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    1. Crystalmushroom 6 yrs ago


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The blood in teddy’s body began to boil. Mio, The bear who had been shot at earlier was able to pull himself together and tried to fight again. Only to be cut in two. Teddy tried to remain calm. What people didn’t know was that the toys do have a personality of their own. Ciscero, the bear that initiated the fight with Vigilante, held grudges and sometimes would disobey orders. The only one he could count on was Kazue. The only bear to listen intently to his orders. They were his friend and he felt their pain.

It took everything in him not to shoot the kid who cleaved Mio right between the eyes. Horn saw mouthed out I got this. Horn knew how much Teddy grieved killing and knew how bad that would be. He went after the kid. Teddy tightened his grip on the hostage.

“Lady, I’m almost at the door. Just a little longer and we part ways.” He told her this not because he was trying to reassure her. Teddy was trying to ground himself.

That’s when the worry came, The bears made and interested popping noise when they transformed back. His eyes were big, He forgot to set his timer. This meant 20 minutes were up. Teddy shot his gun hand into the money bag, grabbed hold of the real gun and placed it back on the hostage’s temple.

‘Can’t have them knowing about the toy gun.’

Spike had been quiet while they waiting for all of this to be over. No one posing any real threat at the moment, but he also wasn’t thinking clearly because of the drugs. He didn’t even notice his brother walking away when he did. The only thing that got his attention was the men pointing the guns at the vigilante, the bankway of the bank, face the front making sure no one shot at Teddy. His vision a haze, but he could get done what he needed to.

“Spike come to the front of the building with me. Make sure someone grabs the pandas!”

“Fuck you Teddy, you know I don’t take orders from you. Where is Thorn?”

A couple grunts knelt down while they had their guns pointed and grabbed the bears and placed them inside their jackets.

Once Spike had a chance to look, he saw his brother’s body on the ground. Thorn’s spikes were gone and that usually never happened. Spike thought the worst. His teeth couldn’t clench any harder.

“THORRRRRRRRNNNNNNNN! THIS SHIT IS DONE!!!!!!!!” He yelled as balled up his fists and tightened his muscles. In a moment spiked were sent flying in all directions.

“Oh fuck! Here he goes!” Teddy hissed as shoved the hostage out of the way to his left side. Next, He dove out of the broken glass from the bank door.

Spike’s quirk was form more projectiles. The pain didn’t bother him right now. The pain medication was pretty strong. He readied himself to send out another wave.
As the loudspeaker rang out it’s message, a smile crept along Teddy’s face. Now he felt like his chances were better.

‘Not like anyone would let this guy kill me now.’

“Honey, I told you not to call anyone for this party. I just wanted to slow dance with you.” He could see the lady’s eyes widen as he said it.

‘She actually saved my ass there. I’ll send her a special bear later.”

The bears closest to him pointed their guns to the vent above them. They knew there was people up there. It was attached to their previous order.They needed make sure no one stopped teddy. It was about 9 minutes passing in at this point.

“You two, focus on making sure I don’t get shot.” Teddy’s head snapped to the wounded bear. “ You, keep your gun pinned on the guy over there! It’ll be over soon.”

Teddy knew there were more people around other than the people in the vent. He had seen this run before. The police always tried to intimidate the criminal with sheer numbers on all sides. He knew that more of the squadron would either be on the sides of the building or to try to force him to use the back exit. Nope, that wouldn’t be the case today. Teddy, turned himself away from the attendant and swooped onto the first person he saw. He grabbed a woman who was on the ground. She was still coughing from the smoke screen. The woman had been covering her face with the sleeve of her brown trench coat.

“Come with me Miss. I am awfully sorry for the face full of smoke.” He was actually charming, though he was forcing her to come with him. His arm wrapped around her neck and the cannon was pressed to her temple. “Stay cool, and this will be a very short walk. Got it?”

