At the sound of gunfire just ahead, Gamma flinched, and took several lurching steps forward before the roar of a big daddy and the sounds of a machine being destroyed stopped Gamma short. A few moments later, Gamma heard the voice of the little sister, "All done!", and not long after, the little sister, with big daddy in tow, rounded the corner. Gamma stared at the sister, and the sister stared back. Gamma was about to break the stillness by turning around and walking away, but the little sister beat Gamma to the punch, releasing her own big daddy and approaching him slowly.
"Where's your girl mister?" The question stung Gamma. Even though he was searching for the man in the picture, the mention of Gamma's little sister reminded him of both Gamma's failure to protect her, and the growing feeling of wrongness accumulating in his body. “Oh, is she having dreamtime?” Gamma pondered the second question a minute before nodding his head, deciding that was the best explanation for the little sister. Suddenly, a gloved hand reached over the little sister and shoved Gamma away, the big daddy giving out a threatening growl before revving its drill. Gamma understood the message clearly, and took several steps away from the pair.
As Gamma was turning to leave, however, the sound of something moving and clanging somewhere above Gamma caught his attention, as though something were moving in the air vents.