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"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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"Don't 'thine' my lord, thou arrogant child. We have little to work together on, my job is to ensure nobody kills you. More than that I cannot say." Vain grunted through visor, spinning in place and pushing open the door and storming down the hall ways.

"Vain, calm yourself. Nevermind him, My Lady, he will warm to you. An encounter with the Gemminite royalty was unexpected and has shaken him. Now come my ladies, stay close. Fouler things than Vain's temper lurk in the Wroth." Gaikus said with a grin, placing hid helmet over his head and gesturing for the two girls to follow after.


Zakroti wrapped his cloak around himself and mounted his horse. He glanced back to the Shadow Wroth, admiring it. He has once heard that it would take a army beyond measure to seize it and having seen it in person he must concur. The defenders options were many and the attackers few and as it was built across the mountain pass that between Gemminia and Drakka, one had to go through it no matter what. There was no way around it unless you circumvented the entire spine.

He half hoped he would return to this place one day, if only to admire it's design and the strange blend of the architectural styles of Drakka and Gemminia.

They would have to ride a short distance to meet with Lady Beneni and if she was running late they would have to wait a while, though she was probably already there and waiting. He was confident that the weather would still hold until they were clear of the mountains either way; If it didnt and there was a blizzard- well, being late for a meeting would be the least of his worries. But first, there was a small matter to attend to- he whistled for the messenger.

"Oeiz Muth?(My Duke?)" The messenger asked as he rode up beside Zakroti. The young duke outstretched his arm to offer the rider the letters and spoke in whispers.

"These are for my 'friends'. You know what to do." Zakroti whispered. The messenger nodded in affirmation and slid the letters into his pouch before turning his horse and galloping away towards the mountain pass.

Zakroti turned back towards the Wroth and watched Vain approach with the two Gems in tow. He called out to them and turned his horse, spurring it on. Vain and Gaikus mounted their own horses.

"Can the pair of you ride?" He asked the two Gems as he rode up beside them. Ayltam, Julius and Aurien rode over to join the group and Zakroti cast a glance to his niece and ward. She looked visibly shaken but steadfast- Zakroti wondered whether it would not have been better to send her with Nastaki or Qeynate.
Sorry for the rushed post, Fridays are a busy day.
Zakroti remained motionless as the girl approached him, though he noticed Vain had tightened his grip around his sword and was ready to strike at a moment's notice. Zakroti let out a low growling noise as the water washed over the wound- but the pain subsided and the wound appeared to have sealed itself. Yet- He frowned lightly. What was she saying? He couldn't understand wh-

Of course.

"[Ah! Drakken! Mine is a bit rust, I am scared. I haven't spoken it for some years, now I'm think of it. The Drakken are rather good at stealing things they like and your language seems to have been one of such things.]" He replied in slightly broken Drakken with numerous minor errors. "[I thank you for your aid. You will find that Drakka, like Gemminia, is diverse. While I think you will find the west marchlands more- civilised than the east, I can give you no rest from the suffering of your people.]"

"If it puts your mind at ease, those Gems who suffer were oft born of those you didn't want." Vain grunted as he eased his hand off the sword

"Vivpre, Vain (Peace, Vain.)[Forgive him. He has a bones to pick with your parents.] I doubt you will find yourself as my wife. Perhaps not even my bride. My grandfather surely has something in mind. As for Aymiria- No, I think not. At this time I cannot risk further dissatisfying the Muthseran." Zakroti said with a dismissive wave of the hand "As for leaving this place, we will soon. We ride by a different road than my kin for we will be meeting and accompanying the Lady Siadamkiru for some distance. Afterwards, we will turn east. It will not be the warmest of paths until we are clear of the mountain so if you brought anything warm, wear it. Aurien!"

Aurien slowly rose from the floor, grimacing at his bandaged wounds and taking his spear in hand. "Oeiz Tak? (My Overlord?)"