The woman’s height compared to his, protected his vital organs. Teddy was glad this woman’s hair was short too. He could shove her away with ease and not have her entangled with his bag when he did try to make a run for it. He walked her up the main aisle of the bank and made sure to keep his attention on the crazy.

A group of six people holding some ak’s pushed their way into the bank, the first responders fanned out along the edges of the bank. Then a pair of identical twins wandered in. They also had a pair of guns, but they didn’t seem as on edge as the obvious grunts that entered before them. One of them, had sharp horns poking through his suit all over his body. THe man’s state seemed off, like walking in a cloud, but alert in some odd fashion. His brother seemed to be normal, at first glance.

“You sure cutting it close. I thought you had time restraints.” The “normal brother said as took a step forward.

“Shut up Thorn. Your men need to pay attention to the dude over there.” Teddy said as he nodded his head to the right side of the room. “Also, we have the blue boys.”
Some of the money had already been put on the counter when the glass shattered. Teddy knew it would be a matter of time before someone called the police or a pro would be on the scene. He didn’t bother to turn, he know the pandas would handle it. At least, that what he thought un he heard the pained roar of the panda.

The panda by the was surprised by the glass shattering and swiveled its body to see what the problem was. It received one shot to its side and another along it’s back, but it was able to react to miss the others by falling away from the stream of bullets. As the animal fell, He did let out a stream of bullets himself following the assailants direction.

The other bears made sure to focus their attention on the new challenger. Their guns were ready for him to pop up again.

‘Gun shots? Oh he must not be in the mood to talk.’ Teddy thought to himself as he hurried the money in the bag.

He had a little time because the bears were positioned in front of him. Hearing the guys little speech sent a cold shiver down his spine. He thought a pro would come, they tussle, and he’d slip away like usual. He never came across anyone willing to kill him before.

“Hurry up Lady.” Teddy hissed as one hand scooped the money into the bag, the other holding the gun still focused on her.
The next instant, Teddy grabbed his radio and held down the dial.

“ I need back up! We got a crazy.”
Random Attack:

OraOra bank, located in the center of downtown, had been known to be a busy bank. It's interior was filed with inspirational messaging as well as exotically colored paintings of the original owners. The walls of the bank were onyx colored and embroidered with gold chains along its lining. The bank was known for being fashionable and its service, impeccable. In the middle of the floor stood two lifelike statues of men posing in very masculine poses.

The clientele were business owners from the neighborhood and workers on their lunch break. The guards weren't as buff as the men in the portraits, but they did look pretty tough. Possibly able to handle the general population and some simple quirks.

A tall man walked in through the man doors with a duffel bag. He had blue shades on and a black “changlings” baseball cap. He didn't seem strange in appearance in any way. Just a normal guy waiting in line.

“I hope they hurry up. I need to get back before my break's over.” A girl with bunny ears whined.

“It really is busy. Hmm?” The man answered.

The girl shot him an annoyed glance. It was a “I wasn't talking to you” kind of look. He would just smirk in return. The bunny girl huffed, then she turned around.

‘Tough crowd.’

Casually, he looked around to see who else was in the back. Some people had shuffled in, but no one that seemed like a pro or anything like that. That was a good thing. Just normal, weak quirked people.


After the line shortened, it seemed like the end of it just stayed the same. More people coming in, replacing those who had left. He wanted this to be done already, but he had to wait a little longer.

Finally, the bunny eared girl was in front of the teller. This is what he needed. He started to pull down the zipper on his duffle bag. His hand dug itself in the bag and snatched hold of an item inside. The girl was done pretty quickly and made sure to shoot him another annoyed glance.

‘If that annoyed you, you’re going to love this.’

“Next guest please.”

As he started forward, then tripped hard on the ground. The object in his hand flew hard at the counter as he fell. Three mobster panda dolls with tommy guns fell out of his bag.

“Sir are you ok?!” Said the teller urgently as she stretched herself over the desk to get a better look.

