Well he would be specifically refering to using Factories as trade tokens. So x amount of factories are constantly used for trade for a certain amount of resources. Either way that would certainly be little strange since if a factory is used according to your rules it uses 2 million tons of coal each turn.
Just something I cooked up quickly. This is an reissued flag originally the borders were black, but changed to dark navy blue which is the color of the Federal Gov't. The stars which represent each state were originally in the clutches of the Eagle's claws, with the large star on the chest. Representing the Royalty's power. Instead now they hang over the Eagle which represents both heritage and the fact the states IE the people are more important. The large star is representative of the capitol state. All other states are yet to be named. The following links are the sources I used to make the flag if you are inclined to check. tiltschmaster.deviantart.com/art/Flag-.. pngimg.com/img/objects/star
Nation Name Bundes Wiederaufjuwel Republik
Head of State Zuerst Kanzler Norman Bach
Demonym Rusrgem, Resurgemany
Brief Description: The namesake of the federal republic is after its capital city. Which translates to Rising Gem. It is the center of the nation, still host to a few mines left over from boom times. The city is host to art, science, and industry that is seen as the precedent to aspire to by all. It's past of a recent imperial monarchy still colors the nation militaristic to say the least. Not even a hundred years ago the country was under the imperial rule of the last emperor Heinrich. The need for change came at the outbreak of what was called then the de jure war. The Emperor made compromises between Two houses to end their conflict in peace. However they chose to settled their differences with violence. Several sorties of armed men ensued resulting the death of innocents and the end of a house. With the populace outraged the nobility was able to gain their support in a bloodless coup to instate a Federal Republic. Ironically most of the government's power derives from the nobility, who hold several seats in the Bundestag. The Royalty still plays a role in politics and is privy to certain powers though limited by nature. Notably though, the role of Kanzlers has slowly been turning over to the captains of industry and other such businessmen who are dabbling into politics. At present the nation's government is host to many Warhawks. Where the idea is, it's better to be ready than sorry.
Male Albrecht Schwabenbaeur Rudolf Sperber Donovan Van Delling Adler Maas Leopold Schulze Wilhem Neubauer Klaus Dieter Dietrich Birnbaum Walter Fitsch
Female(It should be noted females have a less active role in the society of military(support roles only), industrial and especially political concerns then men. Though a very select few can be seen in these positions. 1 out of 1000 sort of thing.) Elisabeth Von Feller Klaudia Von Eichinger Bridgette Knoebl Ruth Wertheim Carolien Forkel
Government Roles It should be noted all positions of power in the government are Democratically voted in, however voters are limited to land holders. From there these representatives serve the people to the best of their ability. Or atleast that's how it's supposed to work. Zeurst Kanzler- The First Chancellor is perhaps the most unique position among the diet. The position is charged with the duty to uphold the Nations Integrity, by overseeing both the Diet and the Chancellors who legislate over their own states. During votes, the First Chancellor may Veto a bill, call for the Chancellors and sub-state diets to vote; or call for a public census that can ban the bill in the first place if he so chose. He is the head ambassador and between the other Chancellors elects ambassadors from their cabinets. He also commands the Armed forces. Though he doesn't micromanage them on a daily business. The position is highly esteemed and highly subject to public opinion. The term lasts for 6 years first Chancellors are rarely relected though there are presently no limits as to how long a Chancellor may stay in their position.
Kanzler- Chancellors maintain and oversee their state Diets. They may Veto or call an public Census of the state. Chancellors have the unique power of being able to suggest bills to state Legislature. Finally similair to the First Chancellor, Chancellors command the militia IE the police forces of their respective states.
Bundesabgeordnete- The Federal Assemblyman represents their state of origin in the Bundes Versammlung(Federal Assembly). They may propose new bills and vote as they see fit. The Federal Assembly as a whole manages annual census's, reports and emergency hearings. Bi-annually the Assembly hosts public hearings.
