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    1. Dedalus 10 yrs ago


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-months later-
* The boy and girl have become good friends and she is teaching him how to read every night. Tonight they are reading an old advertisement for Waternaux.*
Frey: And everyone can have their own personal robots, and no one gets sick because they have these pods that you get into and they fix anything!
De: *Rolls onto his back and looks at the ceiling.* I'll bring us there one day. I'll save up my whole life to get us a ticket.
Frey:* her brow creases* What about everyone else?
De: *looks confused* What about them?
Frey: Why can't they go?
De: Well I won't be able to afford for Everyone to go.
Frey: Well, That's not fair.
De: Nothing is.
Frey: *her face is set with determination* Well, I won't go unless everyone can.
De: *shrugs*
Frey:You're supposed to day 'me too'!
De: Grins and shrugs again.*
Frey: * punches him, but she is also trying not to grin.*
-Years later-
*Both De and Frey are laying down on a hill of dirt in the dying sunlight. she draws a symbol on his hand. F+D and above this she draws a circle.*
Frey: Frey and Dedalus forever.
De: * smiles at her* Right, Forever.
LegendBegins said

Sorry, meant for Villiance
*A nun walks in and lightly touches the boy's shoulder.*
Sister: This way, child.
* She leads him through several doorways until they come into a separate room that is packed so full of beds that there is barely any room between them.*
Sister: This is where you will be staying. pick a bed, they are unassigned. But if you sleep in a bed, the next morning you are responsible for making that bed and keeping that area tidy, is that clear?
*The boy nods. and looks down at the floor. The sister looks at him with sympathy.*
Sister: It gets better... I promise.
*She leaves. several other kids are in the room, but they all ignore him. There are new kids in all the time, so no one cares. after a while a girl walks in and sees him. She has dark black hair and blue eyes. she is several years older than the boy, not much, but things like that matter at a young age. She smiles and walks up to him. By this point he had found a dirty old picture book and was looking at some pictures of animals that used to live on the continent he was on. there were yellow ones with long necks and fat grey ones with long mouths and stubby legs. He even saw one that had sharp teeth and a gigantic puff of hair around it's neck.*
Girl: Hello, I'm Fray. I just got here last week, so I'm pretty new too. The sisters thought it would be nice if I talked to you.
*She looks down at the book and then back to him*
Fray: Can you read?
*he shakes his head*
Let me show you, this one is a lion....
*she continues to point to animals and her enthusiasm is infectious. soon the boy smiles as the girl explains what a giraffe was. *
So, you never told me your name.
Boy:*in a small scratchy voice* I'm Dedalus.
*she gives him a weird look.*
That's a long name. How about De?
*he shrugs, and she continues to show him animals.*
... Why exactly?
Valiance said
Goot, goot. Vedy goot.

Is that a Russian or german accent?
BTW this is Tox.
You have some.
*meanwhile in a separate dimension*
*A boy looks out the window. the old crumbling church was considered very opulent, but it was actually falling apart. just like the rest of the planet. Earth is overrun with disease, corruption, crime, pollution and overpopulation. The boy looks up from the ground of earth, from all the suffering. He looks up at the sky to see the giant glowing sphere in the sky. Waternaux. It was beautiful, a glowing white orb in the sky. When Earth began to overpopulate it's self a man built the humongous terrarium for people to live. His name was Waternaux, no one remembers his first name. It for everyone he said. It was supposed to be a ship to carry most of the population to another planet that would be suitable. But as time went on Waternaux died. No one knows how, or why, but he did. Then his dream was transferred to the government and changed. Waternaux city was to be built as a second moon for earth. those who could afford to leave could buy a ticket and go to live in opulence for the rest of their lives. That was years ago, no one has bought a ticket to Waternaux in years. but the boy knows none of this. all he knows is that there is a place up there where there is no crime, no sickness, and no death. He stares at the orb in the sky, with a longing in his chest, like everyone else on earth.*
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