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    1. Divinity 9 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current A warm fire place, milk tea, and reading old RP'S at five AM. Good Morning, RPG.~


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If you're accepting multiple challengers I'm also game!
I had already deciphered that much about his other spells. It was stated multiple times that his other actions did not really constitute preps, but quick-casts, which I said I was fine with. Even then, they only didn't 'neccessarily' count as preps, which tells me there is room for the argument.

What I am not fine with is such a nebulous interpretation of the rules. Multiple preps are and aren't allowed, apparently(we can prep multiple things but not everything we want?). We're not allowed to use strict Eden rules because we didn't decide on a ruleset beforehand, despite the ruleset in question being default, as confirmed by Melon, and no one interpretation of it has been adopted by the judge in place of it, so it seems were using some strange composite of the various interpretations with no real defined limits at all.

I just really have no desire to continue with the current stipulations. I've had fun so far and I feel things will only get worse from here on without any conceivable action restrictions. Under that interpretation Corban would be capable of absolutely ridiculous feats, and im not willing to go that far and ruin my already stressed experience just for a win.

Yeah great you can be a space pirate and interact with all-

Except, space pirates fly around in space, and 95% of the characters here can't do that, so your special trait of being a space pirate is worthless. You're basically complaining that the RP isn't every setting ever all at once, but everything I've learned from RPing has been that small is beautiful, an adventuring party or a group, opposing armies fighting over a divided country, these things work in RP. Having everyone do whatever the fuck they want spread out over countless universes spreads an already too small player-base far too thin, and makes any interaction coincidental to the point of disbelief. Oh I just happened to be flying through this solar system too, how's it going?

This is without a doubt the largest contributing factor to dead multiverse based RP's. It directly contributed to the death of the rp Multiverse at War that I was participating in just a little over a month ago here. Well that, and a roleplay based almost entirely around multiversal combat was doomed to that fate at the start. Combat apathy sets in, and eventually everyone wanders off for rp's with more substance.

This is why Corban's powers do not really matter. I was perfectly fine to reserve him to cute waitress for the duration of the rp.
So what I'm understanding is that there are little to no rules actually being enforced here? I naturally assumed T1 Eden was the default ruleset, which is why I Continually quoted it since we hadn't established one of our own. Merely stating other places interpreted the rules in different ways doesn't strike me as a really convincing defense for not having any way of restricting actions. You say his actions don't 'neccessarily' constitute preps, but I can't find any conceivable reason why not if we are following the 'prep as many things as you want' logic. Do preps also not take a turn to mature, too? I have no way of knowing until it comes up.

If T1 Eden wasn't at all factored in your decision from earlier, then I am very boggled by whatever system is actually in place for yor judging.

I'm not really sure how I feel about continuing on a basis that allows for simultaneous prepping with little to no recourse. I have not been abiding by whatever system you two clearly have worked out, and to be honest, it is leading to a serious case of combat apathy.

If we are supposed to be continuing under incredibly nebulous, vague rules (or lack thereof), then I will be backing out of this fight. I will post an 'exit post' for Crystal/Corban, since I hate leaving fights as voids.

Edit: Regardless of what happens, I thoroughly enjoyed myself despite the hiccups!
There is no perfect system for any tier level. Eden Era works generally well across the board, and following that logic has been my modus operandi, regardless of tier level. Since no rules were stated at the start, those are the default stipulations.

Being able to simultaneously prep multiple actions without some rhyme or reason to keeping track of them is something I'd vehemently like to avoid. Time manipulation can also be used outside of prepping an action proper. Logic and reasoning are perfectly fine gauges, but to completely ignore rules and any form of restriction makes things muddy, as it already is beginning to.

I'm not questioning the number of actions taken, because many actions are fine in a single post provided you cover your bases well. What I'm questioning is being able to 'prep' things simultaneously. So your buff that allows you to cast multiple spells at once is fine, but that would not translate to prepping all of those spells as well in a single turn.
Also, is your barrier rune entirely surrounding your character, or merely the front of him like a wall? Given the way I'm reading your post you aren't actually standing within the circle as you were before.
Alright. Just an FYI, because I'm still not entirely sure, but only a single thing can be prepped a turn, and generally takes a full turn to mature as of Eden Era rules.
I have read both your last and previous posts several times to try and figure it out for myself, but the sheer number of actions leaves me boggled. What are you actually prepping? I can't really decipher what is and isn't a prep in the posts, but it seems there are, or at least were, several going simultaneously.
Understandable. I've been rp'ing with Corban since 2000, but forum records only exist back to 03. So a stupidly long time.

As for my history with Shin-Ra, Corban has never fought sephiroth ( as in a sephiroth rp'er) or met him, but for a while there was a fierce rivalry between Corban and one Sephire Fusion (played by some other guy way back when on the Yuku forums), who was essentially fused with Seph's essence on a lesser or greater scale for whatever reason. So Corban knows of him, SOLDIER, and essentially Mako history altogether. Several times Corban has aided the -what your characters would know as the 'old' Shinra- on various missions IC. Other times they're trying to kill each other.

They are, politically, frienemies.
Plus, I reacted to Corban being entered from the outset in the exact same way as Blythe, if you remember. I'd have preferred it if no high tiers were entered this early tbh, not banned entirely, but brought in when the story actually needs them.

It is for this reason I haven't posted but remain in the OOC. Corban is on standby until a genius earth mage is needed in the plot! I'll probably do small posts with small talk and character ineractiom building though. Corban has had a lot of history with various Shin-Ra characters in the past, for example(mostly violent), so I'd like to see how a conversation between them considering their rocky history would go down.
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