Zakroti watched her remove the strange creations from her feet, furrowing his brow. "Kastakieiz varlas, what are those supposed to be?" He asked in disbelief that she had subjected herself to them; They were massive, it was no wonder that she was having trouble standing up in them. But now that they were removed she stood so unbelievably short that to the casual observer he would have looked like a giant...
And then she curtsied to him and introduced herself by name; Aymiria Cassiel. "I am glad I could help, Aymiria, it's my pleasure to meet you." He replied, making sure to smile back to her when she looked up to him. She appeared to be calming somewhat and he hardly wanted to give her reason for concern again- He remembered the horrible things the Karstagg did and had no wish to hear of them again.
Then she glanced off to the side and the followed her gaze towards his family, turning back toward her "I see you have picked my kin out from the crowd. That pleasant looking man is my Grandfather Nastaki, patrician of House Unalim and Muthseran of Osh Edehame, who is probably wondering why he hasn't killed me yet. The one staring at the redhead who just came down the stairs is my brother Qeynate, Orth of Orsayl; he might be a lecherous little beast but he is not too bad. The young girl standing between them is my Niece, Ayltam Unalim, daughter of my late brother who was also called Nastaki." Zakroti motioned to each of them as he spoke about them and as if on cue the Muthseran of Osh Edehame turned away quickly and began speaking to one of his knights.
Then the young Gem looked away and spoke again. Zakroti listened carefully to what she had to say; Ah, she sounded as though she was rather intelligent and already had some understanding of how Drakken politics worked. "Well as you can probably tell, I am a sad underdeveloped excuse for a Drakken Lord- so it's rather fitting, isn't it?" Zakroti replied in jest, a wry smile on his face "But you are right of course, if I take a good one then perhaps my Grandfather will only yell at me for half a day instead of all next week."
Zakroti turned his head ever so slightly and glanced towards the fire gem that Aymiria was talking about. Traditionally beautiful wasn't exactly how he would describe her, if only for her clothing; a dull red-brown sleeveless shirt and a skirt of similar fabric. The two pieces of clothing did not come to meet either, revealing her nasal. That wasn't how one dressed for court, certainly, though for some reason it was quite eye-catching. "She is dressed very strangely; not how a lady would dress, certainly." Zakroti commented with a slight tilt of his head. His grandfather might not approve of the decision based on her clothing, it was certainly a gamble.
A few moments he motioned for Miry and the guard to follow and began to cross the room towards the young girl, the two Blackguard still flanking him. Ayltam broke forward from Nastaki and Qeynate and approached her uncle
"Naka wre, Zak. Niz a Sancre Kala o. Ni o hilyat wredzi?" Ayltam said quickly to Zakroti, a smile playing on her lips. Zakroti seemed to consider for a moment before nodding
"Wre ni, Ayltam. Niz a Aymiria Cassiel." Zakroti replied to the young girl with a smile, motioning to Aymiria as they moved
"Zak, a Aymiria selan?" Ayltam asked with no shortage of curiosity. Zakroti nodded again.
"O ulma geh a, doon ni epe." Zakroti replied. Ayltam nodded and glanced towards Aymiria with an almost nervous sile, she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when Zakroti, having reached their destination, spoke again. Ayltam instantly looked forward again, examining the Gem that Zakroti was speaking to.
"What a curious choice on clothing, very different to what your fellow Gems are wearing. May I have your name?" Zakroti asked her with a slight smile on his face, a single brow still raised in curiosity at her appearance. It certainly was unusual, though now that he was closer and had a better view it became apparent that it wasn't as dull as he had first thought, with several beautiful jewels reflecting the light; No doubt what had been catching his eye earlier