Voltaire said
I'm still confused by this trigger thing. What do triggers trigger?
BAD bad memories and emotions. PTSD style flashbacks. They use it to say YOUR OPPRESSING ME.
Reliving the rape/Horror that mentally scarred you.
Voltaire said
I'm still confused by this trigger thing. What do triggers trigger?
Psyker Landshark said
See, this is why 4chan hates Tumblr.
Dervish said
Jesus, it seems like everyone's been having problems with relationships lately, and you aren't the first player I've had in one of my games say it was because of drinking. :/ Sorry to hear all that man, I hope stuff gets sorted out fairly painlessly. Maybe your laptop will get bumped up in cue? Either way... that's pretty rough!I have RDR and Halo 4, and I'm pretty sure that your ME3 stuff is carried over because it's tied into your Origin account that you signed up for when you set up multiplayer access. It's worth looking into! I think I have you on XBL, although I'm rarely on.
Psyker Landshark said
Damn, Dripper. That sucks, dude. Hope shit gets better for you.Also, did a playthrough of Skyrim using Hralvar. Might write up some fanfic about it if you guys want it.
Nyxella said
Dippahhhh, welcome back to unreality!<3Posting soon for realsies.
Dervish said
brb dyingAlso, I'm glad to see you around again! :D
Sovi3t said
God damn it, it's fullAnd God Damn it , Morag Tong is back in business
Leidenschaft said
But you speak, and that is what matters. Looking forward to having you and Zainat back.