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In my opinion a child of Vestec and Logos, once the opposites cancel each other, would probably be like:

@Dawnscroll There is also the Ilunabar stuff.

On the subject of domains... EH. If you are completely lacking anything new to pick you could always do what I suggested with Amartia and pick Domains that are already kinda covered by a port but not really (Like, idk, Physics > Gravity/Balance/Entropy...). I myself will probably start to do the same, like Jewelry and Gemstones or Glass, Mirrors and Crystals or Song, Singing, Rythm and Music. Or Flora and Flowers if I ever manage to reach the point where I can take a second or third domain (nature).

Other order stuff... Hmm. Order Law, in my vision of it, would just mean Logos is extra good with law making and stuff, sounds silly when throwing it at others, but when interacting with mortals it gets its booms. Kinda what Ilunabar got with Aesthetic: An excuse to explain why mortals under her influence are so goddamn fashionable.

So, in that sense, think more about what belongs to Logos than about what is useful. (Don't claim everything, please ;-;)
<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>
Your nasty Predator armor.

To be honest, Ilunabar didn't help out with the Alefprian Power Rangers and won't like them too much at first. So if things go wary, point fingers at Niciel and Astarte and Jvan (if you know how to point fingers in a non-euclidean way).

And yeah, a slot in the preparation phase would be ideal. Btw: Does Amartia consider Vestec his papa?
@LokiLeo789 Well, take care to not meta game, Amartia has no idea of what is being brewed on the capital, any army he builds would be on the topic of offense and helping out Logos, no?
In that topic, "Xerxes is fast" along with "Sin Auto-Win" are jokes about how fast and powerful Amartia is but are by no means compliments, so stay within what is reasonable.

Also, uh, since Ilunabar was spying on the whole ordeal trough having access to the palace, she just got the info that Amartia is allied with Logos. I have been waiting until Amartia returns to Xerxes as it would be a bit overkill to do it while he is walking around, but once he returns, I will have Ilunabar moving into action, and it will take place before the knights arrive, so it will probably happen while Amartia is preparing, which is trough luck.

This will probably have to be a collab between us as I would prefer to let Amartia know what is going on and maybe a chance of diplomacy instead of just letting the first wave of cultural backlash hit him. Basically, if Amartia was Japan this would be a choice between Americans arriving with Commodore Perry and Americans arriving with Little Boy.

About alchemy:

I will be doing some stuff with the more chemical side of alchemy, but in a godless way (since Ilunabar has little to do with it). But since she will be taking flowers, and no other gods are working with herbalism, I will have some stories with people experimenting that stuff, which will generate some oils and "potions" but will just be relevant to the plot when it comes to poison (which is a theme I have dealt with a lot).

Again, godless stuff and by no means I'm saying Ilunabar will take alchemy. Just saying that there will be some set up for it even if no god picks it up.

Of course Teknall could also do stuff like elemental change and far more complex techniques than what mortals will pick up.

I wonder if the more kabbalistic stuff would fall within the occult instead of belru. Always felt her style was more fit for tome magic.

Though Teknall creating some technomagic would indeed be cool. Could team up with Astarte and Ilunabar for that too, since Ilunabar brings pretty lights and the golden ratio (technically both under aesthetic and Jvan's mathematics, but come on, which of this two goddess got a cool poncho?"
Important distinction: Electrics is for powering things. Electronics is for controlling other things using electricity as information.


On a sidenote, I must share a life lesson: Never confuse pedantry with pederasty when complaining about something.
@BBeast Maybe Eletronics (wikipedia definition: the science of controlling electrical energy)?
@Kho Isn't that... a bit crazy? I mean, if Metal doesn't fall under Teknall's crafting I would be thoughtfully screwed considering how much of what I do is merely secondary to beauty (Stories and Aesthetic, ok. But Colors, Flowers and Glass would be a nono.) And on Teknall's case, all he had to do was to rephrase it as Smiting/Forging and he would get exactly the same package of metal manipulation, so it seems a bit silly.
@BBeast on that case wouldn't that be more of an Astarte thing? On the other side teknall does seem to be more willing to interact with mortals than the ones I could see making magic or holy items (like niciel or the previously mentioned Astarte) so it could indeed bring some interesting stuff.

Technomagic will be cool once it's kicking.
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