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"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
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Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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Eldritch abominations are always fun.
Interested. I always have liked this sort of thing.

Edit: Maybe a god of Change and Chaos (for the latter is the purest expression of the former) although someone else expressed interest in change and we've got one whose the patron of rebellion, so it might be easier to hop ship towards a god of knowledge and forbidden secrets and stuff like that. Either way, perhaps maybe something of a cunning or conniving god who isn't as interested in overtly expanding his own power as he is in simply throwing something out there and seeing whether anything - shall we say interesting - happens as a result; the Might is just a means to that end.
Zakroti Unalim

Interacting with: Aymiria Unalim @Amethyst, Aurora Liesma @WeepingLiberty

Despite everything Zakroti was half disappointed to see that the girls of the court had withdrawn, robbing him of his encounter with Evey. Perhaps he would be fortunate enough to see her again next year, or sooner depending on what the royals had in mind after today. He wondered whether they were in the business of selling if one felt it suitable-

He immediately pushed the thoughts out of his head. Why did he so dwell on her? She was nothing. It would only serve to infuriate Miry and waste his money; while he had the latter in spades, he hardly felt it appropriate. Besides, he was getting another bride today. He glanced down to the ground in a strange mixture of shame and disappointment- and anger. Keregar had been lucky, perhaps, that Zakroti had managed to maintain a mostly cool head throughout their encounter, something he hadn't been sure himself would happen, for he had longed to see red. Still, he Keregar was an old and respected Warlord and ultimately Zakroti preferred to leave an impression on him than to murder him in cold blood in some back alley. In future, perhaps, they might need to work together and in spite of his posturing in their encounter, he knew that the old warlord likely had a few tricks up his sleeve that Zakroti could learn from. He wouldn't burn all his bridges based on nothing more than emotion.

He had missed his opportunity to fight in the arena upon returning, but he knew that there would be time for more duels or sparring later that he could vent his frustration on. He was still pensive in his thoughts when the guardsman approached with his new bride; Zakroti looked up and nodded to him, opening his mouth to speak as he glanced to the girl- but no words came out and his mouth hung open for a few seconds.

He paused. Zakroti turned the same shade as his silver-white armour, his reptilian eyes widening in shock as if he had seen a ghost. Surely it could not be? For a moment he mistook the girl for Kasari herself, she certainly looked close enough. A hint of guilt leapt into his throat as he recalled the events of the previous year, the clashing of Steel and the moment Kasari had been slashed by Aery. A disaster, one which he bore guilt for as well as honour for having defeated Lugft.

"Vivarieiz varlas..." He murmured to exclamation to himself as he looked upon the ghost of his past.

But this girl was not Kasari; he picked out the differences in her appearance; She was a little younger and slightly shorter, for example, her eyes too seemed more vivid. She bore a strong resemblance to be sure, but she was definitely a different person. A relative of some kind, or else astronomical cosmic coincidence. The former was slightly unsettling as a thought; he wondered how many others of her family there were, whether it had now been deprived completely of its next generation or not. He cared not for the fortunes of minor Gem families (nor, for that matter, for many of the major ones), but he did feel that he somewhat owed this family his thoughts for having cost them the lives of one daughter and now the presence of another. He had heard that the Gems treated those who were reaped as being as good as dead, and he could understand such a position. The discomfort turned to disdain as he remembered that even if this was the case, the Gems would be too weak in spirit to try and do anything about, and too weak in body to succeed even if they did.

"Pass the message to his majesty that he has my gratitude and I am awed by his apparent sorcery." Zakroti joked with a thin smile as he approached the girl. In his surprise he reached out to place a hand against her arm, having half expected his hand to phase through her like she was some kind of ghost. But now, she was quite solid. What a replacement indeed... The Prince had done him quite the service, he would have to see it repayed in time. He did not like being indebted. But perhaps that was the point, it was no secret that the King was an old man and his sons may well come to blows at his passing. The influential lords of the realm made good allies and terrible enemies, Gaelnesh was old enough and wise enough to see this.

