Hi, I'm Song. I'm an aspiring voice actor and a kind of amateur roleplayer.(Note: seven+ years and still needs to improve to surpass amateur roleplayer.) I'm usually on the free RP board and the casual board, so go ahead and PM me if you decide you want to see if I'll join an RP on one of the boards.
Anyway, about me. I'm a (major) Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout nerd.
On school days, I'll be on before 7:30 and after 3:30.
I think GM should create the opener, setting the scene with everyone doing a post for their character at the pc...then you create the post where we all get sucked in!
Alright. Time to create the "What are we doing?" pre-transport post. For this, I think we should all collab with our posts/have it all in one post.
Appearance: Adrian stands at a towering height of six feet five inches and while not excessively muscular, he does possess an average build of someone that exercises around four times a week. Hair-wise, his in-game avatar has white hair that is around medium length. And, going along with the albino theme he has going on, his in-game eyes are violet. (Music) Theme:
Background: Cyphos... Where do we even begin? Well, he is an Icelandic player and closet necromancer that moved to America when he was younger. Not really much else to say other than he is was in college.
Class: Bow and Blade Ranger
Level: Lvl 1
Stats: Strength: 5 Constitution: 4 Dexterity: 7 Intelligence: 7 Wisdom: 6 Charisma: 1 (Insert joke about the socially awkward here)
Health/Hit points: 130
MP: 100
Skills/Spells: Needing to level up to level two.
Inventory: The traveler clothing set, a mottled green, brown, and grey cloak, a scarf, long sword, short sword and a longbow. (Along with infinite arrows, but that doesn't count because game mechanic BS.)
Storage: Once you hit level five, access to the storage system is open and it can be used to transport items to other locations as long as said locations are safe zones.
Background: Snow White rarely talks about her life outside of the MMO. She made one friend who she speaks to outside the game, who knows how old she really is. She's most definitely still in high school though.
Class: White Mage
Level: Lvl 1
Stats: This stuff will be based on your classes and will change when you train individual stats.
Health/Hit points: Yet again, class stuff.
MP: The base of this will be one hundred for nearly all classes. (The classes that have higher or lower will be listed as such.)
Stats: [placeholder]
Health/Hit points: [placeholder]
MP: [placeholder]
Skills/Spells: [placeholder]
Inventory: [placeholder]
Storage: [placeholder]
Guild: None as of yet.
Question - will we have races in the game or is everyone human? I assume you'll be assigning our class stuff/inventories?
Races are human only. (I should probably be much more diverse in that but the Steam Train of Inspiration left that station a long time ago.) As for the class stuff and inventory? I'll be messaging those later.
Video games are supposed to be fun... a quick escape from reality into a world where anything could happen. So when total immersion video games came into existence, they were the pinnacle of every arcade. An experience where the player could literally become part of the game. However, what happens when there's a glitch? What if you, the players, were transported to your game with no obvious way out? Would you try to find a way to escape or would you just give up?
Username: The name system doesn't support numbers.
IRL Name: Optional
Age: The game itself is suited to teenagers and above, so have fun.
Sex: Just like normal MMO with character customization, male or female.
(Music) Theme: Optional
Background: Yet again, optional. (While nearly every other RP has this as a mandatory, I'd much prefer the players to choose since surprises later in the RP can be quite grand.)
Level: (Lvl 1) This will be changing if y'all do things in the field.
Stats: Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma (This stuff will be based on your classes and will change when you train individual stats. (The stats will also have different results than other classes. Like, let's say a Necromancer has five strength, that will not be equal to a Knight who also has five strength.) Do NOT fill this in unless you see someone with the same class that is level one.)
Health/Hit points: Yet again, class stuff.
MP: The base of this will be one hundred for nearly all classes.
Skills/Spells: And for the thousandth time, class stuff. This will, however, be edited with each level up. In other words, to get a skill or spell, you need to level up.
Inventory: Have fun with the inventory system.
Storage: Once you hit level five, access to the storage system is open and it can be used to transport items to other locations as long as said locations are safe zones.
Guild: Optional
The subclasses of the Knight are Guardian and Sentinel.