"You and Julius will take Ayltam to fetch her things. Vain and Gaikus will remain with Aymiria and the Princess. Kzaar and Kilio will escort me."

"Oeiz Muth-(My duke-)" Vain began in protest; Zakroti held up his hand to silence him and after a moments silence the Blackguard sighed heavily "Na wre gaiar (As you desire.)"

Zakroti turned his attention back to Annaveya "Is there anything else or should we busy ourselves with preparing to leave?"
after hopefully @darkwolf687 does. ^^

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
As Gaikus worked to tend to the young Gem's wounds, he became vaguely aware of another figure moving swiftly towards them. He finished wrapping the bandage around the wound and then stood and moved to stop her- But before he could she was already there, hands upon the wounded Gem.

He froze and stared for a few seconds, watching her work with awe. By the time the glowing water had subsided, Miry's burns were healed without so much as a mark left. "That is a rare touch, young one." Gaikus murmured to himself as he watched the Gems exchange words. He listened to the newcomers words intently, gleaning any information he could. Ayltam moved closer to him and whispered in his ear

"Norkaan, a nit te a an weli a an Gemeiz Aran? (Blackguard, is that one of the children of the Gemminite King?)" Ayltam asked with a curious look in her eye. Gaikus nodded slowly in response

"Ta a. An Muthseran zaraew gaiar kala losar a niz. (It is. The Grandduke would desire to learn of this.)" Gaikus mused- and then quickly moved his hand to his sword as he watched a large Drakken lord approach the two Gems. As Miry slowly backed away with the young girl Gaikus moved in to intervene- Then he paused with jaw agape and watched as Aymiria claimed the princess in the name of his lord.

By the grace of the gods, these brides would be the death of them all.

Gaikus wasn't sure whether to be impressed with the quick thinking or incredulous at the audacity. The Warlord seemed to back off once he saw the presence of the blackguard, probably under the impression that the others couldn't be far away. Gaikus motioned for Ayltam to stay close to him and moved to follow the two Gems swiftly, lest more trouble brew in these dark halls...


Zakroti breathed heavily as he slowly raised up from the floor to look at his grandfather, opening his mouth to speak- but then he was interrupted by the voice of Aymiria. He snapped his gaze towards the doorway and noticed that his bride was not alone. He cocked his brow quizzically and listened to the introduction before glancing towards Nastaki who had a slightly amused expression on his face. This settled Zakroti's nerves slightly; He had no doubt that his grandfather would like this development.

"Vivarieiz varlas, Aranwel Annaveya- acta narlemae wel zo niz narfin hame. Kree Zakroti! Niz te vasha o acta seranior gandra vit wre (Vivari's blood, Princess Annaveya- a lost child in this foreign land. Attention Zakroti! This one brings me a greater gift than you.)" Nastaki said with a twinkle in his eye. He looked down towards Zakroti once more and added "Kaan geh ma wreeiz lia, Muth Zakroti- cey o zaraew shanta wreeiz dava ogim. (Guard her with your life, Duke Zakroti- Or I will take your other horn)"

"Na wre gaiar, Muthseran. (As you desire, Grandduke.)" Zakroti replied as he looked to the floor; Nastaki brushed past the girls to the doorway, staring them down as he did- Then the Muthseran paused for a moment and looked to Aymiria. After a moments consideration, he tossed Zakroti's broken horn towards her and declared "Here girl! You're more worthy of it than him!"

Zakroti did not speak again until he was certain Nastaki was out of an earshot, though in truth the reality of what had just occured was setting in. "Geh shanta oeiz ogim- O zan... (He took my horn- I am..." Zakroti trailed off in a state of shock, his face pained and humiliated as he slowly looked around to his men. There was a deathly silence for a few moments before Gaikus, standing in the doorway behind Aymiria and Annaveya, spoke.