As the guard backed away Zakroti glanced down towards Miry, then over his shoulders towards his men, their stance steady for a fight- but this was not something that they could protect him from, the sudden difficulty and excitement of encountering someone who so resembled his lost bride. He looked back to the girl who was not Kasari. The expression on her face showed that she had all the same fire burning inside her, however, which he thought was a good thing overall. If looks could kill...

Perhaps he was getting ahead of herself, perhaps she merely looked the part. Was it within reason that the Prince had perhaps seen a girl who had resembled Kasari and had thought that she would make a suitable replacement? No, that didn't make any sense. He seriously doubted the Prince would have known what she had looked like, so no, it was almost a certainty that she was related to Kasari and had been taken based on her name and beauty.

"Let us not delay, for there is much to say. I am Zakroti Unalim, I have the honour of being your new husband." Zakroti said with an inquisitive expression sitting on his face, his brow clocked slightly and his eyes examining her carefully. She glared at him harshly enough as it was, and he hardly expected it to get any better once she learnt precisely who he was. He had ordered that the body sent back to her family, as he recalled, that they might bury her properly according to their own ways and customs and mourn her loss - although in hindsight they were just as likely to have considered such a thing a provocation or mockery as they were to consider it a remorseful gesture- and it hardly made it any better in any case, they likely blamed him all the same for what had happened. At the very least, he was sure that they rightly considered him to bare some of the responsibility for what had happened.

He felt the need to explain himself to her, almost to seek forgiveness from her on behalf of her family. He would very much have liked to get to know Kasari better, she would have been a fine addition to his household and while he had not known her well enough to truly mourn for her passing, he confessed that it had still been something of a blow to him all the same. Perhaps this was an opportunity to right those wrongs, to get to know this Gemmenite better than he had known the one to whom she had a resemblance. He wondered for a moment whether she too could dance- he never had gotten to see that before Kasari had died, and had in truth been looking forward to seeing it. The Drakken were not exactly known for their mastery of art and dance, unless it was the art of war and the dance of death.

He paused for a moment to stop his disorganised and rambling train of thought, and glanced to Miry to gauge her reaction. Then he looked back to the girl before him and asked the question which in truth he was sure he already knew the answer to. "Am I right to take it that you are of the Liesma family? What is your name?"
Zakroti Unalim

Interacting with: Aymiria @Amethyst, Keregar @Legion02

Zakroti spun on his heel to glare up at the old braggart. Who was this man to question him? Some fool barbarian who ought better keep his forked tongue behind his teeth- No, he recognised this one. Zakroti clocked an eyebrow and took a step in advance towards him, placing his helmet on over his head again

"Ah, yes, Keregar. They say you enjoy to lecture. Norkaan, Kree!" Zakroti barked. The warriors around him sprung forth in between the warlords with the clunk of armour and the sound of weapons being brought to bare. Kzaar, towering over the lot, drew his Warhammer from his waist and moved his shield forward. Beltam joined him holding the centre and Kilio moved to hold the left flank while Gaikus drew his blade and readied himself on guard, taking to the right flank. Narlemaewel took position behind the line, by Zakroti and Aymiria themselves, weapons in hand.

"You know history. Good. Then I can expect wise choices of you. You just made a poor one, but we all get to make a mistake or two. History is the tutor of life, no? So choose your words more wisely." Zakroti finished as he placed his hand against the hilt of his own blade, pulling the pale blue blade half out from the sheath, ready to draw it fully at a moments notice. His eyes darted swiftly around his men and then back to the warlord before him. Six armoured and experienced warriors, versus one old warlord. A powerful and experienced warlord yes, but he is only one Drakken; they bleed and die like anything else. An unclean kill, but a kill all the same.

Gods blood, it would be a good feeling to kill right now. He almost hoped the Drakken would give him cause to slay kill. Almost.

"So go on. Speak, if you have aught to say worth my listening." Zakroti grinned beneath the visor of his helmet.
Zakroti Unalim

Interacting with: Aymiria Unalim @Amethyst

Zakroti leant in towards Evey and put his lips to hers for a moment - she was good. Very good. She kept her eyes locked with his- they were lively and playful. Was she actually enjoying this? Or was she merely a good actor?

"Mm, I imagine-" Zakroti stopped short, a grin spreading across his face "Why don't you?"

"Me? Like recommending a dish? That's how you think of me?" Evey replied jokingly, with mock offence.

