Nai turned his attention to the map, using his paw to guide him as he traced his way through the map.
"Hmmm..." He mumbled.
Nai wasn't paying much attention to what was happening around him, completely missing the crash between Kevin and Flipper. The next thing Nai knew, Kevin was on the floor and Blanka was standing over him.
"Really? ... I know you wanted his package, but do you really have to do it in the halls." He joked, smirking to himself.
He looked down at Kevin, but noticed his IPaw laying on the ground. It wasn't hard to miss and the screen was fully lit, he couldn't help himself and read the message that was on the message. Nai's smile slowly faded as he bent over and picked up the phone, fading the screen to black with the press of a button. He wasn't going to go through the phone.
"You really should be more careful." Nai said, handing Kevin his phone.
Nai had been down that path before, the whole bullying thing. That is all he could really gather from that message anyway.