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Current "Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg." - Deor.
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"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

Most Recent Posts

HOUSE LYSANDER (@darkwolf687)

A note for everyone in the roleplay: we are using 'Ser' for the terminology of referencing official knights, the term 'Sir' is non-existent in this time.


- Allegiance should be changed to "House Rathmore", not just "Rathmore".
- His family should be labeled as who they are; who is his father, mother, brother, sister, etc.
- He can't be "avarice" because avarice is a noun, not an adjective. You can say he is "avarice incarnate" for better description.
- There's no such thing as "free men"in the lands of Estiala. Everyone is subject to the crown.
- In the backstory, who is Robert? There is no mention of Robert whatsoever. The closest name to Robert is Richard.

EMMALINE LEAR (@HushedWhispers)

- Everything is fine, but her origin is a "some what small...". You seemed to have missed a word there. XD


- Solace: hey look it's Rey from Star Wars
- She is not a lady, because she's not the wife of a lord. She's a princess, a daughter of a lord.
- If it's not incredibly important, Solace and I would prefer you PM us to tell us what happened to the people she was bethrothed to, unless it's SUPER DUPER secret.

1: No problem
2: No problem
3: I wrote avarice? Forgive me, I likely meant avaricious.
4: A freeman is still a subject of the crown just like everyone else; A freeman is a peasant who is distinguishable from a villein or serf in that he is not tied to the land, that is to say he is literally "free" to come and go as he pleased whereas a lot of peasants were obligated to stay on the land they were tied to and could only leave with the permission of their lord.
The feudal system is based on obligations, oaths and the like; A villein or serf is subject to hereditary ownership by a lord. If you were a serf and I was your lord I would basically own you and your descendants. You work for me and in exchange you get to live off of some of what you farm. The land is mine, however, not yours; You are just a tenant.
If you are a freeman then you may decide to work for a lord as a farmer but you can leave if you like whereas other peasants could not. You might, if you are very industrious, careful and lucky, save up some money and buy a small plot of land of your own for you and your descendants to live off of. Traders and merchants were often freemen and so freemen enjoyed greater social mobility with some becoming well off. He may have been a peasant but he was a free peasant.
Basically its just a higher class of peasant within the feudal system who had more rights and less obligations than other peasants (the magna carta, for example, states that no freeman could be imprisoned or stripped of his freedom or possessions without due process.) Some freemen would become yeomen under later definitions of the term.

5: Ah, sorry; My writing doesn't appear to be to clear this time around; Robert is the local clothier. The opening paragraph of the backstory notes that Edwin's family
"... And mostly made their living through herding sheep and selling the wool to the local clothier, Robert."

Mind if we agree to have some history between some of our characters?

Namely, I'm thinking my good Viktor to have a large and cumbersome debt toward Edwin, but that at the same time he tries to use his father Duke Euric, to shield himself from it.

Euric himself, since he's the head of the wealthiest region of the kingdom, is profoundly annoyed by Edwin's very existence and job, the master of coin having to deploy enormous efforts to get any penny from the duke and his vassals (Should he get or even fail to get the taxes he asks for, I'm thinking of Edwin always being the one Euric points his finger at for every ounce of gold he has to tax his people.)

Could be an interesting intro maybe? Viktor being there to try and haggle for debt consolidation, milder interests, etc. The two of them either walking out satisfied, or, most likely, hating each other. Thoughts?

Hm. I'd be good with that, would definitely be an interesting introduction.

I fixed the spacing, @Ambra
This took way too long to finish for how short it is. I apologise; I have been busy lately

Exams. Why must exams exist. Anyhow! On the bright side I am done with the character sheet which I have been completing sentence by sentence. Unfortunately, its saved on my home computer which I wont have access to until tommorow so you'll get it then :)
Vain folded his arms as he watched her write and let out a heavy sigh; Gods' blood, the girl couldn't even speak to him! She was not going to last a day if she didn't shape up quickly. Finally, she approached him and showed him the piece of paper that she had been writing on.

He read over the paper in silence before raising his gaze to her, tearing the paper in two and casting it to the floor. So she had some spirit to her, she just needed to harness it. He approached her and leant in close, cutting through her sobs with a sharp voice

"Aymiria kree! So is that how the women do things in Gemminia? They act like pretty perfumed things and do nothing useful all day? Or is that the lords? I can never tell with you Gems; You're always too weak, you're always too feeble. You worry about your friend's family and those eight little orphan girls? Then you get yourself together and do something about it. Send those orphans your money, they can't eat your worry or tears. Your sister won't be kept alive by crying. I didn't ask you to be a perfect bride so remove those quotation marks from that phrase; It's not a quote. Stop fighting a man of straw and listen to what I am actually saying. You have a responsibility to the dead girl. You say you were her friend? If one of those lord's snapped the neck of my friends, I'd punish him for it- And yet here you are moping."