"Not quite the analogy I would have used- although you do look delicious." Zakroti pressed a little closer to her, pointedly kissing her again to taste. She squirmed a little and turned her head to keep her mouth free to whisper to him, letting his lips to to her neck. She was grinning but again he couldn't tell whether it was real or an act. Logic told him it was probably the latter. Almost certainly the latter. But it was more interesting to believe the former.

"Hah, wouldn't you like to try... Well you are clearly hungry for it.. and there is a table behind me. The fighting will go on for a while so I guess you'll have time to try all of me." Evey whispered, turning her face back to him and slowly backing up, guiding him with her. it

"True, very true. So-" Zakroti stopped himself short of speaking- and moving. He did not hear Miry move, but became distinctly aware of it. Through fortune, instinct or perhaps through the clink of armour as two of his bodyguards set off after her, he became aware that she was no longer by his side.

He felt a pang of guilt and at the same time, couldn't seem to pull himself away from the Gem before him. She appeared to have worked out exactly what was happening herself, for she backed away a little and watched the small Gem scamper away. Zakroti hesitated for a few moments as he stared at the Gem before him, bit finally turned and moved away to the door after his blackguard and Miry, leaving Evey by herself- not that he imagined she minded an excuse to avoid servicing a Drakken - although had that been a hint of disappointment on her face too? His mind playing tricks, most likely.

Zakroti cursed himself under his breath - although he was not sure whether he was cursing himself for infidelity, Miry for having prevented his fun or Evey for having created the mess - as he ran after his men and Miry, eventually catching up to her in the streets, mostly empty from people having been otherwise occupied with the fighting.

"Aymiria!" He called out as he ran up to her, the usually eloquent Drakken lord spluttering and tripping over his own words as he tried to apologise "I didn't- I- You know I- I'm sorry."

He cursed himself in his mind. How could he have? After she had just told him less than a day earlier that- had he no honour? No shame? No discipline and respect? And want a fool he was. Evey was one of the palace girls, it was all a routine. An act she had been trained with and put on for countless Drakken before him. He stopped himself from wondering how many others she must have seduced - and what she must have truly thought of him, despised him and sneered at him beneath her mask. To have allowed himself to fall for it and feel that desire towards her... Before his bodyguards and his bride - and two servants, no less. Such weakness. Such humiliation. Such shame.
Zakroti Unalim

Interacting with: Aymiria Unalim @Amethyst

Zakroti stepped through the door, Aymiria's hand in his own. The Blackguard flanked them on either side, shoving one drunken Drakken whelp out of the way to clear the path for them.

They entered and climbed the winding stairs to the upper level, breathing in the musk of the building. As they stepped out onto an balcony to look down upon the stag, they spread out and took up positions to prevent anyone coming too close.

Zakroti pulled out two chairs beside the table for himself and Aymiria and seated himself upon one, snapping his fingers and motioning to one of the two servants they had brought. The men came forth and placed a pitcher of water and two goblets down upon the table, pouring the pair a drink.

Zakroti took his goblet and drank from it lightly, watching the stage and listening to the Royals speech. He became vaguely aware of a Gemmenite girl, beautiful and lithe, approaching their number up one of the stair cases. He motioned silently for them to let her pass and stood, stepping out and turning to face her.

The girl approached them, brushing her black hair aside from her face and looking to him with doeish brown eyes. Her features were smooth and easy on the eyes. She was perhaps not a great beauty, but was beautiful all the same. Her face twisted into a smile, an empty one most likely as she spoke in a quiet and sweet voice. "Is there anything that I might so for you, my lord?"

"Your name?" Zakroti replied simply, turning his attention back to the centre stage and taking a sip of water from his goblet.

"Evey, my lord." The girl answered swiftly, doubtless having learnt not to keep a Drakken waiting on a response years ago. She took a step closer towards the short lord and continued. "Myself and the other girls are here to ensure you are not bored. Is there anything that I can provide? I can sing, dance, recite poetry, perhaps tend to-"

"I understand." Zakroti cut her off and glanced towards her, looking her up and down quickly and sizing her up. She was of average height, so slightly shorter than him- which made a welcome change in Drakka. She was something of a walking contradiction, dressed in a way to entice the male gaze but at the same time, she was careful not to carry herself in a manner that was overtly... Exciting. Wise of her, perhaps, to seek other methods to assuage the Drakken desires first.

