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    1. DixeyRay 10 yrs ago


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" you won't take my power away it's not to over powered and I was joking I only did that after I was hit that was funny ohh I remember last time I played with a bunch of kids I don't remember where but it was so funny superpowers paintball such fun." Jane rambled on and got up getting in the back of the bus. " ah ya those where the days wasn't it the gang or was it a club for some superpowers kids well they were fun now I'm here."
In The Asylum 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Alice looked around and made the bunny stand on here legs that were dangling over the chair. " I'm Alice, bunny killed a man who was trying to get me to give bunny up. " the red blood stain handpicked print over the bunnies eye was showing to the group. Pulling it back down she held it around the neck and looked at every one else.
" why would I play paint ball why not just play dump paint balls on the other team?" She laughed at her own joke turning invisible and dumping paintballs on the other team was fun, really fun. " Ill be playing just well shot every where cause when hot fury is being dropped on your heads might want to find the source, soon."
Alice walked out of the room her bear following close behind her growling when she was about to hit a wall since she was drawing and writing named on each of her new drawings. Alice started to walk down the hall to where another boy the bear recognized but didn't know to well.
Jane looked at every one and turned invisible ' be normal as posiblewhy would she be normal she had friends she had a life before here she could have one after maybe at a daycare or as a babysitter. But being normal was out of her reach she could turn invisible was that a gift or a power they are trying to take away from her.' Walking out of the room she headed down a new hall hopefully to something that was happier than this place.
In The Asylum 10 yrs ago Forum: Free Roleplay
Alice walked with the guards to the group therapy room and sat in a chair hugging the stuff bunny like it could protect her more. The red, blood stained side of its face showing to every one.
Amano__Yukiteru said
No, he will find out when the plan takes action in 2 days. That's why Amatsuha/Kazuki are stuck in this mode, so that Vlad can't read their emotions. I also am recruiting people for the Plan to work smoothly.

Oh ya Jane may join but Alice is fine the asylum is better than a apartment building with foster parents and her power isn't that usefully unless you want the keys of a guard. It she would have to practice.
" I almost forgot this is fluffy my bear." She said pushing the bear of her earthen spinning her finger in a circle the bear spinning its hind legs. Pushing she strandofhair back the bear once again jumped up on her lap curling in a ball which looked kinda demented kinda cute.
Jane flickered then shook her head and started. " well would killing your cheeting father and his girlfriend count cause if not I dont see any other reason. " jane said turning invisble.
Alice looked up from after I killed the second foster parents dog or was it a cat ". The bear looked up and growled at something. A smell of rotten fish started to come up.
Alice kept drawing the new comers when her bear gor up to imvestigate. The bear walked it self over to each of the new comers gurgling as it amelt then returned to Alice automaticly sitting in her lap.
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