It seemed this one would dance away when met with the fortress-like armored man's brunt. That simply would not do! As joints met a spectacular amount of nothing where there should have been the satisfying snap of cracking bones, Corban smashed his foot down, depressing the earth further and regaining his stance instead of spinning under his momentum.
Where armored foot met carbon-rich asphalt and the several layers of raw material beneath, the section several feet afore it coiled and snaked forth in a tight, six foot high triangular wedge. Its edges sparkled with rainbow hues as the light of Jett's blast splashed against it as though they were made of diamond. Indeed they were diamond! The blast was split around the mass and Corban respectively, washing him with naught but a wave of heat and displaced wind.
"So, that's how it is? You think you're safe if you put some distance between us?"
The sheer volume of opponents whom circle strafed and tap danced around the man-fortress had forced him to become incredibly proficient at pinging enemies from a distance. He'd display that talent now.
"You're not!"
A tempered palm smashed into the base of the geometric shape, launching it like a diamond arrowhead from its crystalline bed with speed slightly under a bullets, and about the size of two minivans placed side-by-side. Though the size was only half of Jett's worries. When within the range of five feet, the wedge would violently discard its crystalline edges in a rainbow-refracting fragmentation molecular buckshot. Thousands of particulate shards of varying sizes exploded forth, each with the speed and energy enough to punch through steel.
Meanwhile, the guardian paced to his left and right, scoping his options and laying his schemes. The diamond blade was now replaced with his beam rifle, its long, carbon black barrel glowing with crackling spell circuitry. It was primed, and Corban was prepared to shoot anything out of the sky that would attempt to fly away from his crystal arrowhead.
Where armored foot met carbon-rich asphalt and the several layers of raw material beneath, the section several feet afore it coiled and snaked forth in a tight, six foot high triangular wedge. Its edges sparkled with rainbow hues as the light of Jett's blast splashed against it as though they were made of diamond. Indeed they were diamond! The blast was split around the mass and Corban respectively, washing him with naught but a wave of heat and displaced wind.
"So, that's how it is? You think you're safe if you put some distance between us?"
The sheer volume of opponents whom circle strafed and tap danced around the man-fortress had forced him to become incredibly proficient at pinging enemies from a distance. He'd display that talent now.
"You're not!"
A tempered palm smashed into the base of the geometric shape, launching it like a diamond arrowhead from its crystalline bed with speed slightly under a bullets, and about the size of two minivans placed side-by-side. Though the size was only half of Jett's worries. When within the range of five feet, the wedge would violently discard its crystalline edges in a rainbow-refracting fragmentation molecular buckshot. Thousands of particulate shards of varying sizes exploded forth, each with the speed and energy enough to punch through steel.
Meanwhile, the guardian paced to his left and right, scoping his options and laying his schemes. The diamond blade was now replaced with his beam rifle, its long, carbon black barrel glowing with crackling spell circuitry. It was primed, and Corban was prepared to shoot anything out of the sky that would attempt to fly away from his crystal arrowhead.