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Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
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Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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@my Lalia Well, that was the whole point of Zak deciding it best to exterminate the line. If Krone sends one letter and notices no response, he'll just send another or worse he'll tell them in person. Doing nothing would be a bad move.

Of course, if a certain cousin fell pregnant then the Karstaggs happened to die... the entire estate falls to the child, with his mother acting as regent for it and being the only influence on the child, meaning it would be raised an Unalim rather than a Karstagg and giving the Unalim family a unique influence over the future of the Karstagg estates, effectively transforming the Karstagg estates into a puppet branch of the Unalim family. Marrying a member off to the Heir of the Karstagg family was obviously a power play, although not ideal to have to kill them all for it would draw attention, it is far safer than allowing the play to fail and face a conflict with them and possibly the other family wronged by the incident. While neither are powerful enough to destroy one of the greater lords, it would be a nasty inconvenience. Of course, circumstances have also arisen which are drawing peoples attention elsewhere. A chance to perform more daring moves while everyone's attention is held elsewhere hue hue.
@my Lalia God dang it, it looks like Zak is going to end up killing every more people because of Krone...

On second thoughts... Karstagg is, according to the family tree I made, a small and slowly dying line...

*Gets a sudden evil light bulb*

Maybe they just need a bit of help taking the final steps...

You wouldn't be opposed to a certain letter being intercepted would you? Perhaps because the female cousin who's marrying Lysander would notice it before the Karstaggs did and become very infuriated that her marriage was being jeopardised?

Oh please let me, the wannabe Tywin Lannister inside me is screaming "red wedding"...
"I allow and encourage people to make stuff up for the gods/culture. (I like world building)"

About this; I hope you don't mind me having made a few words up for a language that the Unalim speak (and compose their names from) as part of a long standing family tradition nobody can quiet remember when from?
Zakroti's attention was drawn away from his thoughts by the sound of a crash next to him, causing him to suddenly snap his head to face Miry and the Blackguard, frowning as he saw Miry blushing and retreating from the hulking 6'10 Drakken guard, hearing her mumble “I-it w-w-was just a m-m-misu-underst-tanding…” in a voice that was hardly audible over the racket caused by the banquet. He paused in confusion for a moment before he saw the guardsmen wipe the glass clean and place it down beside him, after which he glared at the blackguard. If Amaryllis had poured the drink then to some extent he would have understand the zeal, after all it was the duty he had these blackguards to do, but all could tell that Miry was too afraid to even think of poisoning him, let alone actually go through with the plot without collapsing out of fear. He felt a bell of conscience ring inside of him as he saw Miry's expression and clenched his right fist tightly in anger before casting a glance out of the corner of his vision and muttering something under his breath. It had drawn the attention of others in the room, his plans relied on him not being seen as an abuser of his brides for one. He silently cursed every divine entity he could think of in his head.

"Kzaar, Vivpre!" He barked in a guttural voice and the guardsmen instantly backed off several steps and raised his hands apologetically towards his lord. Zakroti glared at him for a moment before he rose from his chair and took a step in advance towards Miry, extending his right arm and gently taking her hand. He drew her two steps towards him, though was careful not to draw her too close for fear of making the poor girl go any redder (For indeed, she would look like a tomato if she did) and glanced down to the forming bruise on her wrist. "Forgive me for his zeal, they are concerned only with my safety. Does it hurt badly?" He whispered to her as his face broke into a kind smile that was in stark contrast to the glare he had on his face a mere moment before "And thank you for pouring the drink."

The smile faded from his face the moment he looked back up to the towering figure of Kzaar. The suit of armour seemed to shudder slightly as the helmet turned down to look Zakroti in the eyes. The little lord did not pause and gave an order in a calm but stern voice, laced with a subtle anger. It had a surprising amount of authority behind it for how short it was, and a presence that seemed to fill the space around Zakroti with an air of power "Kas."

For a moment the hulking mass of Black armour merely stood there in seeming silence, though those closer to him might hear him breathing quickly and apparently trying to regain his composure. He nodded several times in quick succession and bowed his head towards Miry "I- I beg pardon, Lady Aymiria, I swear- On my blood- that it will not happen again." The power was gone from his voice as he spoke the words, as though the command from his lord had robbed this mountain of a man of all his strength. He paused several times to breath during the line, each time glancing towards Zakroti who would merely nod for him to continue. It was a pathetic grovel, almost comedic considering he was addressing a girl two foot smaller than him. Zakroti was apparently not satisfied and released his gentle hold on Miry's hand, taking a step to the side and staring up at the Drakken who took an involuntary step backwards at the approach of his lord.

