“But the alpaca hat is soooooo cute!” Martini huffed, lips pursed into a pout as she swiveled around to peer at Song. She gave a pleased nod, folding her arms when Leon and Lesley agreed to wear the fluffy hats. “See, see, they understand! Besides, I don’t know why you’d protest to fluffy-“ The mermaid suddenly paused, floating closer at the strangely wobbly looking Song. “Waaaait, are you-“
Her next words were interrupted by a deep chuckle, and the room turned to see the dark figure of the Midnight Man seated on a chair on the other side of the room.
It was quiet as everybody listened to his words, and Martini frowned as he faded away, leaving blue wisps in his wake. Now that he wasn’t trying to kill him, she felt rather sad for the poor guy. To be killed by witches- what an unfortunate fate.

Brandy, meanwhile, had approached Song from behind as the wisps started to glide around the room before floating out of the open window. He deftly plucked the bottle from the item hunter’s hands with a sigh, greeting the other three with a nod as they moved out of the mansion.
“I don’t know, Song, the alpaca hat might suit you pretty well. And what did I say about drinking on the job?” He made a face after giving the bottle a sniff and gave the item hunter a soft whap on the back of his head.
Martini tutted, flipping her tail idly. “Not that I blame him, bumbleberry juice is good for calming the nerves. But enough of you two, I’m interested as well!” She gave a titter, drifting closer to where the other hummons were. Did any of them have girlfriends and boyfriends? Gosh that would be so cute. “Hey Riley, Leila, do you have boyfriends? And you don’t have a girlfriend, do you Inadi? Tell meeeeee~!”
It had thankfully stopped raining, and even the fog had lifted slightly from the surrounding forests. Brandy shook his head at Martini’s enthusiasm, giving a small smile to Lesley, Leon and Riley. “She’ll certainly have you covered for clothing. She might even like you enough to give her clothes to you as presents- though some of her fashions choices are a bit too much for me.” The rabbit was pulling Song along, hoping the cool forest air would clear the other Nobody’s head a bit.
"Who else gets a strange feeling about Queen Delirium? She appears nice and everything, but something about her is just... Not right."Martini had drifted close enough to hear Jasper's thought and she stopped short, whirling around with a frown of confusion. "I dunno what you mean, Jazzie, but Queenie and I are totally besties and she's always been super nice to everyone! Maybe you're thinking too much. It's certainly been tiring for you darlings hasn't it?" She reached over to give the white-haired girl a sympathetic pat on the head.