(Design it how you wish, but keep same topics on it.)
General info:
Name/Nickname: This should be self explanatory.
Age: Keep within the range of 25-36 years.
Gender: BIOLOGICAL PLEASE! It's just strange to put whatever they consider themselves here.
Build: This is their body type. There are two words for each characters build, and I have them labeled below(please know it is not in a particular order, I'm just too lazy to fix it.):
Appearance State
- Anorexic Strongman
- Slim Fit
- Bulky Average
- Large Weak
- Heavy Sickly
Appearance: A non-anime Image and a descriptive 2-3 sentences about average clothes and additions to physiology(Physical Appearance, loosely).
Backstory: Every good character has backstory. What did they do with their lives? Where they from? Do they have living family left? Did they experience trauma?
Personality: Not one sentence. Give the character life! Please include sanity.
Action characteristics:
Exceptional Qualities: What's the character exceptionally you good at? Diplomatic? Technical? Athletic? Analytical? Etc.
Horrible traits: What makes it easier to bring your character down? Weak willed? Past injury? Low intellect? Etc.
Personal item(it will come in handy later): What's one item that they treasure very dearly? Jewelry, mementos, gifts, heirlooms, etc.