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Alexei Dragunov - Manga and Anime Club

Akane turned around and greeted him just as Rui also decided to pass by. Alexei looked at the pictures Akane was drawing as Rui mentioned dungeons and shadows, now that he looked at her renditions they didn't seem to stir the same emotions as when he was in that kaleidoscopic reality. Rui hadn't been really clear about the stuff because he himself was only guessing at most of the things.

"Those drafts look good, thinking of spinning a story around it?" Alexei said finally, breaking the awkward pause that had built up in the room. "Now that you both are here, I was intending to ask you about my sister. Can she not be the part of this rescue group that you guys got going. I don't want her to drag in this again if its possible. But my worry is, will she be safe outside? Have their been any incident of people being taken twice?" Alexei said, a little burden off his shoulders. He helped himself to a chair and plopped his bag on the floor, looking at others for a reply.
Alexei Dragunov

The past days have been heavy with introspection, what ever happened inside the strange place. Whatever was that giant hulk of an existence and what were his true feelings for his family had been evaluated and then re-evaluated by Alexei as he had more time to himself at his home. Elena was due to discharge in the evening today and his mother didn't had the faintest clue of what had happened to the siblings. The hospital staff had played their parts well and he was grateful for that.

But strangely, Rui wasn't as much a help as Alexei would have thought. Perhaps he was new to this too. He hadn't been focusing on the lesson at hand when the bell tolled and he was brought back to the present. There was a place where all their paths converged, the Manga and Anime club. Surely, the girls knew more than him at least. They were there and ready to mix in their punches. Perhaps he needed to probe more before mulling it over by himself.

Manga and Anime Club

A slight knock announced his arrival as he found the girls already present and busy with their activities.

"Do you have a minute?" he announced in his deep tone.
Elena Dragunov | Warakuma Hospital

Elena was honestly surprised, Alexei wasn't the kind of guy that had many friends. He had that air around him and yet, so many people had dropped by. It was a welcome surprise, what was even more heartening was, that he was a hit with the fairer sex. Elena couldn't help but giggle as she shifted in the bed to allow Kotori to sit comfortably.

The new arrival seemed to be just his type, she had that physicality about her and she brought his favorite manga so she did know him better than most.

"Oh volume 27!" said Alexei with a smile, it had been a while since he had practiced that but it didn't turn out to be sheepish or goofy.

"Thanks! for this. This happens to be my favorite part." he said cheerfully before waving the basket of fruits in front of her. He knew Akane was comfortable around him and he need not be formal.

As she asked about Elena, Elena sat up behind Kotori, who being the cultured being she was shifted effortlessly away from her line of sight.

"I'm okay, I guess. Doctor Shirakawa said that it'll take a few more days for me to be fit to be relieved. So I guess, I'll be here a little while longer." she said with a smile to the upperclassmen.

"I'm Elena Dragunov and I guess you already know my relationship with Alexei." she introduced herself, pausing for a bit before adding "thank you all for being his friends." with a slight bow. It was rare for Elena to be this way but she was touched by the attention that her brother was receiving.
Alexei Dragunov | Warakuma Hospital

For a moment he could see Kotori turn red as a tomato, perhaps she wasn't expecting such reactions from either of the two siblings. Alexei wondered why a helpful and studious girl like Kotori had such timidness or perhaps it was just a little discomfort. He tried to allay her the best he could, "Okay, we'll talk about it later."

He took an apple from the fruit basket and offered it to her, "Sadly we aren't at home so this is the best I can do, why don't you come over our place on a Sunday? you may like it." he said lightly just as then Rui entered.

"Yeah it seems, all I needed was a shut-eye." Alexei said in response to his observation. Before the junior began how he knew of him. "Well we have crossed paths more than once but those are insignificant details. I'll be discharged tonight,if you gotta talk about something you can give me your number, I'll ring you up." he said.

"Help yourself to the fruits if you feel like, I could really use some needless sweet drink at the moment but the nurses said No!" he finished.
Dragunov Siblings - Warakuma Hospital

"Sorry, Ni-san!" a faint voice broke Alexei's calm siesta. It was nice to relax a bit sometimes, now that he had done nothing but rest for full sixteen hours. No chores to run, food to make or things to fix. It was a welcome rest and he needed it but what he didn't need was her sister's voice filled with guilt.

"For what, Akachan!" he said in his deep grumble, eyes still closed but he moved his torso to the side to face his beloved sister.

Elena was pleasantly surprised, she hadn't seen her dear brother smile in god knows how long and for him to call her 'baby' meant that there was a change that she may have missed in their last harrowing experience together.

"Nothing!" she whispered quietly as she turned to face him, looking at his visage carefully. She had always felt protected and nurtured but something was different today. Her brother wasn't know for open display of love, well if you discount the flowers and the pains he goes to in making her lunch but smiling together and other non verbal communications were rather limited. She couldn't place it but she was happy if things looked like what they were.

A faint knock caught his attention, it was a bit too light for a hospital staff and the fact that almost everyone knew him because of his mother here. They could openly announce themselves and enter. Perhaps, the news may have caught on to Inoue and Sagat. He didn't expect any others.

So he was pleasantly surprised when Kotori opened the door after a brief pause. Carrying two bouquets for the siblings, this was certainly unexpected.

"Ah! Shirohane-san!" he said, a bit surprised, as he sat up in his bed.

"Kotori-chan!!" Elena almost screamed in excitement as she too noticed the flowers. Kotori wanted to place it on the side table but hesitated. Asking whether it was okay. It was Elena who tried to put her at ease.

