How about a Hungary which used the chaos after the Napoleonic Wars to declare their independence? Would that be allowed? Basically a revolution breaks out and under the rule of a new king Hungary breaks free of the Habsburgs. Following that all other nations quit the Empire and suddenly the former Holy Roman Emperor is stripped from most of his power after the Napoleonic Wars, only keeping Austria.
Would this be okay? I'm busy right now so I can't make an NS yet.
He already said that you can't modify history, so this is probably a no.
“Edoniras , a beautiful continent surrounded by vast seas, with its lands holding bountiful riches. A Empire named the Norian Empire sought to make all of Edoniras its domain, and it conquered vast chunks of Edoniras. Those nations who did not fall under it’s flag saw themselves bowing to the Empire’s many Emperors, and they constantly feared invasion from the massive Empire. However after a while the Empire found it self plagued by overextension, being incapable of defending all of it’s holdings. Corruption, Inflation, and even disease soon followed, and the once mighty empire collapsed. The various Noble Houses seized the opportunity as they carved out chunks of the Empire for their own, and the smaller nations grew, no longer fearing the Empire’s hordes of soldiers.
It has been a few years since the Empire collapsed, and the new nations are now starting to thrive once more. The Powers of the world arise and awaken, seeking to dominate and expand. Guns were invented prior to the Empire’s collapse, but now they are a widespread. You take hold of one of the mighty powers, shall you expand your empire through military force and make yourself feared? Or perhaps you shall take to the seas, conquering through ships rather than through armies. You may prefer however to expand your nation by expanding it’s economy, dominating your enemies through vast wealth and riches. Whatever your choice, a new age has come, intelligence and science is on the rise, and it is time for change. It is time for an Age of Glory.”
There is the idea, now for the rules and NS.
Rules: 1. Standard RP rules apply, such as no godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming etc. Guild Rules apply as well. 2. Be nice and respectful, if you have a issue with me or someone else and wish to debate it, do it respectfully. 3.My decisions or the decisions of Co-GMs are FINAL, if you have a issue with them, PM us and attempt to debate it. 4.No arguements in the OOC, if it is related to the RP add me and all persons involved to a PM and I will monitor and I will make a final decision. 5.Do not insult other RPers, even if they insult you. Bring the issue to me or the Guild Mods. We are supposed to be a little happy family of RPers, not people bitching at each other. 6.The Reply Blob is a false god, and shall not be worshipped in these sacred halls. 7.Any orders need to be put into a hider at the bottom of the post, summed up for this. We love reading your posts, but sometimes we do not have the time and need to get the update together as quickly as possible.
NS Nations Name: Flag: Form of Government: Describe the System: (Describe how your country is run in some more detail.} Location on Map Desired: WIP Capital: (Please point out where in your land you would like this and your other settlements to be otherwise I will put them all on your borders for easy access of an invading army.) Important Settlements: Description: (Describe your nation. Culture, language, currency etc.) Important Characters: Traits: Army: (Gowia will roll this, navy, GDP and stability.) Navy: GDP: Population: Stability:
Traits work like this, you start with 4 points. When you are done with your traits you must have 0 or greater for it to be balanced. You also may only have two +/- traits, and certain traits are marked with a S, these are super-traits. They are taken from normal traits, and have double the effects but double the costs, and you may only have one super trait. There are also super negative traits, which add stability but can severely cripple you in that area. 8-9 traits is probably the maximum if you want to avoid stability concerns(stability being rebellion and the likes)
Large Army: Your nation maintains an army of many men that can dwarf many of the smaller nations. -2 Professional Army: Your nation’s army is well trained and equipped with good weapons, performing better in battle. -3 Elite Army: Your nation’s army is a well oiled machine capable of easily wiping out the Veteran’s of other nations, it is hardened by years of battle and it’s Generals well versed in strategy. -6 (S) Small Army: Your nation maintains a relatively small number of troops, when fielded in battle against another nation your forces are almost always outnumbered. +2 Outdated Army: Your men carry weapons not even your grandfather remembers, muskets misfire more than usual and your training deals with tactics not used in many years. +2 What is Gunpowder?: Your nation lacks any formed of gunpowder based weapons for your army, and is stuck using old crossbows and bows. +4 (Adds stability) Conscription: Your army conscripts men from the countryside to fill out it’s forces. You have large numbers of men that can overrun positions however they have next to no training and break very easily. -1 Militias: Local town and cities employ militias meaning that during times of war they are able to provide a small garrison of men in their defence. -1 Ambitious Generals: Your generals all want a piece of glory. Sometimes even going to backstabbing each other and arriving to another’s aid ‘late’. +1 Never been out of the village: Your men have almost all never been outside their own borders. Other countries lands and environments are almost alien, especially those on another continent. They will suffer from not being able to deal with weather and being unable to forage as well. +1 Decentralized Army: You have an official head of the army however apart from troop allocation he controls very little. Men fall, under the complete command of their own general and whilst this means that they may react to local problems much faster when trying to organize full scale invasions your army is slow and takes a long time to ready. +/- Mercenaries: To make up for weaknesses in your own military you hire mercenaries to protect your nation, and they have better equipment and training then your men, they are only loyal to your coin purse however and you may find your enemy paying them more. +/-
