Phillus Circus-Big Top"Uh. Guys this isn't supposed to--"Oh sweet Gods above not this again she was going to give that fancily dressed ringleader a good kick in the behind if she got her hands on him-
The flashbang that had been intercepted by the duck went off, and Aria had unfortunately not been able to avoid the burst of light. She staggered back, trying to blink away the spots in her eyes as Trixie opened fire. She felt the stings of bullets hit her and winced in pain, attempting to get away from the small girl. The bullets stopped momentarily, only for a loud splat and a shrill
“Ohhhh, ughhhh! Disgusting!” from behind her, signalling Lulu's distress.
To make things worse, a chorus of high pitched squeaking noises were coming from round her, and finally her eyesight had recovered enough to spot the glassy-eyed porcelain dolls jerking and jumping their way towards her, and Lulu stuck in a pile of gunk thanks to Trixie's bomb earlier.
"Eeee-" A doll with a large crack across its face leapt up with a shrill squeak and Aria gave a swift swing with her fan, sending it flying. More dolls replaced it, and Aria backed up, shaking slightly at the freakishly creepy advancing mini-army. She wouldn't be surprised if she had nightmares for the rest of the week. Fortunately and unfortunately, she didn't quite have the time to reflect further due them pouncing with more shrieks and a renewed attack by Trixie. The guns quickly stopped thanks to Estelle's intervention, and yet the waves of toys just kept coming.
Lulu was quickly becoming overwhelmed by the dolls due to being stuck in the muck, and although she wanted to go aid her friends in attacking the ringmasters she couldn't quite leave Lute to fend off those abominations by himself. She kicked a doll that had come too close, attempting to make her way towards the trapped man. Now that Trixie was free, she called over to the younger girl for help. Since it was her bomb, perhaps she would know how to get him out?