Ross just stood staring down at the corpse before him, face down in a puddle of its own blood that was seeping from a crack in the forehead.
This was, frankly, the definition of impossible. All you could see, feel and here were simply external stimuli translated into electrical signals interpreted by the brain. And yet here he was staring down at his brain as it leaked from the side of his shattered skull.
This had to be a dream; Perhaps he was in a coma, or was unconscious following the crash? Or perhaps the crash never occurred at all, and he would wake up in his bed with his brain inside his skull.
A terrifying thought crept into his mind; If he /was/ in a coma (he was quite certain the crash was real.) then was this what it would be like? He'd be stuck walking through some dream until he woke up, if ever?
He heard a voice call out and turned his head to see two paramedics rush over, crouching down over his corpse. One of them reached out to check the pulse and then glanced up to the other, shaking his head slowly and calling out for a body bag.
Ross turned slowly... And saw perhaps the strangest thing he had ever seen going on in his life. He tried to suppress a smirk out of instinct, but upon remembering it was a dream he couldn't help but burst out laughing at the absurdity of someone in sci-fi battle army and a girl on a cloud of shards just... There. And then... No, that was impossible.
He turned around slowly, struggling to hold back laughter; One of the two paramedics looked up from his corpse towards him... And then his eyes widened and glanced back down to the corpse. Then back up to Ross again.
"Oh my god." He gasped as he stared at the doppelganger of the corpse. His teammate glanced up to him and then followed his gaze before jerking backwards and falling onto his back
"Holy shit!" He exclaimed, before looking past him to the other two deities beyond and scrambling backwards and away as he yelled once more "Holy shit!"
Ross turned away, his eyes wide in shock and his face drained of colour as a horrifying realisation hit him, taking his breath out of him. He just sort of stood their, frozen on the spot as he stared off into the distant skyline.
This wasn't a dream.