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In Spliced 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Still open???
(( Night for me head to bed every one when I wake morning will come through you don't have to have the characters sleep.))
Men can't do anything she is herself they judge they can get out mother will come when I advance the plot further.
" then what would you do after that huh? " She snickered again smiling and laughing.
" Fire nymph to be exact " she giggled" cat something I guess"
" I'm May I met your shapeshifter buddy already" she said shaking his hand a small flame touching his figures.
" hah got you " she said. Twirling a strand of hair around her figure. Look at the cat demon her eyes playfully.
KatherinWinter said
"Then there will only be three." Griffin told her unconcerned. "I do not think I will have to take out that many but I will if it is necessary."

" Hay but you think if you cleanse the world it will be better." She snickered happily.
May walked behind the too boys " Boo" she said sticking her head in between them.
KatherinWinter said
"Hundreds." Griffin corrected her. "I have hundreds of kills. None have been able to stop me from killing them. I do not hid my kills like I am afraid. Unlike you little one I am proud of each kill. I will continue to cleanse this world until it is clean and full of goodness and light."

"Goodness is for the stupid, hiding my kills arent my decision just the gangs requests I'm still young still waiting once I have my powers back ill be gone, gone to kills some more people who the gangs wants and anyone in my way. " She snickered at him getting angry." Hay Dude don't you remebee you are bad you kill even if they bad that doesn't give you any right to kill them but anyway that's just what it says in the law book... wait did you say cleanse hah you'll need a bigger brush the world is full of scrum if you cleansed the world to the fullest there would be like three people left!" She started to burst out laughing her joy full as she was happy happier then she was when she had taken down that mod boss and got away with it.
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