Staatabgeordnete- State Assemblymen represent the countys they are elected from. The may propose new bills and vote as they see fit. They also manage their originating county's census assessment.
Perhaps nation modifiers? Would make sense. If so you would think it prudent to list such things. Or it could've been a random event. But I'm just speculating for giggles while we wait for our Overlord to respond with his divine grace.
Since applications are still open as far as I see will just drop this. Just something I came up with on short notice. Hope to join in. :D
Just something I cooked up quickly. This is an reissued flag originally the borders were black, but changed to dark navy blue which is the color of the Federal Gov't. The stars which represent each state were originally in the clutches of the Eagle's claws, with the large star on the chest. Representing the Royalty's power. Instead now they hang over the Eagle which represents both heritage and the fact the states IE the people are more important. The large star is representative of the capitol state. All other states are yet to be named. The following links are the sources I used to make the flag if you are inclined to check. tiltschmaster.deviantart.com/art/Flag-.. pngimg.com/img/objects/star
Nation Name:Bundes Wiederaufjuwel Republik
Head of State Zuerst Kanzler Norman Bach
Demonym Rusrgem, Resurgemany
Brief Description: The namesake of the federal republic is after its capital city. Which translates to Rising Gem. It is the center of the nation, still host to a few mines left over from boom times. The city is host to art, science, and industry that is seen as the precedent to aspire to by all. It's past of a recent imperial monarchy still colors the nation militaristic to say the least. Not even a hundred years ago the country was under the imperial rule of the last emperor Heinrich. The need for change came at the outbreak of what was called then the de jure war. The Emperor made compromises between Two houses to end their conflict in peace. However they chose to settled their differences with violence. Several sorties of armed men ensued resulting the death of innocents and the end of a house. With the populace outraged the nobility was able to gain their support in a bloodless coup to instate a Federal Republic. Ironically most of the government's power derives from the nobility, who hold several seats in the Bundestag. The Royalty still plays a role in politics and is privy to certain powers though limited by nature. Notably though, the role of Kanzlers has slowly been turning over to the captains of industry and other such businessmen who are dabbling into politics. At present the nation's government is host to many Warhawks. Where the idea is, it's better to be ready than sorry.
Government Roles It should be noted all positions of power in the government are Democratically voted in, however voters are limited to land holders. From there these representatives serve the people to the best of their ability. Or atleast that's how it's supposed to work. Zeurst Kanzler- The First Chancellor is perhaps the most unique position among the diet. The position is charged with the duty to uphold the Nations Integrity, by overseeing both the Diet and the Chancellors who legislate over their own states. During votes, the First Chancellor may Veto a bill, call for the Chancellors and sub-state diets to vote; or call for a public census that can ban the bill in the first place if he so chose. He is the head ambassador and between the other Chancellors elects ambassadors from their cabinets. He also commands the Armed forces. Though he doesn't micromanage them on a daily business. The position is highly esteemed and highly subject to public opinion. The term lasts for 6 years first Chancellors are rarely relected though there are presently no limits as to how long a Chancellor may stay in their position.
Kanzler- Chancellors maintain and oversee their state Diets. They may Veto or call an public Census of the state. Chancellors have the unique power of being able to suggest bills to state Legislature. Finally similair to the First Chancellor, Chancellors command the militia IE the police forces of their respective states.
Bundesabgeordnete- The Federal Assemblyman represents their state of origin in the Bundes Versammlung(Federal Assembly). They may propose new bills and vote as they see fit. The Federal Assembly as a whole manages annual census's, reports and emergency hearings. Bi-annually the Assembly hosts public hearings.
Staatabgeordnete- State Assemblymen represent the countys they are elected from. The may propose new bills and vote as they see fit. They also manage their originating county's census assessment.
Wait the thread never started? I looked at this when it started. If their is room I'll def be interested and start working. Can't wait to start whiping out realistic tech/gadgets!
Just poking the interest before I shoot my own CS. Also OP if you are up for it I could help Co-DM, since going solo at it takes time. Anyways I'm definitely interested!