Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
9 yrs ago
Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
9 yrs ago
Wisdom teeth's only function is to make you want to rip your mouth out ugh
9 yrs ago
Why did George Jetson name his son Elroy? Who hates their son enough that they would do that?
9 yrs ago
After beating someone in a Pokemon battle, they asked if I could have their children and I don't know how to respond to that.
9 yrs ago
Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart-- OH GOD, I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO REALLY RIP HER HEART OUT, PUT IT BACK
About the Roleplayer -I'm Devo/Bri! 21, roleplayer for 9 years, big nerd. -I'll RP on either a thread or over PM. S'up to you! -I play both fandom and non-fandom. My fandoms and preferences for non-fandom are below. -I play males, females, and individuals on the nonbinary spectrum. I also play both het and lgbt romances. If you PM me, just tell me what kind of characters you want to RP with! -While I will write 18+/mature shenanigans in PMs if the other person wants to, I only rp this kind of material with other 18+ individuals. Otherwise, we'll be skipping to times after that (and if you're not comfortable with 18+ material, tell me and we'll either avoid it completely or skipping to times after that.) -I mainly play romance with different genres added in. -I do NOT rp non-con, incest, or pedophilia. At all. Ever. Basically anything else is fine, though. (Mentioned non-con in your character's history is fine, though.) -I pretty much should be able to get in a post ASAP, but if I'm gonna be gone for a while, I'll tell you!
Non-Fandom Settings I like: -Incredibly unconventional pairings -Modern -Historical setting -Love shapes (Triangles, squares, etc.) -Fantasy in general -Magic in general -Supernatural in general -Love-Hate -Superheroes/Supervillains etc.
I do have some particular non-fandom shipping dynamics I like but you don't have to use them apecifically. Stars denote how much I'm craving that plot (it also might be lower because I'm already doing that plot with someone).
Superhero/Supervillain while not in costume (🌟🌟🌟) Childhood Friends who haven't seen each other in years and changed immensely (🌟) Rivals (either school rivals or career rivals) (🌟🌟🌟) Serial Killer/Assassin x Target (🌟) Human x Ghost (🌟) Athlete x Brainiac (🌟🌟) Any massively different dynamics from each other (🌟🌟🌟) Best friend x Best friend (🌟) Rich x Poor (🌟🌟🌟) Arranged marriages (🌟🌟🌟) Fake dating (🌟🌟🌟)
For fandoms, the star system is also used for both how much I wanna rp the fandom and how much I'm game for that pairing rn.
Fandoms I'll RP (with pairings under spoiler tags):
🌟🌟🌟 Our own universe within this fandom with our own OCs (🌟) Phoenix Wright x Maya Fey (As long as it takes place after the first game, aka when Maya is 18 or older.) (🌟🌟) Phoenix Wright x Miles Edgeworth (🌟🌟) Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin (🌟🌟🌟) Mia Fey x Godot (🌟) Our OCs x Canon characters (🌟) OC x OC (🌟) (I'm possibly open to any pairings not mentioned here, just PM me with a suggestion and we'll talk about it.)
(🌟🌟🌟) Our own universe in this fandom with our own OCs (🌟🌟🌟) Tatsuya Suou x Jun Kurosu (🌟🌟), Maya Amano (🌟), or Lisa Silverman (🌟) (Persona 2) Lisa Silverman x Eikichi Mishina (🌟) (Persona 2) Maya Amano x Ulala (🌟) (Persona 2) P3 Male Protag x Yukari (🌟🌟), Junpei (🌟), Akihiko (🌟), Mitsuru (🌟), Fuuka (🌟), P3 Female Protag (🌟), Shinjiro (🌟), Chihiro (🌟), Ryoji (🌟🌟), Elizabeth (🌟🌟), Theodore (🌟), Aigis (🌟🌟🌟), or P4 Protag (🌟). P3 Female Protag x Junpei (🌟🌟), Akihiko (🌟), Mitsuru (🌟🌟), Shinjiro (🌟), P3 Male Protag (🌟), Yukari (🌟🌟🌟), Ryoji (🌟), Fuuka (🌟), Elizabeth (🌟), Theodore (🌟), Aigis (🌟🌟🌟) or P4 Protag (🌟🌟). Junpei Iori x Yukari Takeba (🌟) (Persona 3) Yukari Takeba x Mitsuru Kirijo (🌟🌟🌟) (Persona 3) Akihiko Sanada x Mitsuru Kirijo (🌟) (Persona 3) Akihiko Sanada x Shinjiro Aragaki (🌟) (Persona 3) Chidori x Junpei (🌟) (Persona 3) P4 Protag x Yosuke (🌟🌟), Chie (🌟), Yukiko (🌟), Kanji (🌟), Rise (🌟🌟), Teddie (🌟), Naoto (🌟), Ai (🌟), Yumi (🌟), Labrys (🌟), Aigis (🌟🌟), Margaret (🌟), Marie (🌟), P3 Male Protag (🌟), or P3 Female Protag (🌟🌟). Yosuke Hanamura x Chie Satonaka (🌟🌟) (Persona 4) Chie Satonaka x Yukiko Amagi (🌟🌟🌟) (Persona 4) Kanji Tatsumi x Naoto Shirogane (🌟🌟) (Persona 4) Rise Kujikawa x Naoto Shirogane (🌟🌟🌟) (Persona 4) Rise Kujikawa x Kanji Tatsumi (🌟🌟) (Persona 4) Yosuke Hanamura x Kanji Tatsumi (🌟) (Persona 4) Yosuke Hanamura x Teddie (🌟) (Persona 4) Kou Ichijo x Daisuke Nagase (🌟) (Persona 4) Teddie x Kanji (🌟) (Persona 4) Marie x Margaret (🌟) (Persona 4) Our OCs x Canon characters (🌟) OC x OC (🌟🌟) (I'm possibly open to any pairings not mentioned here, just PM me with a suggestion and we'll talk about it.)