The person behind him bent forward to help him up. Pop! Grey smoke started spreading from where he was. The helpful stranger fell backwards coughing from the smoke bursting in their face. He gripped the head of one of the pandas hard.

“Prevent anyone from leaving. Shoot the guards in the knees.” He whispered then flung the doll as the smoke spread. It hit the doormat in front at the front of the bank.

The doll transformed into a real panda in a black mobster suit and hat holding a real tommy Gun. The panda roared and shot two precision shots. One, perfectly puncturing one guards left knee. The other hitting the other guard’s right knee. The bear then focused its attention and gun on the bunny eared girl because she was the closest to the door. She let out a loud whimper.

“Wonderful.” He commented as he heard the shots while people began screaming. Next he gripped the head of the other bears. “Watch the other in bank. Make sure no one tries to be a hero. Shoot if anyone tries to attack me.”

Quickly, he got to his feet, reached into his bag and took out a toy gun. With a squeeze of the handle, it turned into a real hand cannon. The pandas transformed like the one at the entrance. The swiveled their position with their guns and roared as if to say “Get down”. People seemed to understand and dropped to the floor, but that might have been just the natural reaction when you see a scary anime with a gun. He held his gun to the face of the teller as the smoke started to settle.

“Hi, I’m Teddy. Please don’t call the police and just start giving me the money. Thanks.”

(Deadline for heroes to answer is Wednesday at 8 pm)
****Several Hours Later*****
The sun had set and Alexa had finished her dinner. After a bombardment of questions from her parents about the written exam and the watching the second years, Alexa finally got up to her room. Curiosity nearly dragged her by the neck and pulled her to her room. Her thoughts, buzzing bees, all focused on the bag and its contents. Before she could really get a look, her new “hopefully” friends were around and her mom picked her up incredibly quickly. Her mother said it was due to being at a store nearby, which was definitely a falsehood. There was no notable stores nearby.

It didn’t help that she wanted to open it in the car, but she knew the smell would raise questions. Also, if her brother got to see, he might want to play with what was inside.

Once she was inside her room, she locked her door. There had been too many times Ian just barged in. She sat on her bed with the bag still zipped. As she reached for the zipper, she stopped and thought to herself.

‘Is he doing the same thing with mine?....Could he be looking at my clothes?!’ Her face was hot with embarrassment as she thought about it.

Her running crop top, the exercise pants, and her undergarments in case she sweated too much. Her face was really hot now

‘No….He wouldn’t be looking at them. He helped me up, so he can be a gentleman.'

Her face cooled down for a minute.

‘But he did say he would experiment on me and Yin.’

Her face started to get hot again.

The thought of the odor inside the bag finally slapped her. Instantly, Alexa got up from her bed and trotted over to her bathroom. The grabbed some sheets of tissue paper to cover her hand in. When she was done, she trotted back over to the bag and sat on the bed.

‘Now I won’t have to worry about the smell getting on my hands and no fingerprints.’

Her mummy hand started to unzip the bag and that smell rose up again. What was it that she was smelling? It smelled hospital-like but what was it? She couldn’t exactly place it. It hit her. Formaldehyde. She had to dissect and animal in middle school. That was what preserved it.

‘Why would his bag smell like that?’

A cringe took hold of her face as she reached inside and grabbed hold of what felt like a chain.She pulled it out gently from the bag and dangled it in front of her face. The centerpiece was a vial with a thick almost syrup like red liquid inside. The smell made her keep it away from her face.

“What could this be?”

A couple of possible liquids floated around her head, but she really didn’t want to mess with it. Gently, she inserted it back into the bag. After placing it neatly on the bag’s bottom, she fished around for something else. Something hard and thin was caught in her grasp.

'A Cd maybe?’

She was correct.

“In the mix...Mix?” She said with a disapproving squint. “Buddy, You have to get better names.”

Back in the bag it went.