King of the Seas: Your nation has a glorious Maritime history and a navy that matches, many grand ships fill your docks and sailors are viewed as hero’s in the eye of the public. -3 Poseidon: Your nation has such luck and strength in naval affairs it seems if you are blessed by the gods themselves. Your docks are filled with well built and ships, sailors are viewed as heroes and are more than capable of easily facing the navies of other nations, as well as performing boarding actions. -6 (S) Sealegs: Your sailors have spent some time at sea and so can deal with storms and rough weather better than those of other nations. -1 Landlubbers: Your sailors don't exactly train on a boat, boarding and marine forces perform slightly worse due to the moving deck. +1 Ships of Line: The largest ships to sail the sea’s are expensive and vast undertakings however your nation has viewed this as a needed expense. Your fleets have a number of these ships.-2 Scared of water: Your nation has never been one for their sea legs. Many naval loses and ship disasters have left your people unsupporting of any venture in which they need to leave the sight of land. +3 Water is Hell:Your nation has become so afraid of naval affairs that they are even scared of getting near the coast, and going out on even just a small trip down river is considered a death sentence. Those not afraid of venturing out into the sea are often treated as abnormal and sometimes as witches. +6 (Adds Stability) Rotting Hulls: Your nation views ship maintenance as an unneeded cost and so many of your ships have weak wood and the sails are torn and with holes in them. They will not perform well at sea. +2 New Age Ship Construction: New ways of shaping the wood and newly discovered types of wood has led to advances in how ships perform. However these come at a cost, making ships more expensive than usual. +/-0
Trading Hub: Your country is a nation of traders and merchants, many coins pass through the fingers of your citizens every day, especially through your own after taxes. -3 Hub of the World: Your nation overflows with gold in the coffers, goods from lands far and wide arriving through your ports. Every merchant will take large detours to even just be able to shortly dock in your ports, and you have many a merchant and trader. You control most of the local trade routes in your area, and are wealthy beyond measure for it. -6 (S) Strong Industry: Your craftsmen and labourers are good quality and hardworking making some of your nations goods very reliable, sometimes fetching a high price from a market. -2 Fertile Fields: Agriculture is what your nation is known for. Fields of golden wheat and barley run throughout your country. -2 Depleted Materials: After years of exploitation mines now run dry and woods no longer exist, your nation has to import its goods and anything that is made from your own raw materials is highly coveted and so expensive its not worth the cost. +3 Off the Beaten Track: Your nation rarely if ever sees a supply of merchants, only those that bring in the goods on order. Sometimes you wonder if it’s even worth an import tax. +2 No Merchants today: Your nation does not even receive even a single merchant, and finds itself entirely dependent on its own economy. You lack access to foreign goods and must make your own. +4(Adds Stability) Free market: Your economy is not controlled by the state, it can fluctuate completely freely. This means that it can rise incredibly quickly making you very rich, however you are vulnerable to recessions and collapses. -1 State Controlled: Your market is controlled by your ruler, every business is state owned and all works are employed by the state, you are less vulnerable to crashes in the market however with the lack of competition your country advances more slowly and the economy rises more slowly. +1 Empowered Companies: Certain companies are allowed to grow across nations and continents. You have one such company. For sums of money and aid in troubled times they are allowed to construct ports, towns and militias for their own ends. However in the future if you stand in the way of their profits they may have to power to replace you. Or aid you if you help them out. +/-0
Misc. Serfs: Whilst you live in luxury your peasantry works hard labouring all day for practically nothing. Whilst you have a large labour force that produces a lot the people are unhappy and unsupportive. +/- Multicultural: Your nation is composed of many different ethnicities, cultures,and languages. Your people are extremely tolerant towards foreigners, and you find it easy to assimilate newly conquered peoples. -2 “I’m not a racist but…”: Your people look down on those from outside their own street, let alone those from another country. If you wish to attack another group of people you will be backed 100% of the way however foreigners are very loathe to come into your country. +/-0 Renaissance Men: You have more men that have spent much time learning the various arts, they constantly invent things and bring cultural and science to your nation. . -2
There's not much else to say, but I am hoping from great things from all of you guys.
Also special thanks @Gowia who if we can get this going will be doing stats for us, and originally came up with the stats and traits for this.
Going to be looking to start up the IC soon, however as a note Voltus while I am fine with the use of French names and words, I expect all dialogue to be in English, as I rather not have to use Google translate to get through posts.
Skylar, slight issue, this is supposed to be Renaissance Era. I was thinking 1500s to 1600s, rifles werent a thing till the 1800s, and their mentioned under elite army.
Key and I discussed some world-building stuff and we may transition into a fantasy NRP. A new Sci-Fi NRP might be in order, but it depends. Depending on how many us are left, i might setup a poll and see what everyone wants.