"Postat, yui O sep wre." He ordered and the guardsmen raised his visor, going somewhat red with embarrassment as he inhaled slowly and he fell to his knee before the small girl, lowering his head to look at the floor below him. Anyone could tell that he was being publicly humiliated, a great warrior forced to kneel down before a Gem Bride and beg for her forgiveness was near unheard of and humiliation was one of the few tools that could shatter a Drakken. Zakroti's kept an icy stare fixed on Kzaar as he knelt before Aymiria. "Do you forgive him, Miry?" He asked, shooting a glance over to the guardsmen next to him and nodding. The 6'5 Blackguard placed his hand onto the sword as he looked down towards his kneeling peer, ready to submit this man should his loyalty falter.

Zakroti doubted it would. Kzaar wouldn't be in his personal guard if he was not loyalty unto death and back, but precautions should always be taken when dealing with someone so large and indeed so brutish. If Miry didn't forgive Kzaar then Zak already had a suitable punishment in mind for him and each one of the blackguard knew it. Their master never lacked for ways to discipline his servants. It was an art.
@Obscene Symphony After I finish TTL this post is my next priority. Cross my heart.

/me waiiii do I have so much crap to do

Good luck with TTL by the way :D
@Obscene Symphony

Well, on the bright side, at least it means nobody is demanding her public execution right now xD
Zakroti entered the Banquet hall flanked by four of his 'blackguard' so named for they were clad in black armour and wore cloaks of sable. It was not uncommon knowledge that they served as his bodyguards and that there were indeed more than four. "The Usurper is shadowed" was a common word of warning against would be assassins and true enough he was. Unlike many Drakken, Zakroti wasn't in any hurry to fend off attackers personally when he could use someone else as a shield. After all, better the Blackguard die than him.

They varied in height; The tallest of them was some 6 foot ten and a half inches while the smallest was around five foot ten, just shorter than Zakroti himself, but was far less muscled. Although the face was covered, it was obvious that this smaller being was not a Drakken by his build. By now, people had learnt not to question this...

Zakroti paused before his allotted seat and the smallest of the blackguard knelt down to look under it, before switching switching the glasses, plates and cutlery with the seat opposite. Zakroti didn't trust anyone at this banquet and he wasn't about to find himself assassinated on his first visit to the Wroth. That would be most disappointing. Once he was satisfied that we has not to be stabbed through the arse by someone hiding underneath the floor boards, he sat down in the chair slowly and ran his eyes along the table, pouring himself a glass of wine and handing it to one of his blackguard, who opened their visor and took a sip of it before nodding and handing it back to him. He took a cloth from the table and wiped the end clean, spinning it around before drinking from it.

Would it seem paranoid? Perhaps, but one could never be too cautious at these events. He himself had killed Drakken through such low cunning and so he knew how easy it was to see ones self choking on a glass of wine. Zakroti felt the wine trickle down his throat and let out a somewhat pleasured sigh, glancing towards a chair on the far end of the room as an obese Drakken lord with wiry black hair slumped down into it, his new bride standing close to him with a look of abject terror in her pretty green eyes. She had fiery ginger hair that fell in locks around her shoulders, but her nose was crooked and it took him a moment to realise that it was broken. He noted a small maroon stain on her white gown and her red cheeks and quickly put the events together in his head, instantly any minor tinge of guilt he felt for what he was about to do evaporated. The bloated Drakken lord glanced across to Zakroti and tracked his gaze over to the gem next to him, letting out a grunt

"Lord Zakroti, if you like my girl we can arrange a trade." Zakroti was under no illusions, underneath those thick layers of fat lay muscles with the strength to cleave a head off in one fell swoop. He would tread lightly here.

"Ah, Lord Jorug, she looks as though she has given you a spot of trouble." Zakroti gave a faux friendly smile as he said that, turning his head towards Jorug himself and swallowing his pride "She seems pacified now though. Perhaps after the banquet you can give me some advice? One of mine has been rather... shall we say, disrespectful towards me. I have my ways but of course, mine would leave them horribly disfigured. Yours seems to have resulted merely in a stain..."

"You just have to know where to strike, Zakroti..." Jorug gave a sadistic grin as he took his glass from the table, staring at it for a moment as if trying to discern exactly why it had already been poured for him. Zakroti glanced to it himself but quickly diverted his attention back up to Jorug, careful not to let his mask slip as he silently willed the Drakken to drink it. Jorug tilted his head before shrugging and raising the glass to his lips, downing it in one. Zakroti exerted some effort to prevent himself from giving a sigh of relief "That's the trick. Out of sight, out of mind. The nose was not my doing, she slipped while I was taking her."

