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Current i love your cat more than you btw
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not to repeat it ad nauseam but my dating app entry is that i suck toes as long as they're white, baby blue, pink or french tipped
19 hrs ago
do [img]paste the url here[/img] and it'll work
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used to be a league guy but fortunately i dropped that habit
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what the frick


Just an Aragorn looking for his Arwen

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@Grimhildr you reached new levels of slow with this one and i'm honestly a little surprised people stuck around lmao
Grim took 20+ days to post the IC I think we're all excused from forgetting about this
@The Elvenqueen asking for a sample post always feels strange to me but I can see where you're coming from yes.
<Snipped quote by Inkarnate>

Precisely. It's an organisational tool rather than something that restricts your character to a certain thing in that case. A way to keep track of perhaps where they have been, who they have met and skills/abilities they have learned while IC for instance. C:

However in group RP's it's the exact opposite for me. It's not really an info dump - as a GM, I could care less about your character sheet and the info in it as long as it makes sense and fits the world. And that leads it into the next point - it's both a proof of concept for a character fitting the world as well AND the writer being capable of, yknow, stringing more than 2 sentences together in a good way.

With trusted partners it's less about that and more about infodump, but in group RP, not really.

新しい 預言者
Atarashī yogen-sha


This RP is an AU [alternate universe] for the Naruto world created by Kishimoto. As such it will have a world custom built by yours truly, Buddha. This means that the history will be entirely different from what we know. This is because, in my humble opinion, the world for Naruto was perfect but the execution of it's story was very flawed.

What does this mean for you?

Well, it means that you might have to read through the world section to gain an understanding of what is going on in the story. The geography and such are still the same as are the villages, but their connections are changed and the location we play in will not focus on one of the larger villages. Never the less, I can assure you that these are weighted choices I made that weighed off pros and cons to me as a GM. If you are looking for a place to play where you can play a canon character and/or completely follow the canon storyline, word by word, then this is not the place to do it.

So what will we play?

We'll be playing as part of Amegakure - the small village where it's always raining. For this RP I'm looking for two small groups of four each - myself included - so that we can fill out two teams of one jounin and three genin. However, do not let this hold you back if you don't want to play a genin. There will be timeskips whenever there is the need, which means that during a timeskip, if you get the OK from the GM's, you can advance to chunin spots. As these are turbulent times, these wont always happen through chunin exams, but can also happen through promotion. After all.. there are troubled times ahead.

How will we progress?

Primarily story based. If you want to learn a new technique, ask a GM first, and then if you get the okay, you can write a training sequence or something similar to show in the IC how you learned it. When this comes up, I'll explain further, but we want everything written out as writers, and not just tacked onto the end of your CS because you felt like it.


OOC Information


In this header I would like to explain to you what you can expect from this roleplay. Read, and weep;

This roleplay is set in an AU [alternate universe] which means that (parts of) canon is no longer valid in this RP.
Use this to your advantage to create new clans and jutsu, and create interesting backstories.

This roleplay will be focused on character development, interaction, and progress. There will be plenty of fighting,
but for the most part you will need to be focused on developing your character and strengthening their bonds with their team.

I aim to represent the gritty reality of war. This is Naruto - but we will not thrive through plot-kai (oh, my character is a player character,
so they will never die) and we will not say that 'through the power of friendship we will always win.' That worked for Naruto. It worked
for him because he has a Kyuubi sealed within him and is the reincarnation of a Shinobi god. He's the prophesied child. Your character
is not.

The RP takes place during a war of sorts with a overarching plotline that will, gradually, introduce a plot that overarches more than your
character, more than Amegakure, and more than the war. Ultimately your choices will contribute to the outcome. And I don't mean that
in the way that I'm giving you choices but they all end the same - your choices will affect the outcome.

Your character can die, and I encourage you to seriously consider what effects wounds have on your character, or also mental health.
This takes place some time before Naruto's timeline, so technology isn't so refined and you probably won't be able to just pop into the
hospital to heal a broken arm. But also consider death. Death is a tremendous plot tool - if you want to make an impact... death is a tool.