Knight is it's own class it is often considered an upgrade to the basic Fighter. They typically wear bigger, heavier armor and weaponry, sacrificing speed for defense and power.
Subclasses are Fencer and Duelist.
A fighter who tends toward light or no armor and prefers agility, cunning, daring and technical skill to sheer force. Tends to be rogue-like in his or her trappings (though usually more flamboyant than subtle) and is often used to evoke the Rogue archetype in games where skills and stealth play a small or no role.
Subclass is Crusader.
Paladin is a Fighter with the power of Light and healing magic, as well as defensive buffs for their allies. Their devotion to their god or deity gives them various prayers, healing abilities and light-based spells to protect themselves and others. They are also quite good at laying the smite down on undead, demons, and other traditionally evil supernatural creatures.
Subclasses are Blackguard, Hexblade, and Death Knight.
The Dark Knight class is the opposite number of the Paladin, possessing the power of Darkness and often necromantic or dark-magic oriented abilities that deal large amounts of damage to enemies, although often at the cost of their own HP. They may have abilities that lower their target's stats or inflict Standard Status Effects also. As the opposite of the Paladin, they may do more damage to light based enemies such as angels, fairies or other traditionally good/holy creatures even if Light is Not Good or find such foes to be their biggest weakness.
Subclasses are Cavalier and Dragoon.
A Fighter who either is in the employ of, powered by, part, owns, or specializes in hunting, dragons. A Dragon Knight usually has a variety of abilities that mimic or relate to dragons in some way — flight or high jumping ability, fire breath, and dealing extra damage to dragons are all common. Some are able to tame or train dragons (typically either big ones large enough to ride on, or smaller species/hatchlings) or even transform into a dragon themselves.
Subclasses are Berserker and Gladiator.
The Barbarian is a breed of Fighter focused more on damage than defense. Note that in systems where Barbarians have normal or greater than normal physical defense compared to other warriors, such as D&D, they will usually have no defense whatsoever against magic. Often characterized by wearing less armor, being less civilized, and being able to fly into a berserker rage that increases damage output or allow them to do more damage based on how hurt they are.
Subclasses are Yojimbo, Kensai, Weapon Master, and Myrmidon.
Samurai wear less armor than regular Fighters, which leads them to have less defensive abilities. In general, they commonly have access to Ki Attacks, higher damage, and higher speed and mobility, along with abilities related to Counter Attacks, sensing hidden enemies, or acting before their opponents can act. Some Samurai can wield both swords and longbows (and occasionally spears), but the majority focus on the sword to the exclusion of all other weapons. Generally restricted to Asian settings, but can appear outside them under more generic names like The Swordmaster. Samurai are the class most likely to have unique weapons which other classes cannot use. Because Yojimbo are mercenaries, they may be literally able to spend money to deal more damage.
Subclasses are General, Marshal and Commander.
The Warlord is a tactical master. He can hold his own in frontline combat as well as giving out buffs to his underlings and allies, usually by commanding them to superior positions than the ones they would have thought of on their own, and he may have protective auras made of his own charisma to increase a team's effectiveness in battle.
Subclasses are Spelldancers and Elemental Blades.
The Magic Knight is a hybrid Fighter/Magician. The key distinction between different versions of this class is how the Fighter and Mage parts are combined: there is a difference between using a sword and magic, and using magic to improve your sword/fighting abilities. Sometimes split into multiple classes based on different kinds of magic or fighting styles - e.g. the same game might have both "Spelldancers" who are highly trained Vancian-Swashbucklers, and "Elemental Blades" who are Elementalist-Knights born into their powers. Usually, they tend to be worse at fighting than Fighters or magic than Mages, but that's the price of versatility.
Subclass is The Beast.
The Monk is partway between the Fighter and the Rogue... kind of. They are usually bare-fisted warriors who either eschew weapons entirely or use only martial artsy weapons like nunchucks and staves. They are often Glass Cannons, or if the Knight is a Glass Cannon, they'll be Mighty Glaciers. They often have access to some sort of Ki Attacks and build up attacks. Self-sufficiency is what sets them apart from classes relying on fragile magics, higher powers or expensive items.
No subclass.
