Avatar of Diabolicalrhapsody
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    1. Diabolicalrhapsody 10 yrs ago


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[hider=Bad Dreams!] Name: Pyktis von Dusseldorf Age: 17 Gender: Male Abilities: Echolocation, Torture Chamber- Simply said, his body is a relay. A force and energy relay. Something that has perfected Newton's third law to the extreme and taken it across multiple planes. So even grave injuries that are enough to kill people make him stronger. Though, he doesn't hulk out like a certain green monster, he is certainly equivalent in power to him in reality. Personality: Is unnaturally Calm and Reserved, he gives off a very eerie and ominous feeling to people who don't know him personally. His accomplices recall him to be extremely pleasant and easy to talk to, with a rare brand of soft skills and gentlemanly disposition. But according to rumors about him, he is known as a cold-blooded sadist and torturer, so a lot about him is still a mystery. Appearance: ![Pyktis Furo](http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/365/a/e/__thedarkesthour___by_xxkalixx-d4ktcz7.jpg "enter image title here") Bio: The tale of Pyktis is a weird one, he was born on the streets or in better terms an orphan. So growing up wasn't easy, not in one bit if you have little to no eyesight. But he was luckier than most children his age and in his circumstances. It seems that there was some sort of a guardian spirit that looked over him, watched his back. In any rut he managed to find himself in, throughout the years somehow he managed to survive. He had a weird sort of power to give back in kind the treatment he got. His enemies barely escaped with their lives if they chose to trouble him. He had also found his way around his lacking eyesight, through training and natural gift of enhanced hearing, he found it easy to navigate the grim alleyways where he spent his days in silence. Also by making an inaudible screech, he usually walked around the hindrances as if he had full vision. Had it not been for that incident that brought his powers to notice and a really caring detective he wouldn't have found himself on the doors of the Orphanage. [/hider]
> Katherine smiled and nodded. She gsd no idea what was happening around them it sounded very intense. "I agree that it sounds Like we are missing something.most of the time I dont mind being blind but Times like this frustrate me." "Yeah." he said in a low tone. "Seems like the new additions are particularly jumpy." "Well, how about going to the garden? I don't think we'll be doing much in this class. The housekeeper seems to have her hands full at the moment, there are quite a few fragrant flowers outside. It would be a welcome change from this situation I think. What do you think?" he asked her curiously.
"Seems to me thta we are missing out on quite a lot here, Kat." Py commented silently to katherin who was sitting nearby. "Sometimes, I do feel a bit lost in such situations. Do you think so as well?" he asked her.
I'm still here if that means anything :D Don't know about others. Lately my schedule has been a bit tight. So I'll be here once everyday.
KatherinWinter said
"You know more thsn I do Py. I didnt knew notes had faves on them although I imagined they had pictures of some sort. I haven't noticed a different texture to the paper notes. But I have only felt them a copy of times. Most people are wary of giving a blind person money. I have not learned numbers beyond ten. There was no need for anything higher on the streets." Katherin explained.

"Ah! I see. You see this has only been implemented a short while back. The old notes still in circulation don't have different textures. My mistress told me that we took the idea from the Canadians to implement this but because the system is run by ignorant fools who couldn't see so much laundered money go out of circulation the old notes are still in the market. Even I can't tell a particular note from before two years. They are all the same to me and their shapes are the same so you can't remember which is which." he said with a shrug admitting the chink in his proverbial armor.

"As for the counting, I can help you with that as well if you want. Or maybe Kyo is even more learned than me." he gave a nervous giggled. " I know a lot of things but they are nothing but jumbles. I can count hundred thousand. I know that an M-14 fires at 1670 fts per sec., whatever that is. I know that Brauer Nail gun can use both 6 inch and 9 inch bolts and a lot of other gibberish. I'll be glad to share them with you if you like but I don't think they'd be useful. " he said to her in a low tone. The fact that he was harping on about himself while he knew nothing of the girl made him fee like an idiot, this was not how a model man should behave. Lady Annabelle would have been disappointed.
YamiCuoreLaroux said
Kyo took a moment to think about this, but...it didn't make that much sense to him. A ten dollar note wasn't a twenty dollar note...but ten more would create an equality...that was all that was needed to be known, right? And when it came to addition and subtraction...that was kind of an automatic process, wasn't it? Something plus something made another number because that was just how much would be there when the amounts were counted together, right? And wasn't it better to learn from experience than theory? What was he missing? Although...as long as it was correct, the process wouldn't even matter, right? He shook his head and started typing again; he must have misunderstood what Pyktis was trying to explain and needed more information, clearly. "Pyktis, would you give me another example?