Sadly previous experiences have taught me that sometimes it's better to have rules. I wish I didn't need to have these - they seem oppressive (haha, okay, not really, I'm totally fine being authoritarian) and it seems, to me, that having rules indicates that I don't trust my roleplayers to do 'the right thing.' I do trust you guys. But this is just a precaution.

OOC Rules

No godmodding, powerplaying or making shit up in the IC. The standard stuff.
No perfect characters (Mary Sue and Gary Stu).
GM team has final say. Always. Like a certain regime in a certain time period. Ahem.
One-lining not acceptable. Two lining isn't either. In fact just write two paragraphs.
Consistency is key. We understand posting a little less sometimes. There's limits, though.
RPG rules apply. Always.

IC Rules

Beware the gore; yes, it's allowed but don't overdo it. No blood showers.
As for sexual content, take it to PM's and show us a fade to black; make it implied.
Death is possible. For all characters. Including GM characters. We love death.
Love is also possible. Gay love, heterosexual love, alien love, whatever you want.
Feel free to use images to illustrate - however, please consider that a written description is also required.

Character Rules

Your character is a genin, or in rare cases, a chunin or jonin.
Be diverse and dynamic with creating your characters; don't be set in stone for what you want and be prepared to change your ideas
as we go, and acknowledge GM critique.
No tailed beasts for now. We will 'give them out' in the IC.
Kekkei Genkai are to be made unique. If they are Sharingan with 1 minor edit made into a new KG, then it's a no-go.
Same applies to hiden. If they are shadow control with 1 minor edit, then it's a no-no.
Please don't make elemental control kekkei genkai. Only try this if you can make it interesting. It's boring.


Jutsu bans


Because Naruto is a diverse world with diverse techniques, with some more balanced than others, we have chosen to make several rulesets for characters for each rank. This is to avoid situations with, for example, a chunin who has the rinnegan, fighting some chunin who barely has a single B rank technique. It's also to avoid broken jutsu, such as Flying Thunder God, being used to cheese fights. It might seem like a fun thing to give your characters, especially if they have a historical reason for having that jutsu. And I agree, it's a fun niché thing that makes it more interesting.

But looking at pro's and con's for these kind of jutsu, we have to decide that ultimately it's not worth it, because that means your jutsu will give you pleasure, but it will detract that of those that go up against your character, or those that wanted something similar but got denied. It's put in place to avoid bad situations where two people cannot reach an ultimatum about fights. Simple as that. We do not accept arguments about these things, they're set in stone.

If you feel like your character might have, for instance, an extra A-rank jutsu.. that's possible. We might accept that if you can justify it to us in a PM or in an OOC comment. For example, two A-rank jutsu that form a combo, but are otherwise not that useful, is perfectly acceptable. But if you justify it by saying 'Oh he's a prodigy, he was like Sasuke and is just super cool like that.' then we're gonna not accept that.

General bans refer to simply not being allowed to have this jutsu on any character, in or out of battle.
Combat bans refer to bans for combat only, meaning they are allowed outside of combat.
Limit jutsu refer to jutsu that are allowed, in and out of combat, but have limited usage.

Flying Thunder God Jutsu - general ban.
Body Flicker Technique - combat ban.
Body Replacement Technique - limit jutsu, 3 uses per battle.
Chimera Technique - general ban.

Jutsu limits


Note: N/A in front of a rank means 'no limit' within reason. You can use as many of these as you like although that doesn't mean you have to use every one of them. They also need to make sense. A character with an aptitude for high level lightning jutsu will probably have more of these N/A lightning jutsu than fire jutsu. Simple as that.

  • 0 A-rank.
  • 1 B-rank.
  • 2 C-rank.
  • 2 D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.


  • 1 A-rank.
  • 3 B-rank.
  • 4 C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.


  • 1 S-rank.
  • 3 A-rank.
  • 4 B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

- Never accepting applications for kage level characters. We'll ask you to make them if we need one.

  • N/A S-rank.
  • N/A B-rank.
  • N/A C-rank.
  • N/A D-rank.
  • N/A E-rank.

Note: Kage-level characters will not be judged on their jutsu lists or anything of the sort, they will be judged on identity: are they interesting, are they worthy of the kage-level stamp and do they serve a good, useful purpose? That's because once you reach jonin status, it becomes really quite easy to pass into kage-level areas, and beyond kage there are no ranks. That means the power levels within kage-level characters fluctuate heavily.