"Oeiz Muth, niz a ageaze wre epe kala acta wel; Wreeiz rof a zoze wreeiz ogim. Geh lyeze shanta wre grunda as sep wre. (My Duke, this is not a story you tell to a child; your strength is not in your horn. They cannot take your honour by cutting you.)" Gaikus said as he stepped into the room and approached the young Duke. "Wre zan rofior vit niz. Ka! (You are stronger than this. Lead!)"

Zakroti paused and gave a nod. He inhaled deeply as he composed himself, trying to block out the pain from the wound as he turned to face Aymiria and the Princess Annaveya. How was he supposed to act after they had just seen that? How could he achieve any air of dignity now? He felt exposed and inadequate.

That's because you are inadequate. A midget Drakken with one horn, how terrifying. A voice in his head called out to him. He shook his head as if to dispel the thought before speaking.

"I- Forgive me the lack of hospitality, Princess- and my poor appearance. Had I the knowledge of your coming I would have endeavoured not to meet you covered in blood and sweat. Nonetheless, your grace, I bid you welcome." He gave a small and quick bow to her and his entourage followed suit, save for Vain who merely glared at the Princess from under his visor. "I am afraid that we will be departing shortly. It is the safest course of action following recent- events. I would offer you the choice of leaving and finding another Drakken but my Grandfather would find that objectionable."

"That is putting it lightly. I will see that the horses are prepared." Qeynate commented as he headed for the door. Zakroti nodded to him once before letting out a heavy sigh

"It is my honour to meet you, I hope we have time to talk for there is a great deal I would like to know. I thank you for helping Aymiria with her injuries and pray to the Mother and the Gods that your stay with us is not too uncomfortable."
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>


Zakroti is going to get one hell of a surprise though. XD

Indeed! The guy is on a bit of a ride at the moment, first he ends up fighting with one of the biggest Drakken around and wins it, then his grandfather starts scolding him and bashing his horns off and then his only surviving bride comes back with her friend- Who happens to be royalty no less- in tow. He probably isn't sure if the gods are smiling on him or mocking him at this point.
Also, I'll post again tomorrow. Try to get Sia and Sorrin unstuck too, when I do that.

I shall post after.
@Feisty-Pants No problem.
<Snipped quote by RomanAria>

Can't seem to find the old thread, is there a link you might have?

Do you mean this one? roleplayerguild.com/topics/79311-delet..
I am a woman in the US and I am terrified.

Try to be less terrified and more amused. I found it helped with Brexit.


In part it is because Clinton was an absolutely terrible candidate, she was manoeuvred into the nomination by the DNC and then failed to attract voters. I think almost any other democrat nominee would have done better though I feel the biggest problem was that everyone underestimated Trump's ability to mobilise rural and disenfranchised voters in the swing states and turn states that should have gone democrat into republican. People took the result for granted and it stung them.

On the bright side while this could be a nasty few years in the long run it could work out better, especially for people in areas typically considered 'safe' votes. Look at Michigan for example, that state was considered as safe democrat vote and hadn't voted republican in 20 years and then in the last legs of the election it suddenly became active. It's still being counted but it looks like it is about to go Trump. This could motivate politicians in the next election to pay more attention to voters in these areas rather than taking their votes for granted and only trying to woo voters in the swing states- that can only be a good thing for democracy, right?

I think it might also shake the world awake; There's a rise in the right across the western world and the left is rapidly losing ground to them. And hey, perhaps this will show everyone that stupid slogans and mudslinging are no basis for good politics. It's been a race to the bottom and it seems like people were voting based on who they thought was the least awful.

Also, as it stands according to google Trump has 276 votes with 59.18 million votes- Clinton has 218 votes with 59.35 million votes. Perhaps this will get people motivated to push for reform on the voting system which has some pretty glaring flaws when a candidate can win more votes with less votes. I wouldn't count on it though, this isn't a new thing and most people don't even notice or care when it does happen.

So try to look on the bright side even if things are looking pretty bleak right now.
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