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Current i love your cat more than you btw
14 hrs ago
not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
1 day ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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1 day ago
used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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1 day ago
what the frick


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@The Grey Dust yessir.
@Bishop and that's the difference between, what is in my opinion, good writing and bad writing.

If you write 'Bob uses his tracking skills to track the bandits' what is my character gonna do? You didn't describe anything except that he did tracking. What is he doing, tasting shit that bandits left behind? Looking at their bootprints with a magnifying glass? IDK, not a lot to respond to with my character. So all I can say is 'my character watches Bob track'. Nice. Good post.

And yes I was talking about intellect, which I stated kinda. But it wasn't very clear. Even so I disagree. I am a martial artist myself (woe me, I hate saying that, but I have a black belt so I suppose I know a thing or two about my respective martial arts style, so just ignore the air of arrogance that sentence causes and bear with me). The amount of shit I've seen written because a character was a supposed genius has me shaking my head in displeasure. Just because he's a genius doesn't mean the way you write him is immediately sensical.

Calling him a genius is not the same as him actually showing traits of a genius. Telling is worse than showing. It's writing theory 101. The only time telling is more acceptable than showing is in free roleplay, when you can't be arsed writing a paragraph explaining the details of what you are doing. Any other time it is, again in my humble opinion as I am not the perfect roleplay, impermissible.

It's the equivalent of calling yourself a genius of martial arts when you don't understand a thing about it, and then trying to do a crane kick in real life. It's just silly, it doesn't work, and it makes you look like a moron. The same goes for you as a writer. Don't pose your character as a master of chemistry and then say he 'mixes together some fluids' and creates gold. That's just silly.

But coming back to the original point, yes I was referring to intellect. I do believe 100% that if you are not a genius, you cannot accurately play a genius without powergaming, metagaming or godmoding. If your way of playing a ultra-perceptive character is to metagame in information to show off how perceptive he is, you're a bad roleplayer and you should feel bad.
@Lalliman lol, I've never seen that myself except in silly anime-like RP's where it honestly makes more sense, but yeah if you're going for a realistic RP you should take care to show, not tell, how smart your character is.

Which is why I honestly believe that you have to be a genius to play a genius. And part of that might be having a lot of knowledge about a given topic.

It's easy to downscale knowledge (anyone can play a dumbass that knows nothing), but it's very very hard to upscale knowledge (you can't know what you can't understand) and thus it's hard to play a character that is 'above you' so to speak.
<Snipped quote by Buddha>

This post brightened my day.

Am I wrong though. Whenever people play a supposed genius they just meta-game the shit out of everything to make the character seem smart.
I honestly think the biggest problem a majority of the roleplayers on this site face is that they can't grasp "Show, don't tell."

Examples I have seen recently;

"Gosh! My character is so smart and clever, even though I've done nothing to suggest that!"

"My character's a reeeeeal edgy dick, lemme just have him sulk in a corner instead of taking a perfect opportunity for him to be an asshole!"

It takes a genius to play a genius accurately, but anyone can play a dumbass.

In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
Doesn't even account for the fact that making a new account is easy as piss. From a ''perp'' perspective even the current measures are futile.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
One reason why putting Descriptions on why people are banned is that it encourages negative discussion about someone behind their backs where they are unable to defend themselves. That's why I say it's abusable more than the feature itself. I don't believe that sort of discussion is edifying to a community. @Mr Allen J

I think the fact that you had to be forcibly removed from an RP by matter of a ban already kind of is shaming enough. Letting a GM add a description to detail the offense won't change that.

Besides, the description wouldn't be 20 paragraphs, it'd be like a sentence max?
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
@Sherlock Holmes your image is borked, friend.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 7 yrs ago Forum: News
The banlist has to be the best and most innovative feature thus far.

While I do think the banlist needs to be much higher (or infinite), I can at least have my entire blacklist banned at once!

don't bother putting me on, i'd never join your RP's anyway
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