I'm not saying he sits snuggly in mild powers by any means. I always have him listed in its higher end or the lower ends of high powered, such as in my fight with Daz. As for his knowledge in other schools of magic, he has no practical knowledge, but does his homework. Can he revive the dead or 'track life energy'? No, because he has no actual spell-casting ability in that class. But he would be able to identify necrotic magic on sight, and understands the principles behind it. That's essentially it. He never actually steps outside of his mastered areas.
And like I said, I have no issue listing him as high tier. I'm not masquerading him as though he isn't high tier, I just have my own reservations about saying he's outright OP in essentially all scenarios based on my experiences. Also, can I read Fury? Sounds neat.
I didn't forget you watched that fight, I was prepared for that. I actually edited the sheet in this version to expound on majority of the grey areas from that fight. He does not have a magical answer for everyrhing, he specializes in about, what, three of the eight general schools of magic?
Majority of what he uses is a mechanical understanding of magic and the world around him. That's where most of his answers come from. Not the sheer scope of his ability. How is he any different than the hundreds of elemental masters running around with total mastery over the elements? How is he any different than any other tank who can give a punch and sustain a punch? I also never said or even insinuated he had access to every single spell in a class. I gave spells in those classes as examples of things he perhaps could do, to paint a better picture of his scope, since my opponent did not think evocative magic included the elements.
So I'm really not sure exactly how your list is ordered, but Corban is no more or less balanced with strengths and weaknesses than any other character intuitively is. I mean, just scrolling through all of the energy-eating, city destroying things, coupled with the ludicrous levels of power I've been subjected to in my many years doing this, Corban is just really not that bad.
Edit: tone doesn't translate well over text, so just so you know, I'm not looking to start an argument. If you think he's OP that's perfectly fine, I am just not entirely sure why.
I wouldn't call Corban OP by any measure. He may register as high tier in several places like RPG, but outright OP comes off as a bit of an overstatement. At least when compared to other characters who I believe are around the same level anyway
Edit: I'm actually not really sure where this idea that Corban is some OP golding comes from. He's done far less in his time here than would warrant this idea. Scrolling through sheets, I see outright city-busters o.o
You do not truly know what it means to be a man until you've become a woman.
Corban is an eccentric man, being contrary just to show that it can be done. This can mean anything from drinking milk tea when others drink bloodwyne, to hanging out as a girl in the nearest hot spring. Few men would dare do such tunmanly things, which is probably why he does them; he who does what others fear to do must surely be better!
To survive, a Guardian must not only know the tools of the trade; he needs to be able to identify a person's magic and then react accordingly. This is doubly important considering that many of his foes are faster than him, so initiative is on their side. As a result, he has some curious courage. This courage comes from many things, ranging from standing against a massive fireball by virtue of his faith in his magic, or disguising himself as a woman, knowing that the Amazons would kill him if they found out.
To divine someone's magic on the fly requires a keen mind, which Corban has. His technobabble may turn others off, but make no mistake: he knows what he’s talking about. He may even start deconstructing someone’s powers aloud, violating the sanctity of its mystic allure, just to annoy them.
Outsider Human - Humans are identified by their DNA, a wholly physical construct. When that same DNA is energized by a pattern, Corban is one of the results. Thus, he looks just like a human, and yet he is as magical as the fairies and dragons. Every move he makes carries with it the power of his body and the force of his spirit. However, since he was raised as a human since birth, he still has the mind of his fellow men, including the fast learning inherent to a relatively short-lived race:
◦ Recycle - Corban's short-term memory can remember the last 3 spells/fragments he's used. Provided he has enough energy, he can fire them again without recasting. There is a size cap, however; complex spells tend to have multiple fragments. ◦ Mimic - If a technique falls into one of his specialties (Abjuration, crystal magic, carbokinesis), Corban has the aptitude necessary to outright deconstruct it, and mimic it. Profligate users of barriers, beware; he is watching. ◦ Extension - Some mages just memorize the spells that are in the book; Corban memorizes the principles, then mixes and matches them on demand. The core abilities of his vocations can all be extended, provided one is creative. (See Miscellaneous for more details)
Metasight (Su) - ESP ability. Every blade of grass, every transplanar siphon, every superimposed aural signature is subjected to his perusal...to a point. Like the physical eye it has properties like nearly infinite farsight, variable resolution, and peripheral vision. An attack of sufficient power can be detected by Corban, even if it's across the galaxy. The catch, of course, is that he can't be totally focused upon a patch of space, and the attack would have to be big enough to cover an entire hemisphere's night sky. Active discipline that must be manually activated, like opening one's eyes. Metasight cannot be blinded, and within 144 meters Corban's resolution is absolute, penetrating all illusions. Its nature of scrying is passive, and much like how someone can't feel another person's eyes on their back, no one knows Corban has it on nor knows he's looking at them, except through alterations in his aura.
