"Don't 'thine' my lord, thou arrogant child. We have little to work together on, my job is to ensure nobody kills you. More than that I cannot say." Vain grunted through visor, spinning in place and pushing open the door and storming down the hall ways.
"Vain, calm yourself. Nevermind him, My Lady, he will warm to you. An encounter with the Gemminite royalty was unexpected and has shaken him. Now come my ladies, stay close. Fouler things than Vain's temper lurk in the Wroth." Gaikus said with a grin, placing hid helmet over his head and gesturing for the two girls to follow after.
Zakroti wrapped his cloak around himself and mounted his horse. He glanced back to the Shadow Wroth, admiring it. He has once heard that it would take a army beyond measure to seize it and having seen it in person he must concur. The defenders options were many and the attackers few and as it was built across the mountain pass that between Gemminia and Drakka, one had to go through it no matter what. There was no way around it unless you circumvented the entire spine.
He half hoped he would return to this place one day, if only to admire it's design and the strange blend of the architectural styles of Drakka and Gemminia.
They would have to ride a short distance to meet with Lady Beneni and if she was running late they would have to wait a while, though she was probably already there and waiting. He was confident that the weather would still hold until they were clear of the mountains either way; If it didnt and there was a blizzard- well, being late for a meeting would be the least of his worries. But first, there was a small matter to attend to- he whistled for the messenger.
"Oeiz Muth?(My Duke?)" The messenger asked as he rode up beside Zakroti. The young duke outstretched his arm to offer the rider the letters and spoke in whispers.
"These are for my 'friends'. You know what to do." Zakroti whispered. The messenger nodded in affirmation and slid the letters into his pouch before turning his horse and galloping away towards the mountain pass.
Zakroti turned back towards the Wroth and watched Vain approach with the two Gems in tow. He called out to them and turned his horse, spurring it on. Vain and Gaikus mounted their own horses.
"Can the pair of you ride?" He asked the two Gems as he rode up beside them. Ayltam, Julius and Aurien rode over to join the group and Zakroti cast a glance to his niece and ward. She looked visibly shaken but steadfast- Zakroti wondered whether it would not have been better to send her with Nastaki or Qeynate.
"Vain, calm yourself. Nevermind him, My Lady, he will warm to you. An encounter with the Gemminite royalty was unexpected and has shaken him. Now come my ladies, stay close. Fouler things than Vain's temper lurk in the Wroth." Gaikus said with a grin, placing hid helmet over his head and gesturing for the two girls to follow after.
Zakroti wrapped his cloak around himself and mounted his horse. He glanced back to the Shadow Wroth, admiring it. He has once heard that it would take a army beyond measure to seize it and having seen it in person he must concur. The defenders options were many and the attackers few and as it was built across the mountain pass that between Gemminia and Drakka, one had to go through it no matter what. There was no way around it unless you circumvented the entire spine.
He half hoped he would return to this place one day, if only to admire it's design and the strange blend of the architectural styles of Drakka and Gemminia.
They would have to ride a short distance to meet with Lady Beneni and if she was running late they would have to wait a while, though she was probably already there and waiting. He was confident that the weather would still hold until they were clear of the mountains either way; If it didnt and there was a blizzard- well, being late for a meeting would be the least of his worries. But first, there was a small matter to attend to- he whistled for the messenger.
"Oeiz Muth?(My Duke?)" The messenger asked as he rode up beside Zakroti. The young duke outstretched his arm to offer the rider the letters and spoke in whispers.
"These are for my 'friends'. You know what to do." Zakroti whispered. The messenger nodded in affirmation and slid the letters into his pouch before turning his horse and galloping away towards the mountain pass.
Zakroti turned back towards the Wroth and watched Vain approach with the two Gems in tow. He called out to them and turned his horse, spurring it on. Vain and Gaikus mounted their own horses.
"Can the pair of you ride?" He asked the two Gems as he rode up beside them. Ayltam, Julius and Aurien rode over to join the group and Zakroti cast a glance to his niece and ward. She looked visibly shaken but steadfast- Zakroti wondered whether it would not have been better to send her with Nastaki or Qeynate.