"Ah really? What happened?" Zakroti said with feigned interest, taking a sip of his own drink

"She slapped me when I touched her. Silly girl. So I had my guardsmen-" He motioned to the bodyguard beside him, who gave a curt nod towards Zakroti. "Give her a quick beating, then I broke her in. I do it to all mine on the first night, lets them know they're-" Jorug let out several coughs and then struck his hand against his chest. Zakroti ignored him and merely nodded politely to what Jorug was saying "-That they're mine. Anyway, she wrenched herself from my grasp, fell and struck her no-" He broke into a coughing fit again and dropped the glass to the table. Zakroti gave a feigned look of surprise and glanced to the fallen glass in mock surprise.

"Lord Jorug, are you alright?" Jorug's bodyguard asked as he took a step forwards, moving his hand to his sword and scanning the room quickly

"I'm fine, it's just-" He coughed once more and braced himself against the table. After he finished his coughing fit, he raised shakily from the chair and gave Zakroti a curt look "I think I have had too much... I should retire."

"Ah, we'll finish this another time then, Lord Jorug. Perhaps you can show me precisely what you did?" Zakroti said and the bloated Drakken nodded hastily as he shakily crossed the room, one hand on his gut and his other pulling his sobbing bride along. As the trio vanished around the corner, Zakroti let out a wry smile. Jorug would be dead within the course of the next hour. The bodyguard would take the blame for it due to the 'evidence' he had paid to surface during the investigation. The bodyguard was son of Lady Lilah and had been given to Lord Jorug as part of an agreement of sorts, if the bodyguard was blamed for his death relations would become far more heated between Lilah's immediate relatives and Jorug's immediate relatives, destroying the possibility of Lord Lysanders marriage to Lady Karala which would allow Zakroti's cousin to marry Lord Lysander which would cement an alliance between the Unalim and Karstagg families.

The girl would be inherited with Jorug's lands, though he doubted her new husband in Jorug's uncle would have anything better in mind for the poor thing. Best not to dwell on it. If he wondered what would happen to all the gems in this room, he'd be able to fill a book and most of it bad. He poured himself another drink and watched the red liquid as it poured into the glass and splashed against the sides of the interior. Then he slowly lifted the glass and sat back in his seat, running his eyes over the other lords in the room.

There was Krone the Scream Taker, one of the few Drakken in the room Zakroti had a genuine... Fear wasn't the word. He wasn't so much scared as Krone as he suspected Krone was simply a bigger threat to him than most of the others. While most Drakken did possess some level of low cunning at the very least, Krone was one of those Zakroti suspected of being more dangerous than that.

There was the newcomer Praeth. He watched him with mild fascination for a few moments. He was a mystery and that made him dangerous, a possible spanner in the machinations of his plan. From the looks of his brides he wasn't one of those who relied simply on brutalisation for success. Another danger.

A tap on his shoulder drew his attention and one of his blackguard pointed silently across the room, to a bloodstained girl who came into the room. Zakroti's eyes widened slightly. She'd killed. He wasn't sure who but he could tell by the way she postured herself that she had done it of her own accord. There was no remorse, no concern or even fear. Noting his lords expression, the blackguard reached for his blade instinctively but Zakroti placed his own hand against the mans wrist to stop him. There was no point in starting a fight.

Zakroti grimaced. There should be true punishments for this. Drakken were fools.

"You share my thoughts, though." The smallest of the blackguard said and Zakroti nodded slowly

"I believe so Vain. More proof, as if any were needed, that I made the right decision."

"And the sooner, the better." Vain gave a grim nod, reaching up and raising his visor to reveal a set of emerald green eyes set deep within his face. It was apparent he was not a Drakken. His face was too pretty for that.

Zakroti turned his attention back to the blood covered girl and stared at her blankly for a moment before turning his attention slowly towards the Lord that she had sat down next to. His face had been covered but the two guards by his side told him it was someone very important and not to be messed with. A warlord for certain. He looked around the room to count the missing faces, attempting to piece the identity together.

"Affirmed. Do not harm her, I would rather not cross the Warlords this early on. As much as I would love to dispense some prompt justice, we cannot. At least not yet. Pass along the orders we discussed earlier."

"Shall I revise Kil's list?" Vain asked, and Zakroti merely nodded in response. Vain lowered his visor over his face once more and then slipped away from Zakroti and the group, striding off across the banquet hall and fading into the crowds of people to deliver the new message. The pair of them had been 'friends' for a very long time now. It was an interesting little story but one he didn't really care to run over in his head again. He could spent a decade running over the histories of those in his service or company. He had to be vigilant at this banquet. In fact, he would have to be vigilant from now on if he was bringing these two brides back with him. He would do well to ensure that any interactions between the pair and his wards were strictly monitored.

Not that he expected his two brides to try and harm his wards or anything of the sort. He just wasn't entirely sure how they would react to their presence. Best case scenario the two groups would treat each other with indifference and ignore each other.
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>

Hey! That's my character's dad you're talking about! Have a little respect...

Respect? Pfft
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