"Hmm..let's see. You see it is easy to dupe a blind person in regards to currency and stuff because they can't 'see' the labelled bills. But those who know the feel of a ten dollar note from another note can tell when they're being made a fool of. But that's not the point. My point is that we know numbers through others telling us, some through harsh experiences and others through more logical ones. But with our visual handicaps and the fact that we pretty much were street urchins to this past few days we can't relate to writing numbers and calculation stuff. So while you can write 0 to 9 and its various combinations, all he numbers are same to us physically. As far as counting goes I learnt it from my abusive master, don't know about Kat." Py replied while scratching his head. He was confused with the nature of Kyo's question until it dawned on him that Kyo couldn't relate to their handicap. Meanwhile Kat got curious at his reply.

KatherinWinter said
"You can tell notes apart?" Katherin asked in surprise. She couldn't. They all felt the same to her. She could tell coins apart because they were different sizes but the paper money was all the same to her. "I have to trust someone to tell me which note I have. Its one if the things I'm hoping to learn."

"Oh!, I can show you anytime you want. It's all about the texture of the note. Though, I only know $1, $10 and $5. I also know that the bearded guy on the five dollar bill is called Mr.Lincoln." he said with a smile. though he knew that she couldn't see it.
Sen said
Remember when I said I'd post today? Heh, good times.Day 13 of my Christmas advent/challenge thing! I'm finally starting to loathe forcing myself to write! Every day until Christmas, I'll make a post featuring either the character from the Arcana assigned to the day (apologies in advance if I fuck up their personalities) or an event of my choosing if no relevant character exists for the Arcana. Arcanas are assigned numerically, as in Fool (0) was the fourth, and the World (21) is Christmas Day. Stories have no set theme and they have no minimum length. Next Arcana is the Hanged Man, Diabolical's Alexai Dragonuv! I wasn't really sure what I was doing so yeah. It's a bit sloppy.Basic updates and schedule can be found !Food poisoning's the worst! Get better soon.

Sen said
Remember when I said I'd post today? Heh, good times.Day 13 of my Christmas advent/challenge thing! I'm finally starting to loathe forcing myself to write! Every day until Christmas, I'll make a post featuring either the character from the Arcana assigned to the day (apologies in advance if I fuck up their personalities) or an event of my choosing if no relevant character exists for the Arcana. Arcanas are assigned numerically, as in Fool (0) was the fourth, and the World (21) is Christmas Day. Stories have no set theme and they have no minimum length. Next Arcana is the Hanged Man, Diabolical's Alexai Dragonuv! I wasn't really sure what I was doing so yeah. It's a bit sloppy.Basic updates and schedule can be found !Food poisoning's the worst! Get better soon.

Just noticed this now. I didn't know that my character came out this meek. Well, great job writing.
MissCapnCrunch said

Happy Holidays! I didn't know that you had Lupus so you have my wishes and prayers for a complete recovery. Hope they find a cure, it's been high time they did.
YamiCuoreLaroux said
Hmm... What to do? Kyo really wasn't sure. The main issue seemed to be getting the information on paper, and he didn't know any Braille. That would probably have to be covered during lessons with the housekeeper, but it seemed rather unfair that the two would have to struggle with what was turning out to be an impossible task. "What if you listed the steps for what you do know and had someone write them for you for now? We can ask the housekeeper about teaching the writing system when she returns."

"Umm...not to sound dumb. But you see, the main problem with me and I think with Kat is that whatever we have learned is more from experience than practice or process. So when you hand us a ten dollar note and say it is a twenty dollar one we know that we need ten more to meet your actual claim. Throughout our lives we have had so many such experiences that these calculations are more instinct than anything. So I simply can't narrate how I can calculate whatever I could." Py said in an earnest tone.
Haru Nyan said
Hey, Hey, Hey everyone!Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the big 'ol 7107 islands!

Same to you Haru. Take care of yourself and have fun. o/
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