That is more than acceptable, I assumed I would need to be based off of the parent nation (I wasnt going to be those silly backwards natives)
I probably take you on then, let me just quickly get you a link to the google doc file where I am keeping the app. It is not finished, but it should give you enough to start writing your own app.
It's been awhile since my last NRP...however I am always up for one. Mind if I throw up an App for a colonial nation? So someone can go all out Imperial and claim me...feel like RPing a different nation than I normally do. And if anyone wants to, drop me a PM and we can make a pirate pad for generating a colonial power that would make sense as having come from your nation.
You can do that if you so desire, however would it be a comprised of natives or based off the culture of the motherland/fatherland?
“The world of Edoniras rushes forth into an age of Imperialism and Steam. Fueled by the the power of blue coal, a strange blue mineral that burns far hotter and far longer than coal, the nations of Edoniras, as well as a few of their Algaesia brothers proceed forth to build empires built upon blue coal and with many new inventions. Great edifices of technology and power darken the skies and seas of the world, monstrosities of industry and imperialism alongside the more mundane wonders. From the “steam-horses” of the Lancian region which have connected Edoniras even more so than the telegraph, all the way to weapons of war which have forced a way open into Hadricia for the empires to stake their claim. It is this new land which has become a focal point for many of the latest conflicts, since the colonization of the “new world”, and it is this land which for many, has shown that while industry has brought many wonders, there is a looming darkness on the horizon. Tensions rise between the empires, and industry is on a ceaseless advance, with even the younger nations starting to catch up to the established powers. The one thing it seems that the old monarchies and republics can agree on, is that times are changing…”
Time’s a Changing is a Steampunk NRP set in a Pseudo Earth the world is very different from our own. Blue coal allowed for a rapid industrialization and development of technology that simply was not seen in our world. Airships, steam planes, mechs, iron ships, and tanks are only a few of the inventions that Blue coal has allowed for.
Blue coal was discovered in the early 1700s in this world, and the New World wasn’t colonized till the late 1700s(mainly due to political instability and a lack of naval development as more money was poured into maintaining armies to fight the other nations). As such most of the New World should still be under colonial rule. Our Pseudo-Africa, Hadricia, is now open to colonization, as the various worlds powers gear up for that fun party. The date of the RP shall start at 1860, January 1st.
1, Standard RP rules apply, no godmodding, powerplaying, metagaming, etc... 2. My Co-GMs and I have the final say. If you have a problem with our rulings, then feel free to PM to express why you dislike and why you think it should be corrected. If I am convinced, I will rescind my ruling. 3. Keep arguments out of the OOC. If it is related to the RP, and me and the associated parties to a PM and I will oversee it there and come to a decision. 4. I expect at most minimum 4 paragraphs per a post, more is encouraged. 5. The Reply blob is a false god and considered heresy, anyone caught worshiping this false god shall be baptized in cleansing flame.
1. Most of the bigger powers will be centered in Edoniras(Pseudo-Europe), with a few in Algaesia(Pseudo-Asia) 2. The New World(Pseudo-America) was only colonized recently as mentioned above. Thus most of it should still fall under colonial rule from the major powers and any independents there should be limited. 3. Hadricia(Pseudo-Africa) is now ripe for colonization, however colonies at the start should be limited, with only a few coastal colonies. 4. Not all of Algaesia is industrialized or westernized, and as such there will be some colonies there.
Name of Nation: Territory: Description of Government: Description of Economy: Description of Culture: Description of Military: History: Other:
And a map, while it is a Earth map we had trouble finding a decent steampunk map, so we settled on this. Feel free to modify the provinces as well, as it was only there for skrubs like me who have no clue how to edit a map properly(And by that I mean editing the borders of province, do not add new land to the map itself). Geographies of areas do not have to line up with Earth either, so feel free to make Russia less of a Winter wonderland or make Nevada not a desert wasteland.