This magic-user was born with abilities they don't need to study, and can use more readily than other magicians. This is sometimes explained as being descended from a magical creature, other times as being part of a Witch Species. However, they are often much less versatile than other magic-users, being limited to a smaller or much more tightly-themed pool of spells.
Subclass is Warlock.
The Magician makes a pact with a higher spirit (although not usually a god since those tend to be distinct in fantasy settings), who supplies him with magical powers. This is usually flavored with a Deal with the Devil. While healing class pacts are seen as good, a magician that makes a pact with an entity that gives them the power to harm or destroy is usually flavored in a darker light - and it may turn out to be with demons or Eldritch Abominations. Thus, this type of magic is usually heavily offensive and nasty.
Subclass is Conjurer.
A higher level in which the caster summons the entity to them to do its bidding. Usually even more dangerous than regular Theurgists. Usually supplemented with some magic of another type. If the summoned entity sticks around for a while to assist the summoner, then they may learn magic that allows them to support it. If the summoned entity simply uses a single powerful attack or ability before vanishing, then the summoner is likely to have weaker abilities of roughly the same type, with the summons themselves serving as a form of Limit Break.
Subclass is Wizard.
These casters rely on Rule Magic and study to learn and wield magic, usually taking years, leaving their bodies squishy and out of shape... most of the time. Dusty tomes and candlelit towers are what you should associate with these guys. If there's a distinction between this and the Sorcerer, it will be that these ones have some kind of limitation — like needing to prepare which spells they'll use ahead of time — in exchange for more versatility if prepared.
No subclass.
A magician who does not specialize in one school or tradition and studies the magic of various types. They tend to be rare, and depending on which limitations they have, may be very powerful thanks to their versatility or very weak thanks to their lack of focus. In any case, they usually aren't able to use the more complex spells their specialized brethren use, or at least not nearly as often. Of all the kinds of magician, they tend to be the most open minded and least prone to think there are Unequal Rites. May also have more physical prowess than most other mages to be even more versatile.
Subclasses are Mime and Mimic.
A magician who does not usually rely on standard spells, but instead learns various spells and special abilities from monsters encountered in travel. Often they will need to see the spell or special ability in action, or cast their own unique spell to 'absorb' the ability. Traditionally will develop to be as diverse as the Red Mage, except with unique monster-like abilities to supplement them.
No subclass.
A magic-user who wields power over the dead, blood, and "death energy". Often they employ a Zerg Rush - creating hordes of weak undead and sending them after a problem till it dies. Any other abilities will likely be curses that weaken or sap away strength.
No subclass.
A magic-user who casts illusions. Generally considered weak, with no real damage output, and has been phased out of most settings.
Subclasses are Druid and Shaman.
Wields power over the natural world, often including elements, animals, and plants.
No subclass.
A specialized Magician who can only use Elemental Powers in some way. They may be able to use all the elements, or may specialize in one or two. Often, they are the key to winning Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors in their setting.
Subclasses are Psion, Mentalist, and ESPer.
Psychics generally employ a combination of telepathy and psychokinesis to attack the opponent's mind directly, or to deal damage to his body. Distinctions between psychic powers and regular magic may be difficult to make. In addition, the list of Psychic Powers potentially available is often seen as too long and generalized.
No subclass.
The Thief is a version of the Rogue with lower damage, but the ability to steal items from enemies. Sometimes, this can extend even to intangible items, such as experience points, but more commonly includes rare items that cannot be obtained in any other way.
Subclass is the Ninja.
A more offensive rogue, who sacrifices technical expertise for better stealth and killing abilities. Often have a variety of weakening and poisoning abilities and are able to cripple a foe to leave him open for allies or to let him die from damage over time.
No subclass.
The Gambler is a fairly rare variation more often seen in video games than in pen and paper settings. The Gambler is a rogue who has a set of magical powers that rely more on chance than usual. They may have to draw a card, spin a roulette, roll magical dice, or activate a magical slot machine to get a desired effect which may be positive or negative depending on their luck. Very likely to attack with playing cards in lieu of throwing knives.
Subclass is Nightblade.
Occasionally, Rogue-types will specialize in magic or powers that augment their stealth, and when they do, those powers generally feature darkness, shadows or the occult as themes.
