Nikita “Nik” “Nikki” Averson | 15 | Female
Appearance: Nik is 5’6” and is average. The type of girl easily lost in a crowd, the type of face no one would remember easily. The only things a person might remember are her eyes. Two orbs that are pale blue almost to the point of being white. Her hair is long, shocking tumble of black and white, that she tries to keep in a ponytail but ends up always coming loose. Nikki’s clothes are black or dark blue nearly all the time, the only colour she sports is a white and blue scarf. Lightweight black canvas shoes are her main go to choice of footwear. She has two small tattoos on the back of her hands that look like swirling whirlpools of black and white. The black comes from ink; the white comes from the paleness of her skin which makes her look like she has been painted white. Her body is lean and skinny, a side effect of the energy needed to use her powers, and there’s nothing much except for muscle. Normally her face is a blank, bored look and she just stares at everything rarely blinking. She speaks with a British accent.
Powers: Light and DarkNik has the power to control Light and Darkness. Her body to emit light from a dull glow to an overwhelming light similar to a floodlight. She can also absorb light, darkening the room till no one but she can see. For now the power is limited to her or if she is touching someone for a long time she can affect their vision, making it so they can or can’t see. If she tries very hard she can make herself invisible by bending the light around her but this uses a lot of energy and normally causes her to blackout. Producing light from her body can heat the overall area due to energy transfer (this is physics but im sure you all don’t want me to write about physics in a RP)
Weaknesses/Limitations: Autistic: Nik doesn’t like people. She doesn’t like touching them, she doesn’t like being around them, she doesn’t like hearing them. When she gets touched by an unfamiliar person she will freak out and panic, if someone talks to her she will not speak or give them a one-word answer. She also is always fidgeting, playing with anything to keep her occupied. This sometimes makes it hard for her to concentrate as she has the attention span of a child. Emotionally she has the range of a teaspoon and struggles with what to show. Nik also has to eat a large amount of food and sleep a lot. Using her powers takes a large amount of energy and this causes her to blackout, a lot. Also prone to nightmares the only time a loud sound will escape her lips is when she starts screaming during the night.
Progress:Personality: Nik is quiet and an introvert. She’s smart but you would never guess it. If you were to look for her in a crowd check the back corners and you’ll normally find her watching people, plotting the best way to leave the crowd. She never had any friends growing up so trust doesn’t come easily to her. She is paranoid and always thinks there’s a double meaning, even in a simple “hi”. Her blank face mirrors her emotions so it is always hard to determine what she is thinking/feeling. But she is inquisitive. Her eyes will always be watching, observing and picking up information that she sorts in her mind but she will look like she is bored out of her mind.
Backstory: Nik is the child of Mr and Mrs Averson. A wealthy English couple that cared only about business. The two of them started working in a company and soon rose to positions of power. When they married they teamed up and somehow became a big influence on the company, gaining seats of power. When they conceived Nik it was from the getting drunk at a party congratulating them about taking over two companies. Even when Nik was about to be born her mother was working, right until the point she went into labour. Even after she was born her own mother went back to work three days later. Her parents didn’t really give her much attention; they could pay people to do that after all. Born in 2006 she grew up in England for 14 years before moving to America.
The Company expanded its reach and soon Nik’s father was in charge of manufacturing weapons. The weapons in the Guards hands, the weapons people used to hunt Mals. Yeah, probably created by her father’s division. Her mother’s division was now the building and development of scientific labs and research into Mals and how to cure them, hide them or eradicate them. The force field around TEF-149, probably created by her mother’s division. Her parents were against Mals absolutely. They thought them an abomination that should be exterminated.
Nik grew up alone, the maids and butlers her only interaction with the world. Other than that she roamed the big family mansion, reading the various books in the library. Her tutor was the only one she really connected to but only then it was still and complicated connection. The tutor was great, they would have discussions about different topics, he would show her cool tricks like how to pick locks, and how to pick someone’s pocket. He was the only person she would talk freely to. It was her tutor that gave her the scarf she holds onto dearly. It was all going great and Nikki was showing signs of improvement in her social skills then her father learnt that the tutor was a sympathiser for Mals and promptly fired him. Nik was alone once more. The new tutor she got was much less friendly and much more boring.
She rarely saw her parents, and even rarer still saw other people. Only at parties her parents threw to impress others. She was expected to be there, the perfect child but she hated the noise that people created. When she could she would slip away or lurk in the background. Bored, alone and unable to express her emotions she took to using what her old tutor taught her and started stealing small things from around the house, from guests, even from the servants to liven her days up. Online she would learn about various topics, much more than her new tutor could teach her.
Then her parents had to move. She had spent fourteen years in England, at the family home but she didn’t care a bit. They moved to New York, into a large expensive apartment. The only time she showed any emotion during the move was when her parents told her she would be going to the local private school. She thought not having a tutor would be great and then she entered school. Large halls filled with people, Teachers that called on her. She hated it. She would slip out of school as much as possible and roam around the city. She had a bigger selection of people to take things from now and she grew her skills in pickpocketing.
It was a few days after her 15th birthday, 7 months before the Test that her powers developed and matured. It started when the power went out in her house. She was in her room, alone luckily, when her body started to glow. Freaking out she hid under the covers hoping it was the light coming through her windows, it wasn’t. She knew she would be Tested, she knew she would be found. She didn’t tell her parents, she knew they would just ship her off to a Training Camp earlier. Her powers started sporadically, occasionally flaring up. She got curious at what her powers could do. She started trying to control them, testing them and even trying to make them stronger.
On the day of the Test she was driven to school. While normally all the kids would be happy and talkative Nikki saw that it was grim silence that everyone showed that day. Uniform-clad guards stood silent and unmoving at the entrances. It was the one time Nik saw parents waiting at the gate after dropping off their children. She had already resigned to the fact she would be taken, she had even left a note should her parents even bother checking her room. It wasn’t much of a surprise when she came positive straight away.
Talents/Skills: Picking: Locks, pockets, information. Nik has quick hands and an inquisitive mind. Because of her silence and ability to remain in the background she picks up information due to the fact people don’t realise she’s there.
Silence: she can be as silent as a ghost, and is most of the time. This allows her to get close to places and people without anyone realising she’s there, not that she’d want to get close to people.
Memory: Her mind is like a computer, she can remember the smallest thing and recall it quickly. She picks up new information and stores it away in her mind.
Quirks/Habits/Other: She chews her own hair. Swirls her finger over her tattoos a lot and strokes her scarf a lot. Anything to keep her mind occupied
TL/DR: An autistic girl that can control light and dark.