Breeze sighed at the soldier, pouting up at the man while picking up the basket on the ground. "I can't believe you were going to eat something without knowing where it came from. Again." She bumped him gently with the basket, not noticing the figure approaching them two until a hand landed on her shoulder.
"Woah, Lieutenant! And how are you today?"
The humans quickly arrived, trailing after Japhet and looking around with eyes sparkling, no doubt at the things they've seen and the wonder of their city. She didn't blame them- the City of Cogs was a lovely place full of things that didn't exist in the kingdom, even if they were lacking in fancy rich people parties. The humans looked quite normal, surprisingly so after all the stories she's heard. They didn't look like they had razor teeth, nor acidic saliva, as she noted from the lack sizzling coming from Est's gun. Still, even without all that they seemed nice enough, one actually agreed to humour Est's weird request.
Looking closer, they were a very diverse group of humans. They were mostly kids with one older man with a funky looking beard and cap. She was rather surprised to see a human with lovely bright pink hair- was that natural? Humans really were interesting after all. And that girl was so pale! Gosh, what a cute bunch. She much preferred real humans over the rather terrifying image the rumors had painted.
"You should all come paintballing with us, it'll be so fun!" She threw her arms in the air, gesturing. "Hoverboarding you can do whenever, so come and shoot things instead!" It had been quite a while since she's gone to the range- hopefully she'd be on Est's team last time. It was rather impressive how different Est got when he was shooting at things- The cute fluffy baby really got intense when he had a gun in his hand and she didn't quite want to be on the receiving end of his shots this time round.
Right, right, introductions. Those were important.
"I'm Breeze, merchant extraordinaire!" She gave a happy salute, before winking. "If there's anything that you may need, I'd be more than happy to supply you with it for a nice discount since you're out guests." She crossed her arms and nodded with a bright grin. "Cogs and gears, everyday supplies," her grin widened at the black haired guy and the albino girl. How cute. "gifts for your girlfriend/boyfriend/bae, I've got everything so come talk to me okay? okay!"
She quickly sidled up to the humans who haven't decided on a group yet. "You're coming with us, right? It'll be so fun! I could even give you a little tour of the city and it's sights as we head over," she clasped her hands, eyes wide and pleading. "Pleaaaaase?"