Some nerds be like "My Sonic Slasher Fanfic IS Longer than you'res is" when it is supposed to be spelled "The Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction I made is much longer than yours."
7 yrs ago
Some nerds be like "My Sonic Slasher Fanfic IS Longer than you'res is" when it is supposed to be spelled "The Sonic the Hedgehog fan fiction I made is much longer than yours."
9 yrs ago
I noticed if you make your status a popular quote you will receive likes, up the anus.
9 yrs ago
9 yrs ago
Some nerds be like "My anime fanfic is longer than you'res" damn, it is supposed to be spelled "My anime fan fiction is longer than yours."
Space Ghost, a Hanna-Barebera character who had his own talk show, he can fly turn invisible and has super strength as well as power bands that shoot lazers.