After a couple more tries, she had picked up a notepad with incomprehensible writing. The penmanship was fine, but the subject matter was latin to her. It did make her dear for her life because she knew he was a scientist now. Next another notepad, but she didn’t bother reading that one. Lastly a large sized manga book.

“Oh nice!”

This caught her attention for sure. She loved to to read manga when she had some spare time. The cover had a curvaceous lady on the front and a seductive man hugged together on the cover. Alexa opened it and it started off like any other romance manga. Slow to start, had to give background on who the two people were. Evidently, they were co-workers in some sort of office.Nothing out of the ordinary, until they reached the elevator. Once Alexa flipped the page, her eyelids stretched opened as far as humanly possible.

“What the WHAT?!” She screamed impulsively. She flipped through the pages because one she was disbelief and two because she couldn’t stop looking. “T-This..This is.. This is a..!”

Once she got a hold of herself, she slammed it closed, and hummed it across her room. Her face was red hot as she brought her eyes to the floor. A book showing adults doing adulty things in illustrated form. She had never seen things like that before. Yes, she had heard of them in passing and two girl did use her bubble to talk about one, but to actually see it with her own eyes. Her body shook as she put her head in her hand.

‘I’m only 14...Could I get arrested for that? Will anyone know?!’

Before she could settle down, a knock was at her door. Followed by the doorknob trying to twist.

“Alexa, you alright in there? I heard a scream.”

It was her mother. She had to think quickly. She knew her mother would definitely kill her if she knew about that.

“I-It’s nothing mom!...Lita sent me a scare video! You know how much I hate ghosts!”

‘Please mom, eat this one up. I can’t have you come in. Not right now’

“Oh yeah? Ghosts aren’t real honey no need to be afraid of them. Why is your door locked?”

“ I…. wanted to read in peace.” Her temperature rose again from mentioning reading. ”Didn’t want Ian to challenge me to a surprise fight.”

“Makes sense! Ok, I’ll talk to you later. Glad you’re ok.”

Once she heard the feet retreating away from her door, she breathed a big sigh. Her head hit her pillow as she lay there, trying to not think about what she just witnessed.
"I got to show Lita!"
It was nice to finally meet other kids from the exam. If only they knew if they would see each other again. It also made her look around to see if Gale was nearby. It really surprised her that he was there yesterday, but it made sense. Once she didn’t notice him, she followed the others into the rift. There wasn’t any hesitancy walking in the rift, though she made the joke. Something made her trust Yin.

Once transported, she felt the excitement build inside. She would get to see what a real hero could do.

“Man, This is gonna be great! You think it’ll be as hard as ours was?” Alexa asked to the group.

She rushed over to a section of open seats, then turned and waved them over. She plopped down and hung over the railing to get a good look. A nervous pang sat in her stomach. Alexa couldn't help but wonder if another attack was on the horizon. It also made her think that she needed to let her parents know she would be a little late.

Her small hand snaked it’s way into her denim jacket’s pocket and pulled out her cell. The iridescent purplish-blue case glimmered in the sunlight of the stadium. She sent a text into the family group chat.

Will be a little late. Watching the license exam with some students i met at the exam. I will take pictures and will probably go for a run after this. Will call once this is done. Luv you Guys.

The message sent with ease. She slipped her backpack off her shoulders and gently placed it on the ground. When she unzipped it, she slipped her phone in, but heard it something inside.

‘That’s weird. My clothes should have -’

She leaned forward to look in the bag and saw that her clothes weren’t there. Before she could really reach in and see what was inside, the other had come over to the seats. She also noticed a strange odor coming from inside the bag.

‘What the hell?’

Quickly, she snatched her phone out of the bag and zipped it closed. The last thing she wanted was her new acquaintances thinking she was weird.

‘How did that even happen?’

Instantly, she fired a question to take their suspicions off her bag. Not like they had an, but she had to make sure.

"Aren't you guys nervous for them? W-what if they don't get their licenses?"
@Weird TalesYour character has been approved. Move him along to the in character tab. Thank You!
The fact that yin returned her smile made Alexa’s heart sing.