"Then how might I be of service, my lord?" Evey replied, brushing her hair long hair aside and off her chest. He drew his eyes over her body slowly, examining her in a manner which he thought discreet. The jewelry and clothing had been used to explicitly draw attention to certain areas, and he could see enough through the fabric now her hair was out of the way to feel a slight tug of desire.

"Just the one for Duke Zakroti of the west? Not even two?" Zakroti said with a small smile and a cocked brow, toying with her a bit.

"I could fetch more of us if that would please you, if a different girl." Evey replied. She approached him a few places and her voice grew slightly more confident and more playful "Of course, while I am out there, I might be taken by another first. Then you'd have none."

"I'd have my bride." Zakroti said, his brow dropping. Not quite so discreet after all, then. He wished he could say he was disappointed, but a part of him- a certain part- was glad to see her make the offer.

"Yes, but then, you've 'had' her every night since you've taken her. You'll have someone new soon but- there's no reason you can't have some fresh air before that." She drew very close to him, leaning up a bit towards his face and places her hands on his shoulders. "It's a bit more private up here than down there. Who knows what we could get away with, hm?"

"Anything, I imagine..." Zakroti let his voice trail off. She smiled at him playfully and lowered her voice to a whisper

"So what do you imagine, lord Zakroti? I can make it happen." Evey pressed her body towards him slightly, and Zakroti felt his hands move to grasp her- involuntarily. His mind raced as he did, his graze trailing down her body- his mind found its way back to Aymiria all the same.

Miry. He knew he shouldn't. Especially not right in front of her. But... She had been less forthcoming recently, he supposed he now knew why but- why not? It was just one palace girl, it was hardly a great betrayal. He had urges to tend to. Miry had slept regularly with him, he had become used to it and felt somewhat tense now that he had been left hanging, as it were...
Zakroti Unalim

Interacting with: Aymiria Unalim @Amethyst

Zakroti eyes fluttered open and he grunted as he shifted on the bench he had taken to lying on. He listened carefully to Aymiria and glanced to the book in her hand, giving her a small smile. He wondered if she had figured it out yet, what the book was and the story it was telling. And what she thought of it.

"No, no. A good mother would not. But she was a force of nature, not a true mother. She was jealous, envious, violent and cruel, but above all greedy. After her children's children were born, she hated them and sought to see them destroyed, for she regarded it as a challenge to her power. She took to committing cosmic genocide; Drove them into the harshest lands and siced the beasts of the world on them. Murder by proxy." Zakroti said with an air of intelligence around him, enjoying the position of knowledge he had assumed on the matter. He sat up and edged closer to her, sitting beside her with a smile, placing his arm around her, reading through the passages of the book

Odzi zara epeew ad an hame, e meldew an haelia unada ad liavisia e an jaedvisia, kala nagaia. Kala an Wel a an lown, O jorlze kas, a lalyentieiz jaedgaladi arat geheiz Wel.

"'We shall speak for the land, and drive the terrible beasts from earth and the heaven, to death. To the children of the three, I offer no forgiveness, for the fathers' sins poison their son. '" Zakroti translated as he placed his fingers onto the lines, reading them aloud for Miry to hear. "See, she feared her children, so she made new gods. Here, she speaks to them and rallies them--and decrees that there shall be no mercy. She is dedicated to cleansing the world of them."

Thul vasha geheiz zyro; Haelia unadai ad an ush. Geh Mittaoz Tormoras zo an ish, kala ede an welieiz kros. Dun ma tyr e ma rof, an unaze weli mittazeoz an unadai. Geh aoz zyro.

"Dawn brought her wrath; terrible beasts from the South. She created mountains to the east, to end the children's escape. But with bravery and with strength, the young children destroyed the beasts. She was enraged." Zakroti translated again, peering to Miry out of the corner of his eye as he did, watching her reactions intently. "Here, she tries to have them destroyed, to entrap them and send monsters against them. But they are too strong and she is left in impotent rage."

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