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"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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And oh good, more posts; I haven't read anything interesting yet today and it's already mid afternoon! The bibliophile inside me is weeping.
What debate >.> This is a mountain fro a molehill, I wasnt trying to start a debate and I'm sorry that I am so useless at writing that it came across that way, I have no disagreement with what wilson posted.

Anyways, yes, good morning mate.
I don't need you to open my eyes about how limited my experience is. I'm well aware that Minecraft is the best example, but you should also remember that kids are not the only one playing it.

And you also don't need to say it was self-explanatory. I have my reasons, and they turned out to be legitimate and good ones. And have you ever been with a crowd where someone tells everyone the rules, and people go out and break them anyways? People that are, in fact, older than children? Because I have. That's why there's a need for warning signs everywhere- because people need to be reminded, just in case.

As an aside; it's something that should really be addressed. My apologies that the legal system in America has a bit more of a firm grounding with this sort of thing than the UK. I'm not saying follow American law, I'm sawing follow national law. If in your country, it doesn't matter, then go right ahead.

Please, do stop. I don't feel like having to defend something which I am right and justified in doing. You didn't have to say anything in the first place. If you want to post a rebuttal, PM it to me and we can continue it there. Alright?

It wasn't an attack on you or your experience. It was a general comment. Yes, in hindsight I acknowledge it was poorly worded, but in my defence it it was five AM. I agree with you; when you make a rule for some reason everyone wants to break it, probably because they don't like the idea of someone else telling them what they can and can't do.

In hindsight, several of your states have varying laws that sit between 16 (Which also happens to be the UK one, and is apparently the most common so it would seem there is less of a distinction than I initially thought.) and 18, and in some states the note I made is still applicable. It's honestly a cultural thing in the English speaking world I think, rather than a single specific legal thing. But hey, at least we aren't encouraging people to abandon contraceptives in an aids epidemic like the catholic church did...

I didn't challenge you to defend anything, mate. What is there to challenge, exactly? I concurred with you that everyone should give a thought to legal ramifications, made a passing comment on how amusing the law can be and, due to having been half asleep, worded a comment that was supposed to be more of a "Lol, humans are all so immature" in a way that sounded like an attack on you, for which I apologise.
Zakroti couldn't help smirking at Aymiria's description of the 'shoes'. "You look fine as you are, I certainly wouldnt mistake you for a child. Forget about the damnable things." He commented as they moved on.

Zakroti watched Kasari with some interest; she was bolder than the other, certainly, she carried herself with far more confidence than Aymiria. He thought he saw amusement for a moment when he had commented on her clothing. Speaking of which, Ayltam seemed to have become somewhat mesmerised by it ever since she mentioned it having been popular in her village.

"I never said I did not like it. Quite the opposite, I found it to be quite eye-catching, which I ascribe to those jewels." He nodded to them before continuing "It is an interesting choice compared to the more courtly styles of the other young women here, wouldn't you say? You can tell a lot about a person by how they choose to make their first impressions."

"I too am pleasured to make your acquaintance, Kasari. I am Zakroti Unalim, Muth of Varlasmoras." Zakroti said with another smile; He had a feeling that this was going to be interesting to say the least, she seemed as though she was relatively strong and it was apparent that she was bold enough, no she didn't act like she was afraid (and in fairness, why should she? She was only a few inches taller than him, she probably thought he was a joke.) He ran his eyes down her arm, taking note of the forming bruises from her presumably rough handling at the hands of the guards. Perhaps she had out up a struggle. "I see you already managed to get yourself dragged around by the guards; Did you put up a struggle or were they simply being their usual, brutish selves?"

"Performing with fire you say? Now that might be interesting to see." Zakroti glanced up towards Ayltam, who looked down towards Zakroti with a quick smile. The evidently both found this idea to be of at least marginal interest "Gais epe wre, Ayltam?"

"O ulma nit Kasarieiz kori zan arvar. Kasarieiz vefia a sil, na acta narfin carac. Geh a tyr e o gaiar kala stare bis agea; niz evia ma bal a arvar." Ayltam replied as she looked Kasari up and down quickly before giving her a nervous smile. Zakroti nodded slowly, glancing over his shoulder towards his grandfather. The anger on his face had subsided somewhat and he was now berating Qeynate for Gods know what. There was always something he could pick up on, always something you had done terribly wrong.

He paused in consideration for a few moments; she was beautiful and strong, that would make her a prestigious item. She didn't appear to be boring either, she was rather different to the average bride. Even his grandfather would have to concede this choice.

Zakroti looked back towards Kasari and gave a short nod "Well, Kasari, I look forwards to seeing such a performance when we return to Mu'Jupostat, if it would not be too much to ask of you." Zakroti replied with a small smile.