Subclasses are Brigand, Thug, and Burglar.
A Bandit is a Rogue whose stealth skills are either downplayed or non-existent. While they have all the standard Rogue abilities, they tend to use them in less subtle ways - instead of unlocking a door they'll kick it down, and instead of stealthily pickpocketing their enemies they'll simply walk up and grab things from them. Sometimes they also have the ability to intimidate their enemies or are good at destroying structures. Bandits are generally the Mighty Glacier of Rogue classes, having stats more similar to a Fighter (though they may still be a Fragile Speedster compared to non-Rogues). While they display slightly more variation in weapons than standard Rogues, most Bandits still cannot equip heavy armor (At least, not until the stats are right.) and are thus not as tough as Fighters.
Subclasses are Corsair and Privateer.
The Pirate will use a combination of weaponry instead of specializing - usually being able to switch freely between pistols and swords. They may also receive bonuses for fighting in water terrain or on ships, or be the best class at swimming. May have some aspects of the Bandit, or the Bandit class may be folded into Pirate entirely. When this class specifically represents a pirate captain it sometimes overlaps with Warlord.
Subclasses are Acrobat and Operative.
The Scout combines high movement rate with superior sensory and information-gathering skills, and often emphasizes stealth as well. Not guaranteed to be as good at combat as other Rogues; may overlap with the Ranger archetype if they are. May also favour ranged weapons more than other Rogues.
Subclasses are Healer, Battle Priest, and White Mage.
A squishy dedicated healer with little abilities at offense aside from specific types of enemies, most commonly demonic entities and the undead.
No subclass.
A version of the cleric flavored for a more shamanic, nature-worshiping culture as opposed to the generally Monotheistic religion most Cleric-using settings use.
Subclass is Inquisitor.
The Templar is more of an assassin mixed with a Cleric. The chief role in the story is generally to do the church's dirty work, ferreting out heretics and covering up the great conspiracy. In battle, they may be anything, but tend to be a jack of all trades, weaker than a Paladin, Cleric, or Rogue in their specialties, but able to handle all of their roles to one extent or another. They can also be defined as Mage Killer / The Witch Hunter, especially in settings where the Church is very much at odds with some, if not all, mages.
No subclass.
This version is totally reliant on archery, but usually does higher damage because of it. May have a variety of status-inflicting arrows to slow or otherwise annoy enemies. Usually keeps to the back of a battle.
Subclass is the Duel Wielder.
A version of the ranger that can handle bladed weapons as well, allowing them to defend themselves against approaching enemies or close in for the kill.
Subclass is The Magical Ranger.
The Trapper is a character who can lay down various traps in an area that the enemy can walk into, making them vulnerable to ambushes or follow-up attacks.
Subclasses are Death Trooper and Triggerman
The Gunslinger is the wielder of firearms in a fantasy setting that has them, when guns aren't common enough to be in the hands of regular people. (Or, if they are in the hands of regular people, the gunslinger tends to use them with much greater effectiveness and panache.)
Subclasses are Beastmaster, Puppet Master, and Trainer.
Pet Masters specialize in controlling a powerful "pet" to fight by their side. The pet can be anything from a tamed animal to a summoned elemental to a constructed Golem, but usually it serves as a front-line melee combatant while the master hangs back to support it with healing and long-range attacks. In extreme cases the master does not take part in combat at all. If the pet is an animal then this class is often folded into Ranger or Nature Magician, and comes with the ability to control animals in general. If folded into Summoner then the character might have access to multiple pets, but only be able to use one at a time. Sometimes a Pet Master can ride their pet and function somewhat like a Dragoon, except that the pet does most of the fighting
Subclasses are Miko and Whirling Dervish.
A rare variation of the Bard, who tend to get the same jokes made, but for dancing instead of music. They tend to do the same things as Bards, too, so perhaps they deserve it.
No subclass.
The Cantor sings not just songs but hymns, acting as a cross between the Bard and the Priest. Cantors generally have more focus on healing abilities than a standard Bard, but instead of having attacks which harm demonic creatures and The Undead, a Cantor makes his allies better at fighting such creatures. Alternatively a Cantor may specialize in supporting other Cleric classes, such as restoring their Mana or increasing the potency of their healing spells.
