Avatar of Devo
  • Last Seen: 7 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 135 (0.04 / day)
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    1. Devo 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current Sorry to everyone I'm in 1x1's with! I'm going to try to marathon post in all of my 1x1's this weekend since I'll be trapped in my apartment all weekend anyway!
9 yrs ago
Wisdom teeth's only function is to make you want to rip your mouth out ugh
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9 yrs ago
Why did George Jetson name his son Elroy? Who hates their son enough that they would do that?
9 yrs ago
After beating someone in a Pokemon battle, they asked if I could have their children and I don't know how to respond to that.
9 yrs ago
Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart-- OH GOD, I DIDN'T MEAN FOR YOU TO REALLY RIP HER HEART OUT, PUT IT BACK


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How well would an incredibly limited healing ability go over?

For limitations, I thought of:
-They cannot heal themselves (after all, the only way they could see themselves is a mirror and well... that's not them.)
-The healing ability cannot heal inorganic substances (so no fixing things like Crazy Diamond from JoJo's or something.)
-They have to see the wound/damage on a person that they wish to heal; it cannot help things like internal bleeding or anything that cannot be seen.
-Of course, the daily limit would be a limitation.

If it seems too OP or not that helpful though, I can definitely come up with something else.
If Mellio couldn't evolve... I'd be OK with that XD

But Gastrodon is so cute! //shot

<Snipped quote by Devo>

They do have the ability to evovle later in the plot if they want xD

I see! Thanks for the answer! c:
@Iatos Do you mind if I ask a question? For the Gijinkas that are in their base forms, will they have the ability to evolve later in the RP or will they stay in their base forms?
@Yayoi PM sent!
@Genkai@imacamoprincess PM's sent to both of you!
Still open to people, soooo bump!
Before Frida knew it, a pack of Grimers and a Muk had decided to ambush the Gijinkas. While the two Eevee-like beings decided to flee, Frida noticed that Mellios and the Houndoom-looking being decided to stay and fight. Frida looked between the fleeing Gijinkas and the ones deciding to stay and fight. She then decided that she'd try to stand alongside the two that chose to fight. But if things looked grim, she'd flee at a moment's notice.

"Oh my," she mentioned as she stood beside the two boys, "They reaaaaally don't look happy, do they?"

Frida watched as another Eevee-- Well. Eevee looking being sauntered onto the scene. That definitely didn't answer the panicking girl's question; if anything, she was becoming more confused over everyone. They weren't human, but they sure weren't Pokemon either. It was a little horrifying, to say the least.

She almost screamed when she felt someone hug her. She looked over at him and blinked once or twice. Out of the group awake so far, he definitely seemed like the happiest of the bunch.

"I'm, um, a little less sad and a little more... Confused?" she asked, in response to the Poke-- Per-- What the heck ever he was.

She thought about his question for a minute, "Frida sounds right? But I'm not supposed to be... this." She stepped away from Mellio and motioned to herself. The ex-Froakie seemed more than a little confused.

She breathed in, deciding to see if she could calm down a bit. Nodding slightly, she replied, "Uh, it's nice to meet you, Mr. Mellio!"
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