[hider=Bad Dreams!]
Name: Pyktis von Dusseldorf
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Abilities: Echolocation, Torture Chamber- Simply said, his body is a relay. A force and energy relay. Something that has perfected Newton's third law to the extreme and taken it across multiple planes. So even grave injuries that are enough to kill people make him stronger. Though, he doesn't hulk out like a certain green monster, he is certainly equivalent in power to him in reality.
Personality: Is unnaturally Calm and Reserved, he gives off a very eerie and ominous feeling to people who don't know him personally. His accomplices recall him to be extremely pleasant and easy to talk to, with a rare brand of soft skills and gentlemanly disposition. But according to rumors about him, he is known as a cold-blooded sadist and torturer, so a lot about him is still a mystery.
Bio: The tale of Pyktis is a weird one, he was born on the streets or in better terms an orphan. So growing up wasn't easy, not in one bit if you have little to no eyesight. But he was luckier than most children his age and in his circumstances. It seems that there was some sort of a guardian spirit that looked over him, watched his back. In any rut he managed to find himself in, throughout the years somehow he managed to survive. He had a weird sort of power to give back in kind the treatment he got. His enemies barely escaped with their lives if they chose to trouble him. He had also found his way around his lacking eyesight, through training and natural gift of enhanced hearing, he found it easy to navigate the grim alleyways where he spent his days in silence. Also by making an inaudible screech, he usually walked around the hindrances as if he had full vision.
Had it not been for that incident that brought his powers to notice and a really caring detective he wouldn't have found himself on the doors of the Orphanage.