(🌟🌟) Older Steven x Older Connie (🌟) Lars x Sadie (🌟🌟) Ruby x Sapphire (🌟) Peridot x Amethyst (🌟🌟🌟) Pearl x Rose Quartz (🌟) Rose Quartz x Greg Universe (🌟) Lapis x Peridot (🌟🌟) Peridot x Jasper (🌟) (Depending on the plot) Jasper x Lapis (🌟) Any combination of the Cool Kids (Buck x Sour Cream, Buck x Jenny, Jenny x Sour Cream). (🌟) Our OCs x Canon (🌟) OC x OC (🌟)
🌟🌟 Our own universe in this fandom with our own OCs (🌟🌟) Taichi/Tai x Yamato/Matt (🌟🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Taichi/Tai x Sora (🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Taichi/Tai x Koushiro/Izzy (🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Yamato/Matt x Sora (🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Sora x Jyou/Joe (🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Koushiro/Izzy x Mimi (🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Mimi x Jyou/Joe (🌟🌟🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Takeru/TK x Hikari/Kari (🌟) (Adventure/02/Tri) Daisuke/Davis x Hikari/Kari (🌟) (02/Tri) Daisuke/Davis x Takeru/TK (🌟)(02/Tri) Daisuke/Davis x Ken (🌟🌟) (02/Tri) Daisuke/Davis x Miyako/Yolei (🌟) (02/Tri) Miyako/Yolei x Ken (🌟) (02/Tri) Digimon x Digimon (🌟) (Both canon or OC digimon) Our OCs x canon characters (🌟) OC x OC (🌟🌟) (Other pairings can be suggested)
(🌟) Alejandro x Heather (🌟) Duncan x Courtney (🌟) Duncan x Gwen (🌟) Courtney x Gwen (🌟🌟) Lindsay x Tyler (🌟) Noah x Owen (🌟) Noah x Emma (🌟🌟) Noah x Dawn (🌟🌟) Noah x Alejandro (🌟) Noah x Cody (🌟) Jo x Lightning (🌟) Jo x Brick (🌟) Carrie x Kitty (🌟) Dave x Sky (🌟) Dave x Ella (🌟) Heather x Lindsay (🌟) Alejandro x Tyler (🌟) Dawn x Scott (🌟) Our OCs x Canon characters (🌟) OC x OC (🌟) (Any other suggestions are fine!)
(🌟🌟) Ash x Serena (🌟🌟🌟), Misty (🌟), Gary (🌟🌟), Clemont (🌟), May (🌟🌟), Dawn (🌟), Iris (🌟), Anabel (🌟) Volkner x Flint (🌟) Volkner x Jasmine (🌟) Brock x Lucy (🌟) Pokemon x Pokemon (🌟) Our OCs x Canon characters (🌟) OC x OC (🌟🌟🌟)
(🌟) Sans x Toriel (🌟) Mettaton x Papyrus (🌟) Undyne x Alphys (🌟) Our OCs x Canon characters (🌟) OC x OC (🌟)
Nami x Robin (🌟) Zoro x Sanji (🌟🌟) Law x Nami (🌟) Our OCs x Canon (🌟) OC x OC (🌟🌟)
If anything seemed to interest you, just shoot me a PM and we'll talk about it!
Joking aside, it might take me a bit to make a character that I'm satisfied with, but I might come up with either a Green King or a player under one of the other King's legions!
Hey! I'm Devo/Bri (whichever you wanna call me tbh)! I'm 21 and been roleplaying since I was around 12 or so. As of late, I've been part of a roleplaying group but after a lot of drama, there's only been about four of us left. So I've been wanting to branch out again and get back into public RPs!