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Oh. A party of people (the proper plural form for a bunch of dudes) had formed around Akira. That was no good at all. Akira operated best when he was able to focus on one target- uh, person. Too many people made for too much to pay attention to, and hence too much work. He was a joy to deal with in debates. Kozue and Yori were having a tender moment that would have been fun to kill, but oh well. Everyone had to make sacrifices. "It's a secret to everyone." Akira cryptically told the others before making his way elsewhere.

Mitsuki and a couple other underclassmen were crowded around the now-open entrance to the spoooky old building, so there was probably something sort of interesting there. Akira didn't intend to do anything more than catch a glance from a safe distance. He loomed over the other students, (especially Mitsuki), to see what all the fuss was about. The subject of the fuss was very fuss-worthy, Akira had to admit. This dream or whatever the hell it was seemed pretty determined on making them the main characters. Fuck.

"It means, my dear Mitsuki," Akira said from directly behind her, "Is that the universe in all its wisdom has selected you as the warrior of justice. Fear not, I will cheer you on from the sidelines."
So, wait, how is this going to be handled? Condor, are you going to be handling all the descriptions of what we are seeing, or are we going to wing things a bit? :S
Joy. Mitsuki went from zero to smartass in a matter of seconds. Akira had to step up his game. Akira solemnly shook his head. "Nope. I guess you were out for most of it, huh?" Story time. "You see, this big, black van just came flying at us and spraying sleep gas all over the place. A bunch of creepy guys in gas masks came to carry you all away, but I fought them off with my bunny-fu." Akira made a punching motion to demonstrate, then sighed. "Sadly, even my incredibly manly skills could not prevent me from falling victim to the gas."

Akira straightened up. He didn't offer Mitsuki a hand. That would be a sign of weakness, a mortal mistake in their war. "I think we should go poke the others awake before we do anything else." He turned and walked over to Yori and Kozue, collapsed in a heap on the ground. Akira prodded them with his foot. "Yo. The early lovebirds get the worm."
Saturday, April 11th, 12:04 AM - The MYSTERIOUS DIMENSION

You know what would have been really heavy metal? Waking up to ash and dust. Yeah. You can make a song out of that. You can't make a song out of waking up to a blinding headache. Correction, actually. You could. But it would suck. Many things sucked. The night was one of them. Wait, was it even night anymore? When Akira opened his eyes, the sky was a bright... pink. What the hell? How long had he been out?

He groggily stood up, noting that everyone else in the group had keeled over, too. Good. It meant he wasn't the wussiest of them all. A glance around showed that the barricade was missing from the old school building, because of course it was. The investigations of some underclassman, Haruka, proved that there was some sort of forcefield around them. Because of course there was.

A dream, then. Seemed weird as hell that he'd be dreaming about the place where he had been knocked out, and that a bunch of people he didn't care about would be with him, but whatever. Maybe his subconscious dreamworld would uncover a clue to the whereabouts of the iPear, which had turned into a MacGuffin of epic proportions. Save the iPear, save the world.

Well, no reason to act any differently than he would usually. Akira crouched down at Mitsuki's side and poked her in the forehead. "Hey. Miss ninja. Wake up. So much to do, so much to see."

See, Akira? This is what happens when you decide to put a modicum of effort in, for once. What a load of bullshit. He hadn't even been able to find his iPear. Before he could totally confirm Mitsuki's allegations of hoodie-loving, shit got real bad, real fast.

The strong-willed hero of the story likely would have been able to resist the pain through willpower alone, and stumble away from the school to get help. Akira, on the other hand, fell to the ground with a nice little thud.

Christ, he should have stayed home. Stupid ninjas.
Evil, evil woman. Well, out of all possible reactions, that wasn't anywhere near the worst. Not even in the bottom half. Akira spent too much time thinking about various ways things could go to shit. "Never underestimate how fast a rabbit can hop." He called out after her, then followed her at a jog, trailing slightly behind. It wasn't worth the effort to try and beat her in a footrace, and by going at a slower pace he could at least keep an eye out for the lost ark.

Akira allowed himself a rare smile. It was kind of nice to get out of the house every once in a while. It could be fun to join Mitsuki on her little ghost hunt. And try to scare the dickens out of her, of course. That much was implied. Akira suspected that she'd do her best to do the same to him. Turnabout was fair play, it said in the manual. At least it would if Akira had ever cared enough to read it. Reading the manual was for losers and nerds, and Akira totally did not fit square under both categories.

Friday, April 10th, 11:58 PM - Spoooooooky Old School Building
Hm. Akira knew an opportunity when he saw one. While that was usually handy for steering entirely clear of them, tonight he felt otherwise. This was his chance to try and track down his missing music player. The more he put it off, the more likely it was that someone else would find it. That was simply not acceptable in the least. If he tagged along with Mitsuki, Akira could retrace his footsteps from when he walked to school that morning, and possibly recover the spirit of music.

Hands stuck in his pockets, Akira casually walked over by her side. "I'm a hard man to scare, y'know. Maybe I should come with you. The ghosts will take one look at me," he flipped up his hood, "And they'll probably die of laughter. Again." There Akira stood, the most stoic bunny in all of creation.
Ugh. The girl sounded way too cheerful. Akira could practically feel his arteries clogging when Mitsuki called him "neighbor-senpaaaai". Seriously, who the hell actually talked like that? From the look on her face, people who were well aware of how annoying they were being. It was good to have a worthy rival.

"Well, neighbor-kohai," Akira said, cheerfully imitating Mitsuki's tone. "It's only natural for me to be curious after watching the girl next door climb out of her window in the middle of the night." He narrowed his eyes, staring intently at her. "Hm. Is this the part where you make excuses to hide the fact that you're secretly a magical girl on her way to save the human race, or some part like that?"

Akira idly fiddled with the strings on his hoodie while he waited for her answer. A weaker man would not feel comfortable wearing a hoodie with bunny ears attached to the hood. Akira was not strong. However, he had the power of apathy on his side. Besides, he liked his bunny hoodie. It was hella rad.
Shanghai said
question for boogie, do you have anything planned for the missing Ipear, if not, think your character could had forgotten it in the classroom and Rika found it / holding it till she sees you at school.I mean, if it was spirited away, or you have a plan with it, that would also be okay :o

The iPear will make its reappearance when it is ready. Mankind cannot rush the iPear. Mankind cannot hope to understand the iPear. (thanks for the offer though)
Friday, April 10th, 11:37 PM - Akira's Place

Man, life sucked sometimes. Most of the time. Hell, all the time. Akira wasn't counting. That would be work. But it sure as hell felt like it. This was true in very general terms, but tonight there was one specific reason that things were terrible.

His iPear hadn't been on his desk after all. Akira had even double-checked the room number to make sure he was in the right place. It was a cheap, offbrand piece of crap, but it was his piece of crap, dammit. It was for this reason that Akira was sitting on the front porch of his house, moping and idly surfing the web on his phone. His family was still off working, because when the hell weren't they? He didn't have any homework to do. No friends to hang out with.

Indeed, Akira was in a mood to cling to the first interesting thing that happened. And what happened was very interesting, indeed. A mysterious figure crept out of the neighbor's window, using the tree to drop down to the ground. Impressive. He still couldn't quite see who it was. A vile burglar? An insidious bugler? Either way, Akira briefly considered retreating inside. The criminal might not want any witnesses around.

He was both relieved and disappointed to see that it was just Mitsuki. Less exciting than he had thought, but still interesting. "Hey, miss ninja." Akira said, lazily waving a hand at her as she passed him. "Whatcha up to? On some mysterious mission?"
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