Enjoy your stay, mr. Buddha!
@Dark Light@Rilla@Guru

I don't know if you guys have noticed, but lately I've been absent. Reasons aside, as those are not your concern and shouldn't be, I think it might be best if I retract myself from the fight and thus by extent the tournament, so that the tournament can continue without hick ups. I've tried dealing with what came up but it seems it'll be impossible to fix on the short term and I'd hate to be the reason that a tournament died off.
“Huh, a silent one are you?” Sutemasu continued when no further comment was made by the combatant in front of him. He could have estimated as much from the limited interactions the other combatants had had with each other. Never the less, he assumed a fighting stance, preparing himself for the inevitable clash that the two would have.

Although the warrior in front of him had had the opportunity to go for the first strike, he did not. This lead Sutemasu to think that he was planning something defensively - atleast, that's what he should've thought, but Sutemasu being himself, merely opted not to question it and instead lunged forwards.

The distance between the two had never been properly defined, and it would've been hard to do so in the darkness. Never the less there was a bit of ground to cover, which wasn't as much of a problem for Sutemasu, as his superior physique allowed him to bridge it in a little moment of time - perhaps enough to offer the other combatant the time he needed to finish whatever he was doing.

By nature of his aggressive personality, he did not lunge out and struck forwards, instead merely rushing at the man with his arms spread wide, aiming to wrap his arms around him when he was close enough and tackle him down. The wide spread of his arms cast a wide net, but it was of course very much possible for the warrior to dodge it. “Let's begin!”
Sutemasu appeared in the battlefield similar to how his opponent had arrived - in a bright, yellow flash that illuminated the area around him briefly before the light faded, the low dimmed light on the surroundings fading with it. Sutemasu glanced around momentarily, looking at the battle site. It seemed that many a tournament had been fought here - or well, perhaps an ancient battle. Regardless, there were many skeletons left and right with broken weapons strewn about. It seemed like the perfect place to do battle in - to test your mettle, man against man. This brought him to look at his opponent.

Where as Vallen might've analyzed his potential opponents, Sutemasu had not really done any such thing. So, he had no idea what to expect. But it didn't matter, he'd give it his best and see where he ended up. Probably dead. Hmmm. Sutemasu scratched his chin momentarily as he thought about that. Yes, most likely death. He was seemingly at ease with that notion, lowering his hand then and peering at his opponent. Time passed seemingly without a care, while Sutemasu wondered what Vallen was waiting for. “Hoi!” he yelled, raising his hand at the man and waving at him politely. “I look forward to fighting you! Let's do our best and have fun!”

Perhaps it was an interesting way to start a duel, but Sutemasu seemed uncaring. He hadn't entered with expectations of winning anyway, so having fun wasn't really something he left out of the equation. There was little else to do, after all. “Let's start slow so we can test our mettle, and then fight harder as time progresses! We need to give the spectators a show after all!” Okay, now maybe that was just a stupid suggestion. Well, no, not maybe. It just was. But Sutemasu seemed to be lacking understanding of just what he was doing. “If you make it out alive and I die, then do me a favor and try a drink at the bar! They're impeccable!”

Well, maybe there was no reason to doubt his physical ability in battle but there was almost certainly a reason to doubt his mental.. capacities.

It was about then that his menacing presence began to take hold of the area around him. At times, the mere sight of Sutemasu was enough to scare people. But, it wasn't some sort of power, or magic. It was just his physical presence. As such, it wasn't even really a move he could start or stop. It's just.. kinda always there. How interesting.
Sutemasu heard the call outs and listened intently, before seeing everyone else step off to the teleporters. Hm, they were in such a hurry to meet their deaths. He shook his head, and turned to the bartender once more. “One more,” he said, “for the road.” The bartender complied quickly, though with a slight shake of his head, seemingly disproving of the notion of drinking before a fight. Again, Sutemasu slammed the drink down, before placing it back on the countertop. “Thanks, friend,” he remarked before walking off to the teleporters and stepped into one, before disappearing from sight.

No God, dead or alive, could save him now.
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