class.

It was the strangest urge but he found himself compelled to it. The teacher had just chose the wrong time to approach him, he snapped, barreled her over and with some animalistic force, he found himself trying to pry the eye from her face with uneven jabs of the scalpel. He was dragged off of her by the school officer, still writhing and trying to grab for the scalpel.
That landed him here.
@Mugin I think you're in the character roster list. 8)

@ViolentViolet @Airalin We seem to have an uneven number on both sides so I guess it's kind of just up to ViolentViolet how things should be settled. There are five males and three females so far :o
@ViolentViolet It's up to you either way, I can def choose my own if you'd be happier w us pairing off on our own. It wouldn't be too much of a challenge. 8)
@ViolentViolet I am hella tired, let me give you my characters details. Avery isn't going out of his way to talk to anyone bc he's a huge baby and he doesn't want social contact. Richard however has probably been talking to anyone who puts up w him or catches his attention, he just isn't someone that people really revel in the company of. He's probably bugged your girl before w some really idiotic scientific fact about insects.
He's seriously weird.

As for roommates, will you be choosing those? I always like assigned things bc I don't want to demand a roommate from anyone. Otherwise, I can try to bother someone to room w Quiet Avery the fifth and Rude Richard the first.
@ViolentViolet I think Barney Badass Richard might really like her, he's no good at being nice to people though. He might ruin any friendship chances w his awful personality.

Avery is so nice!! Even if he doesn't like her, he'd still be entirely pleasant.
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