@xXSINXx Life was sitting at a bench, letting the sun warm his cold skin and it was a bit like pin cushions but through dark black clothes didn't affect him much. He actually enjoyed the warmth of the sun, sitting here in the breeze. It made him feel almost... Real, like other people. Perhaps not the target of oversaturated media. Nevertheless as he began to rest, half awake or half asleep; was brought to life by the sound of Marilyn breaching the hallways, creating an inpenetrable wall of sound surrounding the school.
"Intercom" - Life
Life flipped his hair to the side and lifted his head as a recognizable cohearance poured in from the outside.
"-Nurses Office, someone there would like to see you, thank you."
Life stood up and began making his way towards the nurses office, passing through each corridor and succeeding the doorframes of numerous classrooms, labs, or any other purposeless place in this time, here and now. Life could feel a hunger burning inside of him it had been a bit since he drank. For he was far to upset to be bothered with living.
He broke into a sprint instinctively, for almost no apparent reason and he felt his blood for the first time in a long time coursing through all extremedies, from fingertip to fingertip and through him like an endless railroad of blood, escalating was the situation now and he bagan sprinting faster now. Not sure why he ran as he did, but broke into far greater speeds the likes of which humankind where foreign to. He began near teleporting at the speed in which he moved and it seemed like an infinite loop for him, but what was to others a split second of his life. He was trapped inside of his own mind for a duration. Blocking out all other things as if he knew what to expect as he threw the door open, and yet his reasoning for his actions were not just. He was unaware of the situation indefinitely, but the gnawing ache of his currently lifeless heart throbbes once more.
The door opened from his wrist turning the knob, squeeking as most did here.
The door stood wide open, such as a metaphor for his... Heart.
His lips, dare to utter a word as he began to attempt a human tongue. ~ "S...Shermie.." she was facing the other way and he- still unsure who this character was but at the same time, he knew all too well. He walked into the room. Got down mear the side of the bed in which she she lay resting. And moved to see her, she was crying. Unable to move it seemed, and he knew what this was. Her eyes scanned his face with little feeling or emotion. He lifted his arm behind her head, craddling her from the side of the bed. Moving her slightly, and speaking calm to alert her. Perhaps she would kill him.
"Shermie... Wake.." - Life