No subclass.
A more "savage" version of the Bard, who charges into battle himself so that he can write epic stories about how glorious it was afterwards. Tends to be less of a Jack-of-All-Trades than a standard Bard in favor of combat abilities similar to the Barbarian. He might also have buffs which turn his allies into Glass Cannons, affect larger numbers of allies than a standard Bard, or allow allies to march or fight continuously without rest. Usually acts as a substitute for Bards in whatever culture Barbarians come from, but they can show up in just about any military setting as "morale officers" or similar.
Subclasses are Tinker, Artificer, Machinist, and Gadgeteer.
This is a character class that relies on technology, often of the Steam Punk or Magitek variety, to achieve ranged controlling effects similar to a wizard. They most likely have guns and bombs as primary weapons, and employ stationary and/or mobile machines on the battlefield.
Subclasses are Chemist and Brewer.
An Alchemist combines items, magic or otherwise, to create potions or bombs to use in battle, often mixing them together during battle. Oddly enough, of all of the classes, they're the ones most likely to be good at throwing things, partly because bombs aren't going to deliver themselves to his enemies.
1. All character applications are posted in this thread. (Except for some, look at Q&A for why.)
2. No godmodding. Don’t go around and controlling other people’s characters without permission and all that stuff.
3. No instant death. Actually links to the previous rule, since it requires that you control another character to kill it. Another player-controlled character can only die if the RPer agrees beforehand.
4. Kissing, hugging and such is allowed, and so is mating to a certain extent – but please, for the love of whatever, do NOT go around and describe the entire act of mating. If anything, make a time-skip from when the act begins to when it ends. We don’t want any of that here. Take it to PMs if you really need to type it out.
5. Once it is your turn to post, please at least give a situation and/or progress-report if you are delayed from posting by a week, and another periodically at least once a week from then, if the delay becomes extreme. If you expect to be unable to post for two weeks or more, please tell us in advance.
6. If you find yourself unable to post for a long period of time (a month or more), please consider allowing for your character to be carried during your incapacitation, preferably while giving relatively brief and manageable instructions on how to handle this OOC.
7. Communicate. If there is any doubt as to which player is the next to post, please address this doubt OOC as soon as possible; ask if the other player intends to post rather than waiting to see if they will. In fact if you have questions in general, don't hold back: a question asked is potentially a mistake avoided.
8. Once I send the message with things filled out, you are then free to post your character sheet in the character section.
Q: Pre-existing game or no?
A: Not a pre-existing game.
Q: Genderlocking with the classes?
A: No genderlocking whatsoever!
Q: Can our characters already know each other?
A: Of course they can, it's all up to the players themselves if they want a pre-existing relationship!
Q: What exactly is the setting of this?
A: It's actually a bit diverse! It'll be taking things from Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Steampunk!
Q: I'm a bit too nervous to post in OOC, can I just PM you instead?
A: Sure thing! You can do that.
Q: How many classes did you put?!
A: Forty one and possibly having more be added!
Have any questions besides the stuff above? Feel free to ask them!
Human (Half, Normal and Dark) Elf Dwarf (Half and Normal) Orc Goblin Undead Troll Halflings Gnomes Lizardfolk Satyr Robots (This is heading for that Steampunk AND Sci-Fi side.)
Hi, I'm Song. I'm an aspiring voice actor and a kind of amateur roleplayer.(Note: seven+ years and still needs to improve to surpass amateur roleplayer.) I'm usually on the free RP board and the casual board, so go ahead and PM me if you decide you want to see if I'll join an RP on one of the boards.
Anyway, about me. I'm a (major) Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout nerd.
On school days, I'll be on before 7:30 and after 3:30.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hi, I'm Song. I'm an aspiring voice actor and a kind of amateur roleplayer.(Note: seven+ years and still needs to improve to surpass amateur roleplayer.) I'm usually on the free RP board and the casual board, so go ahead and PM me if you decide you want to see if I'll join an RP on one of the boards.<br><br>Anyway, about me. I'm a (major) Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, and Fallout nerd.<br><br>On school days, I'll be on before 7:30 and after 3:30.</div>