“I know they said high school is hard, but that a whole nother thing!” Alexa did want to have in slip away. Deep down, she felt like this girl had to be a good person, she worked so hard to keep others safe.

“You bossy? No, so don’t worry. I’m just glad we got as many people out unharmed.” Alexa said as she waved her hands defensively. “I’m still surprised i made it through the exam. I felt this strong sensation to…”

‘May I shouldn’t say anything about wanting to quit in the very beginning. Heroes don’t say things like that, Do they?’

“Your rift was amazing. How does it work? I’ve never seen a strong quik like that before.” The enthusiasm was spilling out as she got a little closer.

Sometimes her excitement could be a lot to take in. She knew that about herself, but it was hard for her to maintain sometimes. Before she could recoil and bring down her excitement, slam!

Alexa’s eyes went wide as she lost her footing. What the hell hit her?

‘What the?! So embarrassing!’

She felt her bag fly off her arm as she tried to right herself. There was no point though. She let the fall happen.

“Oof!” She was loud as she hit the ground. Her eyes were closed tight.

It took her a minute to settle down and open her eyes. She saw a red headed kid with glasses in front of her. He must have been the one to hit her. Her eyes narrowed in on him as she got up quickly. He was super apologetic which made her feel a lot better. He was familiar too, but why.

“No no, I’m fine. Don’t worry. “ Alexa said quietly, she took his hand.

‘Strong grip.’

Alexa returned his smile as she let him help her up.
‘Herito?...Why does that sound familiar.’ The wheels in her head turned. Something bothered her about that name. What was it? Finally it came to her. ‘The experimentation kid!’

Her smile remained the same as she got to her feet. When she stood up, she was ready to introduce herself to him. Then a loud beeping went off and he was gone soon after.

‘Saved by the bell.’

“Sorry about that Yin.” She said as she bent over to pick up her bag. She didn’t pay it any mind as she slipped it over her shoulder.

Once she had her bag, she listened to Yin’s question. It made her think for a sec.

“I’m going to be honest. I think I did terribly. I was hoping to take out a few robots, but I had to focus on saving people. Not that i regret doing so...I just hope they give us a break. I mean I really tried hard, but I don’t know.”

Before she could feel sorry for herself, she heard someone leaving the classroom. Alexa snapped her head when she saw the other student. She would give him a big smile.

“ We were just talking about what we thought about it. Didn’t seem too too hard.” She hadn’t seen this guy before.

‘Maybe he was in a completely different section of the physical exam.’

“Yeah practical exams don’t exactly measure up to what we were up against yesterday. No matter how hard you study. I’m Alexa by the way.” Her voice was cheerful, then she pointed toward Yin. “This is Yin.”

“Thanks so much.”

Alexa’s smile got brighter as she started to sit. Thanking her meant so much than just the seat. There was a lot she wanted to say to her, but she probably should have waited to after to the exam. It really meant a lot to her the effort she put in. Also her costume was fabulous.

When she got into her seat, she heard Yin wishing her luck. Quickly, she turned to look at Yin and gave her thumbs up.

“We got this!”

Alexa whipped back around in her seat. ‘Oh god, I totally pulled a dad. I'm such a loser.’

Alexa pulled her pen out of her bag and got ready for the paper exam. The questions seemed pretty common sense to her. The only thing that worried her was the history questions. Yes, she did study superhero history, but specific heros not so much. Maybe she should have studied a little harder.

“Told you Alexa! You should always listen to your friendly neighborhood puffer.” Lita’s voice snaked into her head.

‘Stop thinking about Lita. She won’t help me here.’

Her pen worked for most of the question, but there were some that caught her off guard.

Is it considered stealing to take pens from a bank? What about extra napkins from a fast-food restaurant?

‘Ummm I-I don’t know. I never thought about it.’ Alexa’s head started to spin as she thought about the times she’s accidently took pens from the bank. ‘Can I be prosecuted for taking a pen?’