Metaphysics (Magic) - Intimate knowledge of magic makes him proficient in all elements. Repeated exposure to spells and new energies allows time for Corban to study them and assimilate them. He is a capricious spellcaster. Although he is proficient in all elements, and has experience in using several schools of sorcery, som just aren't used as much as others:
◦ Abjuration - Most mastered of any school, and rightly so for a Guardian. ◦ Conjuration - No practical uses. Apparently corban doesn't need aid from summons. ◦ Divination - High area of focus. Corban is incredibly skilled at divining both tactics and magic, as well as using other spells that fall into this school. ◦ Enchantment - General knowledge allows for mid-level enchanting ability. ◦ Evocation - Corban's class by most accounts is identified as a 'spell-blade', or more commonly the 'battle-mage'. Half of that equation is evocation magic, which naturally assumes Corban is quite gifted here. ◦ Illusion - Most of Corban's enemies are immune to illusions and thus corban has spent no real time cultivating this skill. ◦ Necromancy - No knowledge outside of the metahysical, which is to say he has no practical skill over Necromancy. ◦ Transmutation - Abuses. Generally involves carbon-based forms of matter.
Channeling - When the opponent is up close, sometimes there isn't time to create an elegant wall to block them with. For those unfortunate times, Corban can channel his magic through his sword to create effects, such as being able to reflect an attack (Abjuration) or make his edge harder (Crystal magic). This applies to his fists too, although poor combinations (such as ablative armor) will result in his skin being ripped off in layers.
Primary Vocations
Guard Science [Abjuration] - Making and breaking defenses; counter, guard, cancel; regardless how one defines defense, Corban is good at it. Extending the conventional antimagic and barrier setups, Corban can also use dispels as tankbusters instead of blasts, combine a barrier and a previous spell for an elemental shield, or take a page from mimes and use his barriers as air steps.
Crystal magic - Cross-discipline of transmutation and earth. Corban has studied crystallization extensively, both on a material and magical level. Crystal magic sacrifices the breadth of fire magic for the kind of strength that makes his barriers all that much stronger…and his piercing attacks all that much sharper. These tempered crystals are insulated against magic and its derivatives, with a particularly specialized resistance to lightning and fire. As always, Corban can extend the principles of crystal magic in ever-more-creative ways, including the creation of spell cartridges and the sublimation of high-energy attacks into diamond dust.
Carbokinesis - Cross-discipline of transmutation and earth. Seeing as how carbon is an anagram of his name, it’s no wonder that he took a liking to this corner of magic. Wherever there is dirt, coal or wooden buildings, there is the hidden risk of Corban turning the environment against a person. Combined with crystal magic principles, Corban can also sprout pure eutactic diamonds. It is a small miracle that he does not crash regional gem markets after every battle.
Ishtalle-Fu - Corban can parry quite well with a normal blade. After all, when you're tasked to block off a chokepoint by yourself, that means putting yourself in harm's way. However, finishing off his foes with a blade is another story¦unless that blade is Ishtalle. Living with a living weapon is not easy, especially when she demands much of her wielder. As a result, Corban specializes in a specific set of kata designed to utilize her morphic abilities to great effect. The inherent unpredictability of his moves changes the rules of the game dramatically. Like other vocations, Corban can extend it to become one with his weapon.
Spell Resistance: A Guardian is oft a lone warrior facing against many. That is what it means to single-handedly cover a retreat, or to hold an outpost on your own. Extending this principle, Corban has been met with an astonishing number of magics by an equally astonishing number of opponents. This repeated exposure to powerful magics has granted Corban resistance to magical (or similar) forces across the board, but is specialized in his areas of expertise(Transmutation, Abjuration, Evocation).
Spell Mastery: Given Corban's principles, it is rare he commits much time to specific spells in a book. However that is not to say he does not know particular spells. Spells or spell-like abilities that have been used so many times, or studied to such an extent that they have been committed to eternal memory are spells that Corban has exercised total mastery over. Their principles and procedures can be swapped, mixed and matched as well for new spell effects. They are:
Kinetic Barrier Classification: Suspended Bose-Einstein Condensate. Level: Ultimate Defense Type: Ice School: Abjuration Effect: Through the functioning class of magic and leveraging the laws of conservation of momentum via a B-EC, a barrier of space is erected which absorbs all light, heat, and motion. Movement cannot be made while under the effects of KB, and purely magical forces seem to be able to slightly bypass the Kinetic drain.
