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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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May whispered back her voice as cold as the shadows " why let them push you around we are better than them and we all know that "
" ok fine with me ill be think of more and I can always play with myself though some people might think differently about that. Maybe I said that because it's in my blood, to kill I'm a hit man I lived in murder and disrespect you grow your own view on stuff, and a lot of patience." She smirked and let the shadow crawl up around her hand walking closer to the wall she started to draw fading words onto the wall in shadows that started to fade slowly away. You can't. Control me we're the words she kept rewriting on the wall. Since the wrist band was there the shadows faded so she had to keep drawing and redrawing them.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
KatherinWinter said
"Then you will not be going out. We do not allow fights." The guard told her.

" I never said anything about starting fights just watching them." She didn't mind being locked in her cell but she wanted to meet more prisoners and maybe see a fight break out as this seems to be the third.g that happens in the prisons she had been in.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jaclyn stepped back and looked at the guard through the bars " so what we get to do hang around the yard for twenty minutes. If so then I'll love to see the others fight maybe cut a few." She murdered the end as she moved her sharp but short nails across her jumpsuit leg.
KatherinWinter said
"This is prison not a child party." The guard told her. "You will have to entertain yourselves."

" oh but wouldn't that be fun the guards who k d be blindfolded and we would be throwing darts at them, oh I'm telemarketing that." She said letting the shadows creep around on the floor in a foot radius from her.
May smiled and stood up were she was in the middle of her cell. " so what activity u got for us pin the tail on the guard." Sheathed at her joke and waited for them to let her out.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
" I don't know that's just what I'm in for if only they knew how many just disappeared without a trace ah it's always fun to slice and ice them before feeding those to alligators that one of the gangs had for wresling, big mom a you didn't have to cut them to small she's a heffer and had babies to. " She laughed and looked at the girl." Call me Slasher what's your nickname?"
May walked back to her cell and sat on the floor her long legs stretched out in front of her looking over she started to laugh. She just started laughing puffs of shadows and dark mist rising from under her and disipating when they got to her head. " anyone else while in this place" she called out half laughing.
In Prison Life 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Jaclyn shook her head and turned to the others so what are we supposed to do talk I can talk but I do wish these gaurds would stay of my back, I only killed 132 people nothing to worry about there. " She traced a figure abound the table a grim smile on her face. " so what you guys in for " she smiled and looked at them smiling.
(( you guys were supposed to go to bed I have you fair warning and gmail troll I haven't stared to kick people yet so don't push it.))
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