"Thank you!! They are beautiful. I'm so happy you came to see me." she carried in her excited tone,perhaps making the other girl a bit embarrassed.

"So? How did you know, we were here?" Elena asked.

"Calm down, sis. It was through Shirohane-san's help that I was able to rescue you." Alexei finally said. "I don't know how I'll repay your debt, but I'll try, Shirohane-san." he added sincerely. Elena's eyes just widened at his response as she motioned for Kotori to sit next to her on her bed trying to make her feel comfortable with the two foreigners.
@Sho Minazuki

Since I'm a beginner, I'd like to know what kind of moveset can I use.
Alexei Dragunov - Somewhere

Alexei joined his rescue squad with a silent nod as they went deeper and with Ayano's guidance they were able to reach his sister quickly. Rui also let the shadows up to him, allowing to get practice with the process that others beside him seem to use effortlessly. Seemingly, he knew all the commands to guide this Prometheus Despite its massive build, the phantasm was a powerhouse as it dished vicious fire like attacks.

He was a bit jaded as he reached his sister but was reinvigorated when he saw Elena's limp body in the arms of one of the cultists. Throwing caution to the wind, he ran for her. He didn't remember after that but somehow he had carried his baby sister in his arms to the hospital. He may not admit it but she had grown a bit heavier and coupled with whatever he had gone through, he was a bit tired. What he didn't know, was that he was beyond the point of fatigue. Driven solely through willpower alone as he collapsed as soon as he had rested her on a stretcher.


He found his sleep fading as he was called in by a lovely melody, finding himself in a strange room. Blue from top to bottom, filled with a large, rather expensive looking table. He knew straight away that it wasn't his home, not any of his regular dreams. He would never splurge on something so mundane.

His observation was interrupted by a strange small man. He shared his Granfather's name and had a quiet long nose but something about how he dressed and talked meant that he was the one in-charge of this place. He then looked closely at the table to find a number before him and the name of the card that was kept beside it. The Hanged Man , sure sounded ominous. As if noticing his reaction the old man spoke with sagely calm that belied a bit of forewarning. Perhaps, the way he has been living would be considered dangerous or something but he didn't seem to care about it. He'll face his demons when the time comes but he nodded at the old man, more out of respect than agreement. He also noticed a beautiful lady stand next to the man, she had pale blonde hair much like his mother and looked a foreigner too.

On the old man's signal, she moved towards him and handed him a key to whatever this place was and the old man bid him farewell. Alexei found his conscious waning at that moment and soon there was nothing but darkness. But he was content with one thing, his sister was safe and next to him. That's all that mattered, apart from allaying the concerns of his mother.
I've also posted. If your character has something to say, please do so, I'm going to update tomorrow and finish the dungeon off.

Apart from a Thanks, i don't think Alexei would say much, so lets wrap this bit up.
Alexei Dragunov : Crypt of Hopes and Dreams

The fall was a bit harder than he had prepared himself for and Alexei took sometime to settle. He watched on as his doppelganger turned into something grotesque, something he could vaguely figure out. As others fought it off in this bizarre situation. He could make out their faces. They were all from his school and ironically, all of the earlier kidnapped.

Was this some kinda game, or an alternate dimension. What was going on?

Alexei had many questions and as he pondered on them and noticed phantasmal beings work in tandem with his acquaintances, he wondered what this world was. It didn't take long to beat of the Goliath than was once his look alike and upon defeat, astonishingly it turned back to its revious form. The others backed out, making it seem like his job to do this closure.

Alexei got up a bit gingerly, still a bit shaken from the fall. He was in a mental mess, a rather rare occurrence. He usually had this unearthly calm. Perhaps, Elena's absence was still worrying him. As he walked closer to his look alike it spoke up in its shrill voice, the snide grin from earlier absent.

"The world isn't that had a place you think it is, bub." his tone a bit somber and low.

"You don't need to give up on your life to let others lead theirs, you feel me brother." this sudden change was certainly perplexing but Alexei could feel meaning behind those words and that meaning seem to hit him like a train. He had been consumed, quiet literally, with the thought of providing a normal life for his sister and mother, it was on a similar path that his father did. Busying himself with work and avoid giving his presence for them to heal them. He had meant well but had gone about it all the wrong way.

"Yeah" he said in his low baritone. "I guess letting your hair down sometimes won't hurt." he admitted.

"No one asked me for this role, I took it up myself. But I feel that I have failed remarkably." he said in a low voice, tears seem to well up in his eyes.

"Nooo! No! No!, you have done a remarkable job but what they want is a man who doesn't treat them like a burden, who has his own life and interests. One, who they can depend upon in their time of need but one who has his own dreams and aspirations."

"Yeah, I know. I think I can still be that if I try hard enough." the other Alexei got up shakily at this and walked on towards the real one, a genuine smile on his face this time. A blue light slowly started enveloping him as he stood closer to Alexei and soon it momentarily obscured it from view as the figure changed to a large man with fiery hair red knightly armor.

Thou art I, I art Thou
I am Prometheus, the ever enduring.

The figure soon dissipated and its place a card was left in the palm of Alexei's hand. He wondered if this was his phantasmal companion, much like others had used earlier. He wondered what he knew about this being and how could he handle it. Perhaps this was best left to the crew who already had experience.

So he turned towards the group and spoke "I am sorry to come across as over-bearing but my sister is still here somewhere. If you all don't mind, could you please lend me a hand once more."

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