Railgun Classification: Extra sonic projectile Level: Tank-Buster Type: N/A School: Evocation Effect: Through various means, potential energy is gathered within an appropriateltly sized object, usually crystal, and then fired with speeds comparable to that(or above) bullet speeds(10k joules being the regular amount of force applied). The rounds are specified for piercing barriers and defenses across the board, with equal effectiveness versus both magic and physical constructs. The larger/denser the object, the more force is required to accelerate it.
Change Sex Classification: Self-Transmutation Level: N/A Type: N/A School: Transmutation Effect: Through Advanced knowledge of human(oid) biology and physiology, Corban alters his phenotype and genotype gene expression to become a female (or back to a male). Thousands of uses have left corban immune to the vertigo that would usually set in from a pot-shot of estrogen into the body.
Here will be listed a setries of secondary, but still important facts, skills, and concepts that have no neat place on the shelf anywhere above.
Metaphysics Knowledge Corban has taken a different approach to magic than other spellcasters, unifying science and magic, physics and metaphysics, under one roof. With this understanding there are few things that he cannot deal with. In this way he is part mage, part sorceror in his ability to intuitively create spells through a meticulous approach. The reason why he is so hard to kill is not so much because of unique and proprietary powers--any mage of sufficient intellect can pirate his abilities, save for the Guardian techniques--but because he has a greater understanding of the magic that he wields. For some purposes it is appropriate to label these as Extraordinary Feats attained from studious studying. They cannot be dispelled by anything except an equally exceptional whack to the head. Some of the concepts commonly used are:
Enchanted Particle Theory - Unique metals such as adamantium and cold iron cannot be new elements, and even calling them mundane alloys is still dicey. However, to add new elements to the periodic table with every new material is unacceptable, for it would make no sense. Therefore a new model came forth, one to model the magic that mages were surrounded by. The result was Enchanted Particle Theory, stating that pure magic was actually completely separate from mundane matter and could not be defined by it. However, it could interface with matter on any level from individual molecules to entire superstructures like a floating city, yieldimg another unique property: magic chemistry, or metachemistry.
This unified theory explained how ghosts could possess objects without altering their appearance, as well as enchanted locks. It also validates the existence of such mystical enchanted things like invisible ether behind waterfalls, which is used in some potions. However, magic can affect matter through manipulation of energy, giving enchanted weapons a glow or an internal aura. It is also the underlying theory behind how Corban's sword Ishtalle can shrink and grow mass while infusing herself throughout all of them, as well as transfer her ghost-like presence across objects, and even into Corban himself.
Astral Circuitry Spell Model - Spells as programs, fragments merged together to form a thrumming gestalt object. This is the primary concept of the ACSM. Instead of imagining a spell upon a scroll as a single entity, the learnéd mage who reverse-engineers it into its primary constituents can then recycle them into other spells. Magic relies heavily upon a mage's intelligence and their ability to manifest power from their mind. Thus, envisioning evoked powers plays a large part. Using this line of thinking, Corban can imagine his spells as molds to shunt his power through. The result is a hollow shell which begs for energy to flow through it. When Corban has casted a spell, he still retains the mold, the pattern in his mind and can fire it again and again provided he has the necessary juice for it. The Railgun is an apt example of this.
Equipment Reinforce Robe- The black duster is woven with graphene fibers, one of the many carboniferous materials that he can make from earth. It is an exotic cousin of chainmail armor, the fibrous layer bending while resisting swords. Crystalline ribbons, woven into the surface in patterns like the circuitry of a distant civilization, take the bite out of lightning attacks and can act as magic amplifiers from within, and insulators from without.
Primary Weapon, Equipment, Companion - Ishtalle
Name: Guardian Edge "Ishtalleâ"
Classification: Sentient Morphic Weapon
Complementary Item(s): Nexus Core
Default Style of Weapon: Longsword
-- blade: 61.8 cm (Golden Mean)
-- overall: 100 cm
Weight: 1 kg
History: When Corban blew out the door to an abandoned forest shrine, he had no idea that he would inherit a living weapon. The former weapon of a noble knight, Ishtalle had only been tested against other human knights in war. By binding to Corban, she entwined her fate with his. Upon his discovering the realm of Ayenee, her power catapulted. Painfully tempered in the blood of divinity and the searing heat of high magic, she eventually grew from merely a knight's blade to the most powerful Guardian Edge in existence. The onus is upon thee: respect the power of an evolving weapon.
