Sayuri Takashi
A g e : 18
G e n d e r : Female
B r i e f B i o : Sayuri was born as the middle child of a noble family and had everything she’d want or need handed on a silver platter, but she never once cared for it even as a child. She was taught how to be a proper lady from a young age but quickly grew bored wanting to learn swordsmanship and how to fight. She would even often run away to watch the Imperial Army or other warriors train. Once when out she found a group of kids her age with similar desires and quickly made friends with them. Over the years they all became close and trained together with Sayuri being a quick learner taking to it very quickly. During that time her closest friend in the group went missing and was never found. One night the group was attacked by a demon. While they were fighting back and running a Demon Slayer came to rescue them. The Demon injured the Slayer making him incapable of fighting so she grabbed his blade and slew the weakened demon. Despite the Slayer showing up and her show of strength she’d lost all but one of her friends in the attack. Afterwards she left to train and join the Demon Slayers Corps.
P e r s o n a l i t y[+] Laid Back
[+] Charismatic
[+] Friendly[-] Detached
[-] Secretive
[-] Single Minded____________________________________________________________________________________________B r e a t h i n g S t y l e
Breath of the Dragon : This is a Breathing technique that gives an incredible boost to the users speed and strength and be able to use it flexibly but nearly abandons defense. This makes the user a devastating force on the battlefield but also makes them a glass canon when struck by a strong blow. The breathing has it’s roots in Thunder breathing taking it’s speed but adding a flexibility that isn’t inherent to it.
First Form – Flashing Fang : Sayuri lunges forward with a flurry of stabs with both of her swords.
Second Form – Fallen Scale : Sayuri drops from the air or leaps towards the enemy and strikes with both swords simultaneously with a spinning slash
Third Form – Piercing Tail : Sayuri takes both of her blades into one of her hands and dashes forward with a fierce twisting thrust designed to pierce the sturdiest of defenses or a small opening.
Forth Form – Bloody Wing : Sayuri dashes forward with incredible speed and slashes horizontally with both swords in a fierce decapitating strike.
____________________________________________________________________________________________N i c h i r i n B l a d e
B l a d e D e s c r i p t i o n : Sayuri wields a pair of Katana of equal length. Each of the swords blades have a dark red cutting edge and a black back, neither has a cross guard and the hilts have no wrappings. When sheathed the swords could easily be mistaken for bokken made with a reddish wood. The color of the blade hints at a fierce bloodlust and darkness belied by her carefree and cheerful personality.
____________________________________________________________________________________________O t h e r U n i q u e T r a i t s : Superhuman Eyesight: Sayuri has extremely strong and sharp eyesight being able to see at a greater distance then almost anyone and for tracking and observing opponents in battle. She uses this to both track demons at a distance and pinpointing weaknesses in an opponents defenses to deliver her devastating strikes where they’ll be most effective.
Uncommonly Tall: She stands at 6’2” being much taller than most other people.
Anywhere Sleeper: Sayuri has the uncanny ability to fall asleep in almost any position and circumstances and so long as she has had a sufficient or decent length of time will awaken well rested and with few aches.