"Oh and you're not a wife, you're a bride; There is an important legal distinction in the western lands. I thank Vivari you aren't my lord's, I cannot imagine the state you would leave the aigzgandra. You would run it into the ground I suppose." Vain realised he was digressing and quickly brought his speech back to the matter at hand.

"Do you want to be regarded as anything more than a little fragile thing? If so then do something about your woes instead of crying to yourself about them; There are a pair of Unalim guardsmen outside the door, summon them and command them to get your friend's corpse sonit can be sent back to her family. Prove yourself a woman and not a child or people will push you around forever, people will hurt your friends with impunity and destroy your belongings without a care in the world. You have spirit enough to write this note to me and so I know you have spirit enough to act like a woman."


Zakroti watched quietly as the Lady Siadamkiru comforted her bride. He said nothing but took not of her actions and used it to judge what he could about her character. He cast a glance back towards his entourage to examine the reaction of Kasari to the occurrence; He was still working her out and noticed for the first time the small lizard she had with her, presumably it was what she had recovered from the storage room... so both of the Gems had pets then. Curious. He turned his head away after a few seconds and back towards Lady Siadamkiru.

Finally the Drakken lady turned away from the young girl and back towards him and appeared be doing her best not to slight him; He appreciated the effort at least.

He listened to what she had to say carefully, raising an eyebrow after her little speech about underdogs; He unclasped his hands from behind his back as she continued, glancing towards one of his Blackguard. Some people of interest was not exactly an encouraging phrase. It was very vague and the next comment out him slightly on edge given that the Lady clearly wasn't particularly trusting of these individuals, though he endeavoured not to show it and pushed it from his mind; After all, nobody trusted anyone here in Drakka. Nonetheless he would make sure that he was accompanied by a good entourage of his men rather than risk meeting these individuals alone.

"You are very mysterious but I shall be glad to act as your ally in this affair if it goes astray and would very much like to hear it out myself. As you say, our path is guile." Zakroti remarked after a short pause, clearly considering what she was saying carefully; A small smile played across his lips as he spoke, crossing his arms in front of him "And where, pray tell, is this meeting to take place?"

I have gotten half a sheet though I'm still playing around a bit with his background and have switched it a few times trying to find one I think fits.
I am still here, it's a busy few days; I have a lot of things going on right now.
Aw, that's a shame. Maybe I'll make a Baelish kind of character then, that could be fun xD

Sorry, in a bit of a hurry today
@RomanAria Thank you Aria

I am going off to sixth form for the rest of the day and will have a busy evening but I shall throw together a CS when I can. I would reserve the heir to House Rathmore if possible
Zakroti paused as he examined the Drakken lady before him, returning a short bow towards her and smiling up towards her (because, somewhat to his humiliation, he was indeed the shorter of the pair.)

Lady Siadamkiru Beneni. She had risen to prominence as a slaver just like he has; it seemed to be the preferred accomplishment of the underdog. She had almost certainly offed several of her brothers to get this position she had. Yes, perhaps she could help him

"Of course you may." He said with a smile as he stepped to the side, raising his hand to motion for the group following him to stay where they were so they were just out of earshot of they spoke quietly; He lowered his voice and spoke again "What is it you desire from me, my Lady Beneni? I don't believe we've had the pleasure of meeting before."


Vain sighed quietly as he watched the girl from the chair he had seated himself in, reaching up and removing his helmet from his face and placing it on the table beside him.

"Stop crying. It won't solve anything." He said absent mindedly, noting the damage she was causing to herself with the jagged flute edge and rolling his eyes "Put that down."

When he looked up again, the girl was still crying and had hit her head off the wall in frustration. Well, there was one way to end this.

He stood up and approached her, seizing her and yanking her away from the wall. He snatched the flute pieces from her hand and cast them into the table before him. Then he shoved her towards the bed "Sit on the end of that and calm down. You lost an instrument and saw someone die so you break down? How old are you? Twelve? What did you expect when you were shipped off from your home? You are the bride of a Lord now, little one; Now act like one." Vain counselled, standing over her and keeping his stare locked onto her "You won't fix anything by crying."
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