◦ Godslayer Edge - Ignore epic and divine damage reduction. This aspect only shows itself when she has a blade, and has fully committed to a specific form. Whoever you are, this will hurt. Variable form. ◦ Armory of One - All the equipment of a king's armory can be emulated by her, and then some. Whether Corban wants a sword, a scythe, or a swordscythe, she can deliver. Having all three at once is certainly possible. ◦ Dual Channel - She did not know how to cast magic before. Just as Corban has learned a few tricks from her, so too has she learned a few tricks from him. Corban can co-op her casting abilities to double- or dual-cast spells. ◦ Telepathic link - Ishtalle can communicate with Corban regardless of distance or plane. Only she seems able to break it. ◦ Artifact Soul - Being a Strong AI, Ishtalle straddles the fence. Death and shatter magic merely stun her, as opposed to kill. Having her own will also means she has her own ego. She has abandoned Corban at least twice for incompetence. ◦ Adaptive Edge - When she strikes against another weapon, she can feel its skin and taste its magical coating. After a few thousand times, she has assembled an impressive library of materials and enchantments. Using this library, she can learn how to break inferior weapons with ever-greater efficiency. Note: Depending on how strong she judges a weapon to be, Ishtalle may not allow Corban to draw her from her sheathe.
Other Note: Magic as used here is interchangeable with essentially any process that creates effects upon themselves or the world around them that could never be performed naturally. Magic is used specifically, because from Corban's point of view, it would all constitute magic.
Scale - Medium-high
@LeeRoy This is also the sheet I'd be using in the event that you decide to honor me with the fight I requested. Just an FYI.
Kings and Lords oft turtled inside their fortresses, stuffing their faces in the dining hall as their soldiers fought the wars and risked their lives. This was a particular scene that came to Crystal as she watched the man build his bulwarks. He clearly didn't want her anywhere near him, and she understood exactly why: If she were any other fighter, she wouldn't want Crystal anywhere near her either. It was the smarter thing to do when met with an adversary like herself, but it was always a drag to deal with. Either way, his defenses weren't her primary focus. One who specializes in building fortresses would logically also specialize in tearing them down. She was already knee-deep in a plan to have them dealt with. With a super-shunted hop, ten more meters were placed between them.
Initiative was not high on either side, as to take it would also give up ones position and strategy. It was as clear as the ringing of a crystal goblet that this was going to quickly devolve into a zero-sum game. However, Crystal was a different class of mage. Even her passive actions could become considerably more active with some lateral thinking.
System Loading... CorbiOS System online... Crystal Booster Array activated... Bose-Einstein Condensate on standby... Drain initiated. High above the battlefield there was a change in the local weather, timed with her shunt. Whether it was the precipitation of either magi's unique brands of magic interacting with the similar veins of the storm, or some other process*, the results were totally natural. The temperature dropped by several degrees as hot air rose to fill a cold void in the sky -a supercell updraft-. As colder air descended in response, anyone versed in basic earth science would be able to predict what would happen next: The quick forming of a tornadoes tell-tale tail that would touch earth in under a single moment. Spanning a girth of 25 feet(landing just over the halfway point), the swirling F2 would pull any free water or material near Myron, perhaps including his pretty halo into its ravenous vortex, and bore a wind strong enough to snap trees and force vehicles to play bumper-cars. The fact he was standing on a frictionles surface like ice would mean keeping his footing would be a greater problem. Regardless of what weight those impractical ice wings added, chances are he'd still be lifted into it in quite a fit of irony as well.
With whipping winds readily available, and the thunderstorm implying high moisture, she procured from the field, trapping air and water in a large den of bubbles that began to pop into existence before her, slowly inflating like balloons. Despite their whimsical nature, make no mistake: they were as dangerous as a lit molotov next to a gas heater.
Very interested. I bought a bunch of D&D manuals as a child(3.5 ed.) but have forgotten a lot of the actual game mechanics. This should be a good opportunity to freshen up!
I'll make this determined on a case-by-case basis. Space and time is certainly enough on its own to deal with just about any powerset. Why more would be necessary im really not sure. You control three powerful universal forces of Gravity, space, and time. But im fine until I have a reason to believe otherwise.