Ayltam turned away to look towards Miry, apparently having understood that she wasn't going to get to interrogate Kasari yet. She spoke quietly to the short Gem "The honour is mine Aymiria. From where in Gemminia do you hail?" When inquired, tilting her head ever so slightly to the left as she did. Zakroti listened for the answer himself, though Ayltam moved away a few paces and looked up to the ceiling. It was quite clear that she had a lot of questiomns to ask, and she fired several off at once "Was that girl you were with your sister? Are there Gemminite halls that actually look like this room or is this just for show? What's it like in Gemminia? They say it's very beautiful. Are you a noble girl? My sister says that we shouldnt talk to people who don't have noble blood."

Of course, I've also felt this way in many a Minecraft server, when I was admin or ever head of staff. Even the Owners were PO'd at me, because of how seriously I took my duties.

If pissing off kids in Minecraft is the extent of your experience in enforcing some rules, you ain't seen nothing yet. I cant even imagine the hate some people receive in reality for making tough decisions, because some people take the internet so fucking seriously I wonder if they know that there is a world outside their door... And if they can do this shit over the internet, bloody hell how do they take reality?
I would thought the whole legal thing was quite self explanatory. Even having never engaged in such before, I already know the potential legal implications. I typically just do whatever the people I am rping with want; Once you've roleplayed such lovely torture scenes as I there's really not much you can reasonably take exception to anymore xD

As an aside, it is amusing to see people flip out over sex; the legal system, at least here in Britain, is very, very crappy when it comes to the age for... Actually just about anything. Sex and marriage before you can buy alcohol is probably the most hilarious though. Cause that makes sense xD

@OzerathWaiting on you :)
Honestly, I am not sure I really care either way. I've roleplayed far worse things rofl.

Zakroti watched her remove the strange creations from her feet, furrowing his brow. "Kastakieiz varlas, what are those supposed to be?" He asked in disbelief that she had subjected herself to them; They were massive, it was no wonder that she was having trouble standing up in them. But now that they were removed she stood so unbelievably short that to the casual observer he would have looked like a giant...

And then she curtsied to him and introduced herself by name; Aymiria Cassiel. "I am glad I could help, Aymiria, it's my pleasure to meet you." He replied, making sure to smile back to her when she looked up to him. She appeared to be calming somewhat and he hardly wanted to give her reason for concern again- He remembered the horrible things the Karstagg did and had no wish to hear of them again.

Then she glanced off to the side and the followed her gaze towards his family, turning back toward her "I see you have picked my kin out from the crowd. That pleasant looking man is my Grandfather Nastaki, patrician of House Unalim and Muthseran of Osh Edehame, who is probably wondering why he hasn't killed me yet. The one staring at the redhead who just came down the stairs is my brother Qeynate, Orth of Orsayl; he might be a lecherous little beast but he is not too bad. The young girl standing between them is my Niece, Ayltam Unalim, daughter of my late brother who was also called Nastaki." Zakroti motioned to each of them as he spoke about them and as if on cue the Muthseran of Osh Edehame turned away quickly and began speaking to one of his knights.

Then the young Gem looked away and spoke again. Zakroti listened carefully to what she had to say; Ah, she sounded as though she was rather intelligent and already had some understanding of how Drakken politics worked. "Well as you can probably tell, I am a sad underdeveloped excuse for a Drakken Lord- so it's rather fitting, isn't it?" Zakroti replied in jest, a wry smile on his face "But you are right of course, if I take a good one then perhaps my Grandfather will only yell at me for half a day instead of all next week."

Zakroti turned his head ever so slightly and glanced towards the fire gem that Aymiria was talking about. Traditionally beautiful wasn't exactly how he would describe her, if only for her clothing; a dull red-brown sleeveless shirt and a skirt of similar fabric. The two pieces of clothing did not come to meet either, revealing her nasal. That wasn't how one dressed for court, certainly, though for some reason it was quite eye-catching. "She is dressed very strangely; not how a lady would dress, certainly." Zakroti commented with a slight tilt of his head. His grandfather might not approve of the decision based on her clothing, it was certainly a gamble.

A few moments he motioned for Miry and the guard to follow and began to cross the room towards the young girl, the two Blackguard still flanking him. Ayltam broke forward from Nastaki and Qeynate and approached her uncle

"Naka wre, Zak. Niz a Sancre Kala o. Ni o hilyat wredzi?" Ayltam said quickly to Zakroti, a smile playing on her lips. Zakroti seemed to consider for a moment before nodding

"Wre ni, Ayltam. Niz a Aymiria Cassiel." Zakroti replied to the young girl with a smile, motioning to Aymiria as they moved

"Zak, a Aymiria selan?" Ayltam asked with no shortage of curiosity. Zakroti nodded again.

