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Current i love your cat more than you btw
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not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
1 day ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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1 day ago
what the frick


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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I saw it and I'll take a look tomorrow. Thanks! Quite curious to see what it contains.

Nothing majorly important but it offers some info on how politicians see media (in some countries). It also offers insight on how Marxism kickstarted propaganda efforts for example.

It's a good read if you are interested in information warfare (which is a real thing though it's nowhere near as conspiracy like as websites like infowars like to portray it). Intelligence agencies have engaged in information warfare since forever and the best examples are probably from the Cold War. Soviets were masters of disinformation tactics.
<Snipped quote by Dark Wind>
Are you referring to the common theory that sensationalized headlines are drawing attention away from issues that governments wish for their people to "ignore"?

Media control strategy. I have a .pdf of a book somewhere that I'll forward you if I can find it.
@AwesomeT Hey! First of all you can get started in any of the three sections you feel comfortable in - many start in casual but you can start where ever you want. If you'd rather do private 1-on-1's try the 1x1 section! And for fighting RP's you can try the arena. Otherwise there's nation roleplaying and tabletop, if that's your fancy.

Welcome to the guild and have a good time!
Cool, nice work compiling this stuff.

There's definitely a lot to do, but I've made some good progress this weekend. I think some updates I made to the database this morning even addressed the worst of the timeout issues, though it's too soon to wash my hands.

Next, I'd like to focus on some core Guild features again. Your priority list has some good necessities. I'd also like to kill some of our expired / gimmicky features and excess bloat that does nothing anymore but make the code more annoying to work with.

I don't think it would be worth anyone's time for me to do a point-by-point reply to every bullet point. There are enough priorities that we all unanimously agree with to keep me busy. I'm in a good position with my life right now to plunge some more work into the Guild.

I will check in and make some more posts in this thread, but I at least wanted to acknowledge it after reading the first few pages. Back to work, though.

Any time. I'll try to keep this thread alive but since your return it's died off again.

Perhaps in a few months, we'll have new issues and I'll start a new thread. For now I think we're well on our way to a better roleplayerguild. Thanks for everything you did - and continue to do - but I felt like this thread was needed. I hope you took everything as constructive criticism, and not as an attack on you or what you do.

Sometimes calling a spade a spade is the best way forward.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

At the moment I'm so bored I could be on board with that. (Waiting for RP replies.)

Suicide - the final solution for your boredom! When you have such a slow life, even roleplaying can't give you a purpose!

That should be the new slogan for RPG.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
Only if we overdose while we're at it.
@JBRam2002 I'd imagined they were equal in both regards, kinda like Kakashi and Guy sensei (sorry for bringing Naruto into this). They'd just constantly 1 up each other and have contests and they go back and forth with wins.

But we can do it how you say it, idc.
@corneredbliss @JBRam2002 also excuse me for backseat GMing but I'm good friends with Grimhildr, so I know what she's intended for this. Also she's lazy as shit so I'm just telling you guys the basic info.

@corneredbliss Aw man, now I can't re-use Ryobi like a pleb. I'll have to do something unique and interesting. :P

Also... the feels when you start building a character and realize @Buddha already made basically a male version. You took all the good skills, brah.

Sorry breh. You can make a female version, and they can butt heads together over who's the better person. It'll be funnier that way.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Lady Amalthea as far as I could take anything away from Hank's statement it's that she offered to be moderator. They didn't pick or ask her, as far as I can tell. I also know that numerous other people have offered to help, who are in my mind pretty capable. If the only thing that separates them is 'her track record' then I don't think that's a fair process at all. So were those peoples offers for help put forward at all? If not why was there no feedback?

Add to that her rather unconstructive nature in the suggestion thread ('I disagree' as sole argument) especially compared to some other moderators and I honestly think that that was a bad call. Icing on the cake being that she's being called 'community-oriented'. But again. I'll just shut my mouth because I don't want to look like a whiny child more than I already have.
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