The question was waying heavy on her and she turned to the window for solace. They she spotted the bikini clad woman.

‘What the?! She goes out like that!’ Her eyes were as large as satellite dishes. ‘I would never!’

She brought her flustered face back to her test. She would come back to that question because she didn’t want to waste too much time.

After some time, she came across a question about what it meant to be a hero. It stopped her again. There were so many answers she could put. What would be the most fitting? What was the right answer? She would slump in her seat as she thought about it.

‘Making sure everyone around you is safe and thinking about yourself last?’ Another thought came to mind. ‘A person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Is the official definition from the dictionary.’

Those answer didn’t exactly feel right, but they would work right.

‘A hero is a person who gives of theirself without question to the cause before them. Whether it be their fellow main or natural disaster, they try their best to help. They don’t stop till their all is given.’

That seemed to resonate with her the most out. Her dad came to mind. She had seen him do his job once when she was small. Her mother had taken her and her brother downtown to buy some clothes after a doctor’s appointment. Nothing seemed out of place that say. The trip was boring, they tried on a bunch of clothes, they hated most of them. Mom ending up forcing a pair of outfits onto each of them. When they left the store, they could a loud fire engine charging around the corner.

‘I wonder if that’s your dad’s truck.” Her mother’s face was covered with an amused smile. No speck of worry at all. “Let's go see.”

They all trotted around the corner and witnessed a large business ablaze. Their mother made sure to keep them at a safe distance, but they watched intently. Of course, Alexa’s mother was right. Their father bounced off the truck. Hank stood out a lot amongst his coworker’s, he had an expandable suit that was marked black. It was a stretchy material that allowed him to use his quirk easily.

“He’s amazing.” Her mother said quietly.

Alexa’s eyes had grew wide as he barrelled into the building before the other fighters. He didn’t hesitate as he rushed inside. After what felt like a lifetime, he returned with some people who were trapped inside. It was breathtaking, his courage and fearlessness. A piece of building unlodged itself, but her father saw it before anyone else. Without thinking, he sucked in a deep breath, sprinted in front of the other fighters and puffed his iron stomach upward. The piece bounced off him gently, although it was massive and still burning.

Alexa’s eyes twinkled when she saw this.

“That’s my dad…” She cooed.

Her day dream ended when she heard someone's chair loudly move as the got up from the desk.

‘Oh right! Better hurry.’

She finished her test with what she thought were good answers. Also made sure to answer the bank question. Once she was satisfied, she got up from her seat and handed in her test. She turned to talk to Yin, but she had already walked out.

“That sucks.” She said as she walked back over to grab her bag. She could hear a strange dude in the back of the class breathing hard.

‘I’ll leave him to that…’

After she collected her bag, she made her way out the door. SHe was surprised to see Yin hanging outside the classroom. Hesitation was a thing as Alexa crossed over to her.

“Some test huh?” She said with a laugh. “ I’d take a million more of those before fighting crazt murder robots again. Am I right?”

SAHARA AKA The Slippery One

After all the commotion from yesterday, certain pro hero were placed on security detail. Sahara was placed on the left side of the inner gate for the school. Little did she know, she was standing outside the exam room window. She was just honored to be there.

Her left hand unscrewed the top of her water bottle as she looked around for suspicious characters. There was nothing, but she was there early and she didn't even see any students enter at the point.

“I really hope no one comes. These kids need to be free of distractions.” Her words were earnest as she brought the bottle to her lips and sipped. Her tanned skin shined in the sunlight like she was covered in glitter. Her red bikini, a perfect compliment to her skin. “No distractions at all.”

While she had some time, she brushed her hand across her collarbone, then threw a sticky substance onto her surfboard. Next she bent down to go inside her bag. Sahara pulled out a rag from her backpack, which contained a lot of waters. Delicately, she wiped the substance across the board.

“Can't ever let them catch me slipping.”
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