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    1. Dismas 9 yrs ago


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@Dismas Nae bother, you carry on.

Forgive my confusion, but should I interpret that as a denial? If so may I know why?
I'd be interested. Writing this from my phone atm. Will give things a more thorough read and formulate any questions I have once I'm home.
I was gonna give it till the end of the day today before I pull my commitment but that's just me.

Well that's good to hear.

I look forward to re-reading the introductory post once the details have been added.
So I've come to the conclusion that there is a mutation in my brain that triggers whenever I hear or see any mention of Noir so that's what prompted me to have a look at this RP.

However I do have some concerns upon reading the introductory post.

I see that much time has been dedicated to the explanation of magic and worship and while I'll admit it's very intricate and interesting I'm not seeing where the whole 'Noir' motif fits in other than this RP being set in the 40's. I gave things a thorough read and didn't see any allusion to crime, drugs, gangs, prostitution or any of the other staples of the Noir genre but perhaps I'm missing something given my focus on attempting to comprehend the magic system.

I also don't recall ever seeing mention of where this RP will take place. I saw mention of Germany and Europe as a whole but I was specifically looking for a city and a description of current events where the story's characters will start their journeys.

To touch again on the magic system I can tell a lot of thought was put into it and the word 'Magic' even makes an appearance in the thread's title but being a stickler for all the details would the RP's characters all be required to use magic?

Finally, and I'm going to walk on eggshells here, just to comment on the furry inclusion. I've never been into furrys and moreover never done an RP featuring them but I'm always open and willing to give things a try. However I must ask a quick question regarding their implementation. Of the anthropomorphic works I do enjoy I've always been a fan of ones where they take an animal's natural abilities into consideration rather than having essentially regular people with an anthropomorphic paint job. For example a character who is an anthropomorphic rabbit would naturally be quick and nimble whilst an anthropomorphic dart frog would naturally have toxic skin and these things are addressed if at least mentioned in the story.

So those were my concerns upon giving the original post a read although I will admit it's currently 4am and my mind might not all be there at the moment so feel free to put me in my place if I've blatantly missed something.
Sounds excellent.

I can certainly make my character seek a position as a normal sailor aboard. I could say the Dutchman's father was a prominent trader and he spent time aboard his father's Fluyt when he was younger and knows enough about sailing to make a good deckhand.
I'd be interested as well.

I have a rough outline for a character. A Dutchman who was formerly a sporting competition shooter back in Holland. I was thinking of having him as just a passenger on board but could also enroll him as a simple sailor if it is more convenient for the plot. The Dutchman's reason for coming aboard is he's on the run and wanted for murder back in Holland, but managed to bribe his way out of the country with his competition winnings and made his way to England and plans to start a new life in the Caribbean.

As far as the setting goes I'm open to just about anything but certainly support a more historically accurate type of RP. If I can comment on the format of the RP I'm much more of a character based RPer rather than scaling things up to a nation RP but I really like the idea of settling an island with characters taking on roles to help the island prosper.

Of course before I get ahead of myself I'll await any sort of green light from the GM.
Horus felt his heart stop when Mancini mentioned he saw through the disguise, then felt its beating resume when the man said his ghoulification would be advantageous. The man reminded Horus of people who would sell used cars in the old world, he just had a distrustful look about him. However, this lead regarding Darlia was a good starting point for getting information on the Lazzari family and their dealings with the Pagans.

Horus took the slip of paper and quickly read over the address.

"Thanks." He muttered, then made his way to the door of the casino.

Horus had no interest in speaking to Mancini any longer than he had to. The man just gave him a bad vibe and decided to save his questions for Murilo Esteves. In hindsight it was probably unwise to accept a job without discussing payment, but Horus was still new to the mercenary scene and was bound to make these beginner's mistakes.

As Horus stepped outside the casino he removed his bandana and riding goggles. Based on what Mancini said Horus assumed Murilo had to be a fellow ghoul and knew he wouldn't need the disguise. As he strolled towards Reno's East Side he quickly checked over his weapons and double checked they were loaded and ready. Mancini mentioned that Murilo would be more willing to talk to a ghoul, but that wouldn't mean they'd roll out the red carpet for him. Horus secretly feared they might send him on another errand just to get the opportunity to see Murilo. He also wondered why Murilo would continue the feud with Darlia. If Murilo wanted her dead Mancini's previous praise for Murilo's power in the city was either oversold or Darlia is exceptional at avoiding assassins. Either way he had a strange feeling things didn't add up and there was more to it than Mancini let on.

Continuing down the streets New Reno Horus was heckled and burdened by beggars and addicts calling to him for handouts. He kept his gaze forward and ignored them to the best he could manage. Every time one walked up Horus couldn't help but notice all the signs of disease and sickness almost crying out to the Follower in him. He mind lingered on the few tins of Fixer he had in his medical bag but he knew it wasn't enough for all of them. A part of him wanted to stop and treat them, even just one of them, but he continued forward. Horus felt like he was being tested, like the world wanted to know if he was really set on the mercenary life.

Arriving at the mansion from the rear Horus had the opportunity to circle the building and take in the sight. If one thing was to be taken as truth from Mancini it was the the building certainly was a mansion. Almost perfectly rectangular apart from the entrance which jutted inwards towards the mansion, allowing for an almost miniature courtyard with a small fence and path to the front door.

As Horus approached the door he was greeted by a harsh stare from the guard.

"I'm here to see Mr.Esteves"
@Kingfisher Don't feel bad, only a wierdo like me who's played the opening of that game 50 times would pick up on it like that.

And anyway, I love VtM so I'm all for seeing bits of it in my RP's :p
This quest I'm on smells like Vampire: The Masquerade :p

I'll try to have something up this weekend. Got moved to the night shift this week and have been called in to work a morning shift on Saturday so I'll try to get something nice and detailed up on Sunday.

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