Avatar of DashingHeights
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 130 (0.04 / day)
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    1. DashingHeights 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Come join us in adventure! Explore the wonders of imagination in this original fantasy world, by yours truly! roleplayerguild.com/topics/8..


Hello! My name is Dashing Heights but I prefer to be called Dashie. x3 I love Supernatural, Frozen, and My Little Pony, I own and have read all of the Warriors books out so far, I idolize Misha Collins, and I have a talent for drawing and writing!
Depending on the characters and setting, I tend to drift between Intermediate, Skilled, and Narrative roleplaying. I use Literary format and write in past tense from the third person perspective because I find this combination to be relatively simple and it lets sentences flow easily. I prefer descriptive sentences with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, cunjunctions, similies, metaphors, etc.
I put a lot of time and thought into my characters. Therefore, I will not make one specifically for your roleplay. Sorry, but I can't play a character I'm not familiar with. It takes me more than two seconds to put a valid character together, I can't just pull a picture off the internet, slap a random name on it and call it good. My brain doesn't work like that O.o I am mildly OCD.
Furthermore, I draw all pictures of my characters myself, so please don't use them!! <3 Thank you!

Most Recent Posts

A few farmers waved in greeting as Rowan and Maddox made their way through the fields. As usual, they were already bustling with activity. Most Orthians were up at the crack of dawn. It was in their breed to be. Maddox was different, however. He liked to sleep in and he hated physical labour. He only did it because Rowan made him, and he had grown up that way.

The pair turned down a short, cobbled pathway to a house made of mud. Rowan was first inside, patting Buttons on the snout and asking her to wait outside. A moment later, there came a cut off scream and Maddox sprinted the distance between himself and the doorway. He was relieved to find Rowan swatting her very happy looking, much older brother, who had apparently startled her. "You ass!" she was pouting, arms crossed and lip being worried between her teeth. Maddox chuckled, clapping the older man on the back, "Hey, Midas."

"Maddox! Look at you, you never stop growing," Midas gave him an unexpected hug, which was happily returned after a brief moment of surprise. "What constitutes the sudden visit?" Rowan broke in, wiggling her way between the two taller individuals. Midas' smile immediately faltered, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, which he only did when he was nervous. "Well," he cleared his throat as Rowan and Maddox looked up (down) at him expectantly, "It's trade day. And remember how it's your turn to take the goods?"

They nodded in unison.

"It's going to Blencalgo."

Silence followed the statement. Of all places, it had to be the one they hated most. Although neither of them had ever been there, they had heard stories of how terrible it was; how desolate and lazy. Few from Ecrin ever agreed to go there, but this time they must have had something pretty valuable.

"Okay," Maddox finally sighed. Rowan whipped on her heels to stare at him, "Okay? Not okay! We can't go to Blencalgo!" The big guy shrugged, shouldering past her to get to the wash basin in the corner, "I don't see why not. It's for trade." He wrung out the rag sitting in the water (collected that morning) and began wiping the sweat from his body. Rowan paused, momentarily distracted by the droplets curving over her friend's abdominal muscles, following the 'v' created by his thighs, and disappearing into the waistline of his trousers.

Someone coughed. Someone who turned out to be Midas. He was almost laughing, for some reason, and Maddox tilted his head curiously in that cute way that he always did. Rowan huffed, averting her eyes elsewhere and shaking her head. "Why do you do that, Maddy?"

"Do what?"

"Agree. Give everything the benefit of the doubt," Rowan's arms flapped at her sides as if to emphasize her point. Maddox didn't seem to get it, shrugging again and going about his business of cleaning up. Rowan blinked, "Can you do that later?"
Just summoning the peoples
"Head Scientist Sexton, reporting in," Leigh sighed over her communicator. She flipped a few switches and triple-checked the locks on each collector pod before confirming, "Everything's a go, Command. Over." Sitting back in her seat, she pinched the bridge of her nose and squeezed her eyes shut. She had a pounding headache from staying up too late on her home experiments and data. She had already taken three aspirin but couldn't risk anymore with the jump so close. She clutched her bottle of water tightly, strapping into her chair.
@ArenaSnow But the wrong deserve it!
@ArenaSnow Don't eat the waitress! XD She didn't do anything! Eat the creep at the counter.
Yay~ Good.

I hope you all realize there is going to be some serious sexual tension in this roleplay.. I'm going to let you guess between who.
@ArenaSnow I feel like Reggie would taste more like white meat. XD
I'm itching to bring in Reggie now. XD But I must wait. She will appear when the prophet needs her.
Abby tittered, which was odd coming from a red-eyed demon. "Manners," she praised, "I like you. I would love to join you and your friend." She stood and motioned for Michael to lead the way, even though she already knew where they were sitting. She took quick not of the inhuman who just walked through the door, but didn't pay him much attention. Yet. She was sure she'd get to him when the time came.
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