"O ulma geh a, doon ni epe." Zakroti replied. Ayltam nodded and glanced towards Aymiria with an almost nervous sile, she opened her mouth to say something but was cut off when Zakroti, having reached their destination, spoke again. Ayltam instantly looked forward again, examining the Gem that Zakroti was speaking to.

"What a curious choice on clothing, very different to what your fellow Gems are wearing. May I have your name?" Zakroti asked her with a slight smile on his face, a single brow still raised in curiosity at her appearance. It certainly was unusual, though now that he was closer and had a better view it became apparent that it wasn't as dull as he had first thought, with several beautiful jewels reflecting the light; No doubt what had been catching his eye earlier

That depends entirely okn how many women are being taken, again there were medieval kingdom's that had populations over 1 million, they could sustain losing a few dozen women every year (this world is already better off than the actual medieval world because there doesn't appear to be as much disease...) Major cities such as Paris had over 100 thousand people. If you spread the number out of women taken out across an entire country, the impact would be negligible

Even the black death, which would have killed way more people in a far quicker time span than the Drakken have taken over the hundreds of years, did not outright destroy any European country. Let's say they take 100 a year (which I think is reasonable for an upper boundary; if you want to keep something as being prized it has to be rare, you don't want any old sod to have one so you probably only take a free each year and reward them to people who have done something particularly loyal or impressive in that year) it'd take 50 years to take 5000. The black death killed a total of 50 million people in 11 years. You said England was quite a bit smaller than Drakka and Gemminia (if you are impling England is small then thats rather silly, by the way; for a long time it was only dwarfed in europe by the Holy Roman Empire, the Scandinavian Kingdom's of Norway and Sweeden, and the Eastern European Kingdom's that would become Russia and Poland; and its population was quite large as well. For a Western kingdom, England was big for quite a while. It was only when France united (and taken England's French possessions) and Spain pushed out the moors that England dropped to being a middle power, and it still wasn't a small kingdom) and if they could survive losing hundreds of thousands of people to plague in a dozen years, they could have survived giving up some of their daughters every year. Maybe it would slowly wear them down... I don't think the Drakken care too much, that could be slowly happening but the Drakken don't care and the Gems doing have a choice.

So to go back to your first point... Maybe the Drakken are more holy Roman Empire than England, yes, but England was one of the big dogs of Europe for a time (for example, the Angevin Empire, which basically owned half of France and made the Scots, Welsh and Irish do whatever they said.) And even after the loss of this Empire, the Kingdom of England wasn't just England but encompassed Wales and a couple of French places like Calais, had the Irish under their control (much to the annoyance of the Irish) so apart from Scotland they basically controlled the British Isle still. I do see where you are coming from, of course; If he was some absolutely insignificant cousin of some backwater castle owner then yeah, I guess he could get away with it... Providing he doesn't bump into said backwater castle owner or any other relatives of Lord Backwater, both of whom would probably have something to say about it.

I want to point out that you live in a country whose borders were not defined by the medieval period. I can go outside now and just walk out of my town and into one of the nearby villages in what, 15 minutes. If I keep walking I'll leave my county fairly quickly. You can do the same in any European nation. The reason is because you are entirely right, it took a long time to get anywhere... And so most nations weren't really that big because you don't just have to defend them from foreign invaders you also have to defend them from unruly vassals who would rather like to be more powerful and independent themselves. If I decided to rebel with my earldom and you would have to match weeks and weeks and weeks to get there well... You probably weren't going to be able to do so because those soldiers will want to be paid every day and generally you have to get back in time for harvest and planting seasons, campaigning in winter is fairly suicidal in some places etc it's an absolute nightmare! So Gemminia might be large by European standards but it's certainly not going too be extremely big; it might have particularly fertile land given its description,in which case it might support a somewhat larger population

Also, who said the Drakken collect all the brides themselves? It seems pretry ineffective for the reasons you mentioned. Those Drakken warriors would have to be paid for all that travelling as well, no no no, the Drakken King isn't going to want to do that when he can have the Gem king use their men (it was said he has a royal guard, wasn't it?) to collect the brides from the further off parts of Gemminia, and the Drakken would really only collect those from near the pass themselves. It would also make more sense from the Drakken perspective because it would degrade Gem respect for their lords and King, helping to divide them and make it less likely they would be able to mount a substantial resistance; plus, a bunch of peasants might riot and kill the soldiers when they see them dragging a girl off if the soldiers were Drakken, that's less likely if they were actually Gem authority figures and even if they did lash out, that way it's no loss to the Drakken
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